Real Name:Ahmed
Your Previous nicks:None
D.O.B/Age:2001-11-19/13 is my age
Location/Country:Pakistan,Karachi in my home
GMT/TimeZone:IDK (Sorr)

Servers you usually play on:Littlewhitey's
VC-MP History:I am playing vc:mp from 8 month's 5 day's,I was in =VLK=
Why do you want to Join MK ?:Nice clan with good member nice rank of this clan I like member of this clan especially [MK]Halchter
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:Because =VLK= closed
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:I didn't use it I have only facebook ID
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:No
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:No