Real Name: Muhammed Huzaifa Fareed
Nickname: JeFFy^
Your Previous nicks: =FF=Rock. [SK]MrJeFF^RF Scratch. Angel any many others
D.O.B/Age: 15-06-2005 (15 june) age 15
Location/Country: Rawalpindi , Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: GMT 5+
Servers you usually play on: EGAD , VCAD , KoTH , CTB and sometimes Brasil real life
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: CTB for 3 days. Reason : wall flame
VC-MP History: My cousin (Prince) suggest me to play vcmp and i started playing VCMP since 2017 oct. i start play some server like Extreme Addicts and Brasil Real Life Roleplay. but after sometime my sister joinded vcmp too and we both banned from Brasil Real life roleplay bcz of Multi accounting. and i start play VCCNR and sometime EC.
previous clans : FF , R2x , SK , RK
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I want to join MK bcz there are many good players. Friendly players like Xobert , Ibee , Spartain and many more 0% attidude good with newbiws. i am inspired from Ibee's Montages video I think MK best clan for me. if i got accepted
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: FF = Closed
R2x = Kick beacause of Aimbot
SK = Closed
RK = Inactive members almost died also marine too
**why i joined RK after Denied from MK**
The reason is simple. i recently use aimbot and not prepare for MK thats why i joined RK and now RK is dead thats why i leaved
IRC or Any other contact info: Discord
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: about my aimbot :
How i got aimbot
We were playing wars with some clans and my friend (can't mention name) told me about WK forum. who gave Clinx but i said no to him
bcz we have to send image for Clinx. After sometime he send me direct link of aimbot. and i downloaded. (I know i used but i understand my mistake and didnt use aimbot since 11 months and also i dont in future too
+ i lose download link tooo so no chance)
I changed my self and my everything like Discord name and everything Related VCMP. and no fight with anyone. And try to be mature. In this 11 months. I make more friends. Not ban in any server,No warns, no fights.
Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: . In this application i didnt accept my mistake of aimbot. maybe bcz of lying i got denied
sorry For bad ENGLISH