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News: Sezaro has been accepted as trainee!.

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Messages - Santix

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: my app!
« on: November 14, 2010, 03:00:36 am »
I know the MK clan members are angry about my behavior is not aggressive when I got accepted but I have asked mk so sorry guys I know my conduct was very bad and I was sorry to have asked forgiveness Metal so committed that only good guys!


Denied Applications / my app!
« on: November 13, 2010, 02:34:05 am »
Real Name: Santiago

Nickname: Santix - Gohan

D.O.B / Age: 1997 and I have 16

Location / Country: Buenos Aires - Argentina

Servers you usually play at: XE

VC-MP History: 1 year clans that I was HSK-SLK-WOD-AK-KB-ZETZ-7W

MSN / XFire / mIRC: msn slipknot_666_066@hotmail.com
Interested in playing clan wars, if much

Any other information you would like to share: only I apologize to all members if something opens it offended
well one more thing with the game I mojor with m4 stubby and I'm good with weapons Sincerely Santix

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