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Author Topic: My Application n1ghtm4re  (Read 1988 times)

Offline n1ghtm4re

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My Application n1ghtm4re
« on: July 29, 2018, 04:02:03 am »
Real Name: Miguel Cristoffer

Nickname: n1ghtm4re

Your Previous nicks: nightmare1.6, nightmare_95, [MKt/s]n1ghtm4re

D.O.B/Age: April 1, 1999 - 19

Location/Country: Metro Manila, Philippines

GMT/TimeZone: GMT (+8:00)

Servers you usually play on: LW's, VCCNR, EC, RTV, VL, Argo

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: CTF - Suspicous aimlock files were found on my pc during the period that I was testing these files on a public server (Skywars) without asking any formal permission from any of the MK staffs.

VC-MP History: Been around since 2014, Ever only been accepted in MK.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I know I have messed up my whole reputation with each and everyone of you who trusted me in the first place and I wanted to prove everyone that I am not as what you think. I may have made a grave mistake which I instantly regretted but I know to myself that I have never used these files for any of my own personal gain. I may have possessed this files for another purpose and wrongfully gave everyone the idea of me being nothing but a cheater but I can say that I have never used these files on any official server.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: Was kicked out from MK due to the suspicous files detected on my pc.

IRC or Any other contact info: IRC - n1ghtm4re, Discord ID - n1ght#5177

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: The main reason on why I took on the thought of using these files on skywars is the mistake that of not asking permission to do so. I wanted to personally check if any of the aimlock files would work against the 04rel006 update. During that time Skywars was the only empty public open server that I found. I then asked my colleague Aaron to help me test it. We were the only 2 players present at that time I was testing it. No other players were present, just us. I thought It wouldn't start a controversy the first time I ever thought about publicly using it since it was the only first time I did use it publicly. I even thought of using a vpn to mask my own ip but then I thought of it being a more critical issue if I did so. I am aware of the consequences it may bring however I truly apologize to everyone that I may have ruined the trust of. I hope that I would be given a chance to correct the wrongdoings I have may brought to MK's name. Only a time to prove myself that I am not as what most people think of a hacker, cheater, whatever name you call it. As of now I am not sure if I would still be given a chance to be able to get back here but, I am trying my luck one last time since I couldn't bare to accept the fact that I am out from MK and yet I still had the name and the dignity to even show my face back here.. I greatly understand that MK is very strict of this issue and that you'd want to keep it away from any of these controversies yet I want to show everyone that I am better than this...

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/approved-as-trainees/my-application-n1ghtm4re/

Offline FaF

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Re: My Application n1ghtm4re
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2018, 10:44:23 am »
Just to clear that we don't have any personal issues with you and we are doing everything as per facts and rules and therefore I would advise you to rather apply after you have been unbanned because obviously you know as per rules we cannot accept anyone who is banned specially in official server.


Offline Fi77_H0LD3R

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Re: My Application n1ghtm4re
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2018, 08:05:53 am »
Yeah mate, FaF is right you are currently banned in official server and as rule we can't accept your app if u even get positive votes. So u should apply after getting unbanned, Thanks..

                              Credits:To Me/VeiN

Offline 7/\zZ

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Re: My Application n1ghtm4re
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2018, 10:57:53 am »
Your application was denied.If you are interested , and i rly think you are , try again after your ban expires. Good Luck Nightmare!