Real Name:Shoaib Akhter
Nickname: **eAgLe**
Your Previous nicks:[NYB]Shoaib,Shoaib,[LD]**eAgLe**,[MKt]EaGLe
D.O.B/Age: im 15years old.
Servers you usually play on:xe,ea,lw,vcmw,killers online,vks,cool-city server.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: im not..
VC-MP History: How long have you been Playing VC-MP, Your Previous clans:
im playing since 2010,and my previous clans..
Why do you want to Join MK ?: a Respectable clan and skilfull players and loyality.. need a chance.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:
so i have to create same history again..
1-NYB:actually, when i was new in vcmp, i wandered lonely in vcmp as a simple guy(i mean newbie), even i don't know anything after a time i learned some Skills of fights and after 2(maybe more) months a Guy [NYB]HONEY_SINGH, said to my bro Cool_jahan to join NYB, then my bro join That shit clan as a co-lead and than my bro also said to me to join NYB(he forced me), than i think it would be cool than i joined that shit clan as a NYB member, than i felt mySelf i got mySelf As a Noob by joining NYB, it was big mistake, and at that time i didn't even know about the clans i just think that it's a name, and after 2/3 months i left NYb, and after than i felt Myself better from previous..
LD was my own clan, it was going good but there were some fights with my Bro that's why he tried to Damage it and there were some Personal problems that's why i closed it.
3-MK: here comes my 3days happy moment, where i just got happiness for 2days

i was kicked from Mk.
Reason:i just joke with a guy named [MKt]Jamon(he thought im abusing but i just was joking to him), and the leader got me a wrong, he thought im wrong While the admins of Xe also told here, Two admins of Xe, Temok and Kingdom, even they didn't trust , realized and kicked me, now i just is need a chance to be here, just a chance, try it once.
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:IRC:EaGLe and Just Skype:shoaib.jahejo
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yeh.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:i wan't to say just that 'give me a chance', i will not dis-appoint you guys, a chance and then just see me, im not that bad, i think i have improved mySelf veryWell...
Now A chance Please.