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News: Sezaro has been accepted as trainee!.

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News and Announcements / Re: New year '23 promotions
« Last post by Anish on July 26, 2024, 08:20:40 am »
I know I'm pretty late to this but, thank you so much guys.  :)
Community General / Capture the base 2 - Championship
« Last post by Niko on July 23, 2024, 04:06:36 pm »

Welcome to the Second Edition of Capture the Base Tournament! In this exciting competition, two teams, Green and Blue, consisting five players on each side, face off against each other. Each team will take turns attacking and defending a base across 4 different maps.

Each map has 2 rounds: one round with Blue attacking and Green defending, and another with Green attacking and Blue defending. Before the match begins, each team will select two maps. The team that wins the most rounds will be crowned the winner.

So what are you waiting for? Organize your team of five elite players with as many subs as you like and apply now!

Get ready for an intense battle as these teams showcase their strategy and skill in Capture the Base!

Server IP:

Discord: https://discord.gg/wDWSMFhEHY
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by AttackerX on July 23, 2024, 02:31:24 pm »
إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by SkaZ on July 20, 2024, 07:21:52 pm »
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by Aegon on July 19, 2024, 02:23:22 pm »
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by DarkSlayer on July 18, 2024, 04:23:59 pm »
Best Of Luck in the future bro & do remember us in ur prayers...  ;)
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by TX Moskvish on July 16, 2024, 11:01:22 pm »
bye never come back
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by Darkel on July 15, 2024, 07:53:07 pm »
The reason behind my leave is the fact that I couldn't fit into the clan as much as I thought I would. It felt ghosted and non-existent which I did not expect in general.

Even though I was not much involved with people,

What should be expected from a man who simply cant stand and defend his own word. What can a man be left off, if he fails to put up to his own word. All the words in this reply are your own choice(s) of words. You just roam around for a tag you like/desire. There's a lot more to say but referring to what i concluded about you above just doesn't interest me enough to further say anything. Learn to stand for what you say, instead of putting the blame of your choices, on your clan mates/others.
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by Fi77_H0LD3R on July 15, 2024, 02:16:42 am »
Hey Sezar , It was nice having you as a mate and playing alongside. The fact that you said you couldn't fit into the clan , I have been here for almost 6 years now and I havn't been able to fit good as well but thats my own issue of inactivity and not so good engagement with clan members and I wouldn't blame somebody else for that . As for me I have been active for the past 2 months now for VW and I liked playing after so long so continued after VW as well and honestly I didn't see you give bit of hustle to blend in or try to engage in things with your clan mates , so I'll put the blame back on you that you shot on your mates  . Moreover I'll wrap up and tell you honestly MK is one of the best and most respected clans you are literally gonna find in VCMP , give your decision a second thought otherwise It was good to have you here mate , Best of Luck down the road ! 
Clan Chat / Re: My departure.
« Last post by Rift_Walk3R on July 14, 2024, 12:23:04 am »
Well it's your decision whatsoever but I honestly am not ready to buy the claims you have raised that you're using to somehow justify your unexpected departure. The claims you have raised in your application at the time you were looking forward to get accepted here AND the claims you have raised now don't seem to connect to one another. It's like 2 different claims coming from 2 different individuals. I literally don't recall when something like you being ghosted/ignored/neglected happened whenever we interacted, whether in voice chat, in the in-game chat, or even in discord text chat. And also, if you're trying to somehow give the impression that you couldn't fit in just because the "Clan is inactive, players are inactive, no one plays the game" etc then mate let me remind you of 2 things. First: Even though many of us are inactive, still various of us play the game to this day, we're into managing servers, events, and what not. We have always tried our best to show our presence in almost everything that has been happening in VC:MP since the recent years. Second: Even if the inactivity is to blame (which I am pretty sure is reasonably not), look at your reply that you made to @Aegon's comment regarding the clan's activity, here you go. https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/applications/my-application-575/msg44553/#msg44553

Nonetheless, I am not gonna sugarcoat this even if a part of me wants to, but the fact is that you're solely leaving us cuz you wanna change your clan tag whatsoever, and end up becoming a part of a different clan. And sure, it's fine because, frankly speaking, MK's not gonna be adversely affected due to this. But yeah, I would again highlight that you slipped from your own words, you deviated from your own commitments, and you literally contradicted almost every claim you made when you were attempting to join our family, and yes, we tried our best to treat you like a family member (which I guess we did quite well). Lastly, I would conclude my thoughts by saying that no grudges held, and no hate from our side regarding you. All the best in whatever you do next and wherever you go next.

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