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Messages - kennedyarz

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: My Application kennedyarz
« on: January 31, 2018, 06:03:55 pm »
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I know some members of the clan.
Halchter is the best (amigo, hermano,comrade, socialista, terrorista). I have also seen some very good members but I do not know if they remind me, I am a good friend of Pumak47, Ratchet, Rest (the friend vice versa, hehe, when it was 12:00 PM here it was 12:00 am hehehe, how to forget it ), and my good friend KILLERX. Others with whom I have been viewed
 are: Knot, Silent, Trex, Anarki, Kelvin. If you do not know me very well "I HOPE YOU IN EC OR LW" There you will see me.  Ahhh I forgot, I'm a scripter. I can help with the development of clan servers. Help this poor abandoned, hehe.


Lol give me the pack pacman

Denied Applications / Re: My Application kennedyarz
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:02:48 pm »
What about your ban on ddrp (day dream role play) server?

Easy, I warned the owner of the server that there was a teleportation error, at that time many publications were made about that error "was never repaired". I learned to use the error for my own benefit, it helped me to easily get to the place where I always wanted to go, "the island" and and he believed that I was using an AirBreak Hack and he forbade me, nowadays he knows the error and He knows that I use the error and not hack ... I've never used hacks

Denied Applications / My Application kennedyarz
« on: January 28, 2018, 12:41:48 pm »
Real Name: Kennedy

Nickname: kennedyarz

Your Previous nicks: kennedyarz, TheKen

D.O.B/Age: 19

Location/Country: Venezuela

GMT/TimeZone: UTC-04:00

Servers you usually play on: LW, Daydream Roleplay, Latino America, EC, MKCTF, EA, Evolutio A/D

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: just once. in LW but according to p4t it was an error that time.

VC-MP History: I do not know exactly. I think 3 years, I have not joined any clan, I had only been interested in the VU clan, but that was a while ago, I think I got to apply 5 times in that clan, I really wanted to enter, but since my last APP and I do not want, I saw bad behavior of the apprentices.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: They make a great team and I have not seen that a MK was left to embarrass a player (I mean the insults). I think that's why they deserve the necessary respect, there are also PRO members and I want to team with them

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I have not belonged to any clan I said before, just apply in the VU time back. but I do not want anymore

MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Mirc kennedyarz

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Of course.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I know some members of the clan.
Halchter is the best (amigo, hermano,comrade, socialista, terrorista). I have also seen some very good members but I do not know if they remind me, I am a good friend of Pumak47, Ratchet, Rest (the friend vice versa, hehe, when it was 12:00 PM here it was 12:00 am hehehe, how to forget it ), and my good friend KILLERX. Others with whom I have been viewed
 are: Knot, Silent, Trex, Anarki, Kelvin. If you do not know me very well "I HOPE YOU IN EC OR LW" There you will see me.  Ahhh I forgot, I'm a scripter. I can help with the development of clan servers. Help this poor abandoned, hehe.

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