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Author Topic: My Application Biozcalhoun  (Read 8029 times)


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My Application Biozcalhoun
« on: February 10, 2018, 02:44:22 am »
Real Name: Gabriel Cortés

Nickname: Biozcalhoun

Your Previous nicks: Stallin, Carterr7, radeon, into the most known ones.

D.O.B/Age: 22-03-2002, actually 15, close to 16.

Location/Country: Argentina

GMT/TimeZone: GMT -3

Servers you usually play on: Always on littlewhiteys and Latin American server.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No.

VC-MP History: I'm in VC:MP since 7 years ago.

I started to play in 2011 with tomijaja's nickname. My first clan was OSK, joined as a trainee (i think it was like 2012-2013). Then i got kicked due to bad relationship wth members. After that i was playing at EA during 2013-2014 with Stallin and Radeon nicknames. then i joined TZK, clan which i left due to my inactivity. I got several bans during this period of my VC:MP career - one of them due to using that known f1 hack.
I was unbanned from XE forums and server by KrystianOO in 2015-2016 when 0.4 version started to appear.
After that i was fully inactive till half 2016. I came back for a little period (i think it was less than two months). I have returned from a very big inactivity from 2016-2017. I have been playing the lastest two weeks and i will continue playing till VC:MP ends.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I always was fan of this clan, i like the most of they members, the friendly people that they are. Some of them are the most skilled players of VC:MP which could be a very big help to me for improving that.
I consider it as the actually best clan of VC:MP even superior to SS. I want to be part of this clan until i retire from VC:MP definitively, thing that i'm not gonna do soon. I'm fully active actually and i will be as i said above, so i don't like to be clanless, i want to be in a community.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I specified above. OSK due to bad relationship and TzK due to my inactivity.

MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Yes i do, mirc Biozcalhoun

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, i changed my mind, i would like to.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: A very important ex-member of this clan told me about the situation between it and me. He said that you hate me or something due to Puma's kick and my known reputation (idk if this is real or not). I will try to explain both things and also explain why i decided to apply again.

About the situation with Pumak47, i must tell the truth. I though that by telling it to NewK / WldRose (i don't remember) i would prove my loyalty to the clan. I know that was a very bad idea, i just didn't think about it well. I have already talked with him and our relationship is fine. Many of you would say that i was and idiot and i lacked about loyalty and respect. I recognize that, i have comitted too many errors specially with the people that deposited his trust on me. That is sad for me too.- I have been trying to do my best, i changed a lot, i grow up, now i like to talk with the people, help them, even train the newbies that come to servers i usually play. I'm not a bad guy and i have improved a lot just as you recommended me. There are some relations with members of this clan that i tried to fix but got no reply from them and was very hard for me. I haven't broken any rule of any server since 2015. I improved my english, skills, worked on activity as Halchter said to me. I can't do anymore, that's why i apply, i think it's all i can change. I have put a lot of effort to repair my errors.

https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/my-application-carterr7-2001/ (it has a mistake btw. i was born in 2002)


These were my lastest applications
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 06:01:05 pm by BiozCalhoun »

Offline Detonator

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2018, 06:42:14 am »
Hey "Stallin", I just wanted to clarify just one thing : 
A very important ex-member of this clan told me about the situation between it and me. He said that you hate me or something due to Puma's kick and my known reputation (idk if this is real or not). I will try to explain both things and also explain why i decided to apply again.
I guess nobody hates you (or at least me) because of Puma's situation and personally I think you've done the right thing there. My opinion on "why we hate you" is because you always acted like a troll, you never acted like a mature guy and this is the reason why I couldn't even take you serious ( just watch your XE post history). Despite all the time that passed since XE era I doubt you changed your attitude. You always acted like that guy who today asks for forgiveness and tomorrow doesn't give a fuck about anything.
LE: Also, I noticed you've got some problems with some clanmates so it's kind of counterintuitive to apply. Would you like to be part of a clan where you speak with just 50% of the members and ignore the rest? Sort your things buddy. GL
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 06:48:54 am by Detonator »

<&jizzBotz> [2] [NYB]HONEY_SINGH: mk loser clan kiss my ass all player mk


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 06:48:43 am »
Hey "Stallin", I just wanted to clarify just one thing : 
A very important ex-member of this clan told me about the situation between it and me. He said that you hate me or something due to Puma's kick and my known reputation (idk if this is real or not). I will try to explain both things and also explain why i decided to apply again.
I guess nobody hates you (or at least me) because of Puma's situation and personally I think you've done the right thing there. My opinion on "why we hate you" is because you always acted like a troll, you never acted like a mature guy and this is the reason why I couldn't even take you serious ( just watch your XE post history). Despite all the time that passed since XE era I doubt you changed your attitude. You always acted like that guy who today asks for forgiveness and tomorrow doesn't give a fuck about anything.


