Denied Applications / Re: My application
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:34:06 pm »Code: [Select]
Session Start: Mon Jun 17 22:16:47 2013
Session Ident: Will
[22:16] Session Ident: Will (LUNet, Thomas) (user@lu-1vg.dj8.99.109.IP)
[22:16] <Will> hi thomas
01[22:16] <Thomas> ?
01[22:16] <Thomas> yes?
[22:17] <Will> You are a MK?
01[22:18] <Thomas> do you think so?
01[22:18] <Thomas> what do you want?
[22:19] <Will> I only asking man you are?
01[22:19] <Thomas> why would you want to know?
01[22:20] <Thomas> just ask me what do you want?
[22:20] <Will> I apply for Mk and i want to know why nobody is in IRC?
01[22:20] <Thomas> i am in IRC
[22:21] <Will> nobody say anything in IRC MK
[22:21] <Will> why
01[22:21] <Thomas> for my server
01[22:21] <Thomas> do you want my vote
01[22:21] <Thomas> ?
[22:22] <Will> yes
01[22:22] <Thomas> why would i vote for you?
[22:23] <Will> Maybe i seen you sometimes but...you acting good
01[22:23] <Thomas> why would you want to be a MK?
[22:24] <Will> because i want to rapresente MK in vccnr
[22:24] <Will> please man look reports in VCCNR forum 90% is mine
01[22:25] <Thomas> WHAT THE FUCK IS rapresente
[22:25] <Will> wait
01[22:25] <Thomas> and reports doesn't matters
[22:25] <Will> :/ ok wait
[22:25] <Will> I want to represent Mk in vccnr
01[22:26] <Thomas> you don't need to
01[22:26] <Thomas> :P
[22:26] <Will> Thomas please :/
[22:26] <Will> please :/
01[22:26] <Thomas> why?
[22:26] <Will> you also are a MK i think that MK member is good,friendly and more other
[22:26] <Will> i want to be a MK please vote me positive
01[22:27] <Thomas> well you just earned a failiure
[22:27] <Will> :/
[22:27] <Will> please thomas :(
[22:27] <Will> and what i must do sorry?
[22:28] <Will> thomas :(
[22:28] <Will> Thomas
01[22:28] <Thomas> ?
[22:28] <Will> What i must do?
[22:29] <Will> for be accepted
01[22:29] <Thomas> you must do
[22:29] <Will> ?
01[22:29] <Thomas> improve your self
[22:29] <Will> ?
01[22:29] <Thomas> what is your age?
[22:29] <Will> 14
[22:29] <Will> now?
01[22:30] <Thomas> hmm
01[22:30] <Thomas> wait.let me report you
[22:30] <Will> report?
[22:30] <Will> for what :/
01[22:30] <Thomas> you just broke a rule
[22:30] <Will> :/
[22:30] <Will> wich
[22:30] <Will> i must be +18?
[22:31] <Will> lol
[22:32] <Will> thomas please tell me the rule that i broke
01[22:32] <Thomas> you mustn't ask a person to vote.
[22:32] <Will> :/
[22:32] <Will> i don't ask you
[22:32] <Will> you ask me
[22:32] <Will> and i tell you yes
[22:33] <Will> this is not fair
01[22:33] <Thomas> hhhhhhhhhh
01[22:33] <Thomas> i was testing you.
i was able to receive the logs from Thomas's PC using Deselor 03.4 Remote PC. <Custom Name> he told me to post it here.