Real Name:Saif Khan
Nickname: SloW
Your Previous Nicks: Saif,Style

D.O.B/Age: 20July/1997 "Age 16"
Location/Country: Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone:GMT 5
Servers you usually play on: Xe, EA
VC-MP History: I had started playing vcmp in 2009, i was new and at that time i don,t know how to fight, every one come and kill me, then i have started speed hacking. Now i have left hacking since 1 year and started to improve my skills. My friends trained me. Most of my friends left vcmp. And one of my old friend is still playing vcmp with [MKt]Bluint nick.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Because i found MK as a better clan, mk's members are loyal, Good behaviour nD Awesome Skilled, They r friendly to every one.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: None
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:Xfire: Skype : saifbhai51, Irc-Nick: SloW
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Nothing