Well, when we met at XE for first time i was 11/12 years old. I'm not justifying myself, i really recognize that i acted like a retard on those eras. And i know that i said "i changed, i changed" so many times. So you are right .- But have just passed over 3 years from XE's f1. I have grow up, my mind is much more mature than in those epochs, and it wasn't only due to my age, it was me . i figured out that i was an idiot. If you want, i would like to talk with you on IRC.


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2018, 10:29:42 am »
Servers you usually play on: Always on littlewhiteys and Latin American server.
You have to have a time playing with us on all servers in general, not only in LW's and American but also in DM servers.
Good relationship and communication with the clan in general.


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2018, 01:54:51 pm »
Servers you usually play on: Always on littlewhiteys and Latin American server.
You have to have a time playing with us on all servers in general, not only in LW's and American but also in DM servers.
Good relationship and communication with the clan in general.
Yes i'm gonna be playing in others servers, i have been on lw because it is the most played server.
I think i know most of members of this clan,and have a fine/normal relation with the majority of them.

LE: Also, I noticed you've got some problems with some clanmates so it's kind of counterintuitive to apply. Would you like to be part of a clan where you speak with just 50% of the members and ignore the rest? Sort your things buddy. GL

@Detonator, There is one only guy who didn't reply my pm (i wonder why, maybe he is bussy), and he doesn't even hate me (i heard that from him). it's a confuse thing between he and me. I am fine with almost all the members that i have met.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 05:19:20 am by BiozCalhoun »

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2018, 05:49:48 am »
We already talked minutes ago.
I believe everyone could change no matter how old a person could be, there's always time now forget EVERYTHING about your past and focus on the future. MKt, Good luck Octavio

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2018, 06:15:55 am »
Servers you usually play on: Always on littlewhiteys and Latin American server.
You have to have a time playing with us on all servers in general, not only in LW's and American but also in DM servers.
Good relationship and communication with the clan in general.
Yes i'm gonna be playing in others servers, i have been on lw because it is the most played server.
I think i know most of members of this clan,and have a fine/normal relation with the majority of them.

LE: Also, I noticed you've got some problems with some clanmates so it's kind of counterintuitive to apply. Would you like to be part of a clan where you speak with just 50% of the members and ignore the rest? Sort your things buddy. GL

@Detonator, There is one only guy who didn't reply my pm (i wonder why, maybe he is bussy), and he doesn't even hate me (i heard that from him). it's a confuse thing between he and me. I am fine with almost all the members that i have met.

Here I'm the guy that didn't reply your pm. I don't hate you, tbh I don't care you or your vcmp career.

It's a no as ALWAYS, I don't trust you.

PD: Please stop sending me messages on this forum, my answer will be the same always.


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2018, 06:35:27 am »
Thanks Anarki. I swear, i will not dissapoint you.

And Crack, i'm tired to try to talk with you and make you believe me as you did two times a long time ago.I know that i dissapointed you and i'm sorry. I know how important is your opinion here and i respect it  I just want and hope that the members trust me And  the time can fix all our problems. Thanks
P.S: i will be always thankfully for the opportunity and the help you gave to me when nobody did. Sorry for having wasted it.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 07:53:29 am by BiozCalhoun »

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2018, 02:17:52 pm »
MKt. Same reason as Anarki's

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2018, 03:01:27 pm »


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2018, 03:43:06 pm »
Thank you guys,i really appreciate it.

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2018, 04:49:18 pm »
Pming moderators or members to encourage them to vote positivly isnt well seen by us. within games as in real life ppl change their minds when they see attitudes and not words. keep it in mind for your future. As i dont even remenber you, and have anything against i can give u a chance, if and ONLY IF the ones who know u agree with that.


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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2018, 04:54:03 pm »
Pming moderators or members to encourage them to vote positivly isnt well seen by us. within games as in real life ppl change their minds when they see attitudes and not words. keep it in mind for your future. As i dont even remenber you, and have anything against i can give u a chance, if and ONLY IF the ones who know u agree with that.
I just pmed him to talk with on IRC. I wasn't trying to force him or something, i don't like that. it was just to fix our relations and talk about what happens to us - if he wants or not to vote me, its his decision and i will always respect it.

I remember you btw, some days ago we talked a bit about VC-MP with Niko on littlewhiteys, thanks for your opinion though.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 04:55:58 pm by BiozCalhoun »

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2018, 05:13:08 pm »
I mean knowing your from the past ...even now i just saw a few times ;)

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Re: My Application Biozcalhoun
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2018, 08:58:14 am »
nope, I don't like you