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Author Topic: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ  (Read 6571 times)


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My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« on: June 15, 2017, 07:38:50 pm »
Real Name: Haseeb Ahsan

Nickname: E4RL. / RavenouZ

Your Previous nicks: Has[E]eb , RavenouZ

D.O.B/Age: 12 ( 15 December 2004)

Location/Country: Saudi Arabia ( Right now at Pakistan)

GMT/TimeZone: +3:00 GMT ( KSA ) +5 : 00 GMT ( Pakistan )

Servers you usually play on: LW EAD EC

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Iam being sincere
I was banned in littlewhiteys when I was very new because the server had a problem with countries like if you are from india then it will Show another country (that happens with the most of players) but Milko thought I use VPN so he banned me

I was banned again because of my sister , she had spawnkilledmany of players and she was reported by someone and got banned as she used my pc for her gameplay

VC-MP History: I first played vc:mp on 2014 , I had many difficulties in the beginning of the VCMP Career but slowly I was settled on the platform then I have joined my first ever clan I don't remember the name but it was for like 3 or 4 days then it was closed , then anyway after a long time I joined a clan which I mentioned above is CF , I had been there for a long time but no respect  was earned by me by the members I had a lot of fight to with the members and I left it , soon leaving it I was invited by HunTinG to join the ON team , and I did but I got to know that they are cheaters so I left it and decided to build up my own crew but I was failed to do that as the forum had many issues regarding the databases and etc. So I was tired of reforming the clan again n again by creating new forums but I had to close it as it was getting annoying and then I joined UF , well it was a great clan for me until I was there , I was there for like 5-6 months my early departure from that clan was the recruitment and managment problems and now when I appliedto VU they said you need to be grown up like 16-17 years then I thought I would not wait much time for that so I chose to  be here .

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I wanted to be here because I've seen this clan having skillful players wise players this crew is caring , cooperative , every member of this clan plays a major role in teamwork and as I said everywhere main thing is managment on which I focus the most , and I am having my old mates from the old clan as my few fellas  are here like Danish AttackerX Realdogge etc. I wanted to be reform with them and be the part of this great and powerful community and iam sure there will be no disappointing complaints from my sides , I will even never leave this clan , I will keep applying and improving until I get in as I had a private conversation with FaF he said the age doesn't matters so I can contribute Loyalty , respect , teamwork snd what else needed I will really struggle for everything I can contribute to the clan , I hope you will give me a chance and I also hope to be the great addition to the crew

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: Leaving clans for me are reasonful

CF : Had Personal and management problems
ON: as they were cheaters
UK : TIRED of making forums again n again
UF : Management / Recruitment issues
 And I hope it will be till here and I will never add MK in my past clans thats my promise

MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Rarely (BrianzH @LUnet)

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yes of course

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Just hoping to get accepted

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2017, 07:43:50 pm »
Sorry its a NO. Your Attitude isn't good.
Weed is Healthy for Health.
-Professor [SS]Milko.

Brian O Conner

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2017, 07:45:57 pm »
Well I think I don't have bad attitude but im under your observation so I cant do anything


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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2017, 08:42:36 pm »
CF supporter, I can't trust that you will not share our private chats and information with CF.

Brian O Conner

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2017, 10:37:54 pm »
Iam not part of thier arena iam not a part them anymore , we had a heavy fight between us ,thats my promise I will never let anyone down in this crew you can believe and iam in this country for a part time ill return to my country back soon , I hate CF I hate to support CF they aren't of this caliber to be in this game and you can trust me thats my promise and recently I left UF and ON and its been a long time I was part of them just like anormal member , never been the full member there cuz I had a fight there , ok it was my fault to join CF but you can give me a chance and I will never do anything that make you disappointed ftom my side that is my PROMISE

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2017, 04:15:32 am »
No. Immature.

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2017, 06:24:30 am »
CF supporter, I can't trust that you will not share our private chats and information with CF.

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2017, 08:47:32 am »
Iam not part of thier arena iam not a part them anymore , we had a heavy fight between us ,thats my promise I will never let anyone down in this crew you can believe and iam in this country for a part time ill return to my country back soon , I hate CF I hate to support CF they aren't of this caliber to be in this game and you can trust me thats my promise and recently I left UF and ON and its been a long time I was part of them just like anormal member , never been the full member there cuz I had a fight there , ok it was my fault to join CF but you can give me a chance and I will never do anything that make you disappointed ftom my side that is my PROMISE



 Bro why this shit always happens to me srsly

Brian O Conner

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2017, 10:08:50 am »
CF supporter, I can't trust that you will not share our private chats and information with CF.
man why you guys think that so?

