Real Name: Pablo Joaquin Valdes Vazques
Nickname: JoacO
Your Previous nicks:SuperDD,JhsK,Mr.Corleone,Razer, and roleplay names
D.O.B/Age: 03/02/1992 / 20 years
Location/Country:Now i am living in Paraguay, but i am from Argentina
GMT/TimeZone: Now in Paraguay is 11:22, but the time zone is (UTC-4: 00) Asuncion, Paraguay according to my computer
Servers you usually play on: Sky-City, EA Extreme Addicts, Vice City Cops and robbers
VC-MP History: Five years, KS, Gma, EOL, RoS.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I have read many things about this clan, is said to be very professional, I played with MK players and play very well, I've tried to join the clan because I thought I would have respect for entering a clan as big as this.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: KS: I tried to revive it but i failed completely. Gma: I left the clan because of problems with the boss. EOL and RoS: same thing happened with KS
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: I dont use this things
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Sure

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: If I add, could improve a lot, now I'm practicing a new strategy, this clan deserves the best players