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Author Topic: [MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system  (Read 14378 times)

Offline NewK

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[MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:04:02 pm »

Alright, so after a big discussion among some of the senior members of the clan, we have decided to change the way voting works for a number of reasons I will explain below. But first, here's how it will work:

From now on, each rank(MK, MKs and MKt) will have different privileges when voting.

  • A Full [MK] member's vote will count 2 votes now. Why?

The reason why we decided we should make it like this is because most of these members carrying the [MK] tag have earned our trust and have proved their loyality, they have been in this clan for a looong time, years, and some since the begining of the clan and this means that they are more experienced than the Trainees and  the Scouts when it comes to deciding who we accept into this clan. Therefore, we chose to increase the weight of their vote and now each vote from a full member will count 2 votes.

  • A scout [MKs] member's vote will count 1 vote Why?

Nothing new here, Scout member's votes already count 1 vote and this will stay the same. Scouts have also been in this clan for quite a while, although not as long as full members, they have still gained our trust and deserve some recognition and therefore we've decided to keep this the way it is now.

  • A Trainee [MKt] member's vote will not be counted anymore Why?

Trainees are still relatively new members to the clan and currently proving their loyalty, but the main reason why we chose to change this is because at the moment, the majority of active players on this clan are Trainees, which means that the majority of the voters are still trainees who are still not as experienced as some of the Scouts and Full members, and therefore we've decided that it was not a good idea for members who are still not very experienced to have such a BIG influence about who is accepted in this clan. However, if you're a Trainee we still want you to have some influence about this and we still care about what you have to say so therefore you are still allowed to post your opinions on the application and you can still say what rank you think the applicant deserves because although your vote will not be counted, it may very well help and influence other members to decide what to vote.

So the way it stands right now is:
 - MK members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to all the private boards and their votes on applications count 2 votes instead of 1.

 - MKs members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to some private boards and their votes on applications will count 1 vote.

 - MKt members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to some private boards like scouts but their votes will not be counted, despite still being allowed to post their opinions on the applications

Short version:

 - If you are a full [MK] member, your vote will be counted twice when voting in an application.
 - If you are a Scout [MKs], nothing will change, everything is still the same.
 - If you are a Trainee [MKt], your vote will no longer be counted in applications but you are still allowed to post your opinion and post what rank you think the applicant deserves. (If you want to know the reason for these changes read above)

Offline Detonator

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Re: [MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 09:12:49 pm »

<&jizzBotz> [2] [NYB]HONEY_SINGH: mk loser clan kiss my ass all player mk

Offline WildRose

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Re: [MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 03:07:09 am »
Short version <3

- Crack's work ^_^

Offline Rocky

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Re: [MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2014, 08:35:41 am »
Well written. (y)