I just normally joined that clan like normal players does


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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2017, 01:38:39 pm »
well,  yes, he has some poor history, but hey, he was a  noob and even younger than now, he moved on from such shit like ON and CF, everybody makes mistakes.  i am pretty sure he didn't even know how bad it is to be a part of CF or ON.  it is important that he could get his shit together and join something more serious like UF.
talking about leaking, he won't  leak shit cause he never was up to such stuff when he was in UF, he is a decent lad, he knows how to respect seniors or clan members. he left for the same reason i did, so for me it shows he knows what's  going on around and what actions have to be made.
talking about matureness, i find him mature enough for his age, i liked the way he was acting when we both were in UF, moreover he hates cf right now and he knows that joining it was a mistake.
to sum it up, i would like to say that you can trust him


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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2017, 01:50:27 pm »
well,  yes, he has some poor history, but hey, he was a  noob and even younger than now, he moved on from such shit like ON and CF, everybody makes mistakes.  i am pretty sure he didn't even know how bad it is to be a part of CF or ON.  it is important that he could get his shit together and join something more serious like UF.
talking about leaking, he won't  leak shit cause he never was up to such stuff when he was in UF, he is a decent lad, he knows how to respect seniors or clan members. he left for the same reason i did, so for me it shows he knows what's  going on around and what actions have to be made.
talking about matureness, i find him mature enough for his age, i liked the way he was acting when we both were in UF, moreover he hates cf right now and he knows that joining it was a mistake.
to sum it up, i would like to say that you can trust him
I am not talking about that he joined CF i am talking about support he is too close to CF he have VIP + Manager Rank in cf forum and always managing there forums so from this you can guess how much he is close to cf.

Brian O Conner

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2017, 02:08:10 pm »
well,  yes, he has some poor history, but hey, he was a  noob and even younger than now, he moved on from such shit like ON and CF, everybody makes mistakes.  i am pretty sure he didn't even know how bad it is to be a part of CF or ON.  it is important that he could get his shit together and join something more serious like UF.
talking about leaking, he won't  leak shit cause he never was up to such stuff when he was in UF, he is a decent lad, he knows how to respect seniors or clan members. he left for the same reason i did, so for me it shows he knows what's  going on around and what actions have to be made.
talking about matureness, i find him mature enough for his age, i liked the way he was acting when we both were in UF, moreover he hates cf right now and he knows that joining it was a mistake.
to sum it up, i would like to say that you can trust him
Thanks Man , i really knew my one of the old mate would help me and you were the most supportive to me everywhere , and your vote?  ;D
well,  yes, he has some poor history, but hey, he was a  noob and even younger than now, he moved on from such shit like ON and CF, everybody makes mistakes.  i am pretty sure he didn't even know how bad it is to be a part of CF or ON.  it is important that he could get his shit together and join something more serious like UF.
talking about leaking, he won't  leak shit cause he never was up to such stuff when he was in UF, he is a decent lad, he knows how to respect seniors or clan members. he left for the same reason i did, so for me it shows he knows what's  going on around and what actions have to be made.
talking about matureness, i find him mature enough for his age, i liked the way he was acting when we both were in UF, moreover he hates cf right now and he knows that joining it was a mistake.
to sum it up, i would like to say that you can trust him
I am not talking about that he joined CF i am talking about support he is too close to CF he have VIP + Manager Rank in cf forum and always managing there forums so from this you can guess how much he is close to cf.
I was having that rank cuz I was creaying themes for them and now later iam no more vip or forum manager there anymore as I said we had a fight because of that I got forum ban too in CF and now I am not doing anything for them , ok lets suppose , as you must know Gohan and Bart are the VIP in the LK clan is there anyissue of sharing private stuff of SS to LK and same here there is no deep relations between me and CF members iam a saudi person and they are pakistanis what do I need from them I usually hate them because of thier behaviour , am not much closer to CF I dont have any access in there private boards just sometimes if ill prepare a theme for them then ill share with them that theme and I left CF and Joined UF I have shared nothing about them too , then that's impossible that I can even think to share private stuff with them .. I'll say again  I DONT HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH THEM AND YOU CAN TRUST ME I WILL NOT SHARE PRIVATE STUFF TO THEM :)


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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2017, 02:11:45 pm »
RavenouZ, trainees can't vote all i can do is express my opinion

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2017, 06:26:02 pm »
Not mature enough and you have childish attitude and i guess you need more time to polish your combat to be get in MK.

Brian O Conner

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Re: My Application E4RL. / RavenouZ
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2017, 03:03:39 pm »
Not mature enough and you have childish attitude and i guess you need more time to polish your combat to be get in MK.
ill try to improve