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Messages - cool3

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Denied Applications / Re: My Application Tic
« on: October 29, 2020, 04:08:10 pm »
Changing vote to No because for many reasons, so let me clear the reason behind why I changed my vote to no. first, We promoted you as MK member and trusted you after this you showed how loyal you are by giving your account details to this idiot.
Second, you showed also your loyalty by making him signing in and posting pathetic useless pictures "porn images". Third, you make him get our personal information and our life pictures. You betrayed us because of a single game " broken game", and after these, you came here and said sorry like something not happen "sorry your apologies not accepted." My vote is No, I don't trust u at all

Denied Applications / Re: Super_Sens Application
« on: October 28, 2020, 10:25:06 pm »
These images are of Super sens where he is abusing on families/provoking players and if we are ignoring him he is joining with another pc for abuse the reason why he abuse because we killed him once he also abused @Riddler, As I am playing EC server since 2014 he was a quite good person but after the update of server (topsessionplayer) if someone killed him he will start abuse on families for 1 kill , Once i was doing stunts with my zebra cab wrongfully he came in front of my car and died then he re-spawned and start fighting with me i also started a fight i thought he is having fun with me and at the last he was saying to his cafe friends 'RisKY's mother's died cuz his dad murdered her the reason of murder is she was a prostitute and she loves dicks and i think his mother's lover's are still fucking her in grave' I  cant even type these words, I saved this screenshots to send his elder brother attacker but i deleted it because sometimes my dad use my pc i dont let my dad read these screenshots as these are the screenshots which i posted i saved them privately in my vice city directory , I told him to stop abuseing me but he is continuously making fun of my mother died reason he was laughing on her and saying other's cafe players to laugh on my mother.I was feeling very shame on him as he is 13 years old and abusing on families/provoking ...... ,I guess he dont even know the meaning of cancer..... very sad to read his messages i was leaving vcmp cuz he was abusing on my mother and laughing on her ,Then i discussed this matter with my friend haseeb and he told him to stop it but he is not stopping this shit , he abuse all the time whenever i use /unignore cmd.Well i am pretty sure he didn't wrote his application by him-self as he is my very old friend and i spoke with him many time he dont even know the difference between then -than. Thats all  :-X :-[
can anyone translate those images as they are written in the Urdu language

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Tic
« on: October 28, 2020, 03:17:21 pm »
I will give you an opportunity to join us again but you have to start from the beginning as a trainee member to rebuild your reputation, so I will go with Mkt. So please don't let us down and there is a long journey in front of you....you have to pass it in order to gain our trust changing vote to No

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Tic
« on: October 28, 2020, 09:30:33 am »
I'm speechless.

If you wanted to rest or even have a break, you could've had just posted an application for inactivity, even if you needed some time off, if you were facing in real life difficulties, leaving the clan with an awful excuse (and when you were confronted, you used to say idk the exact reason, just felt like leaving) then coming back like it was nothing (although you realized what your mistake was and apologized) still matters a lot bhai.

As far as the vote is concerned, I want you in back as MK but I'd still think about my family and their policies.
But I want to know what's going on in your mind now, how can I, "WE=MK" trust you?


If you can explicate these type of questions which would arise, and letting us know what exactly had happened in the first place, I'll happily cast my vote.

Some members were playing gta5 online  instead of helping us while I was playing vicewar.(i know it was childish behaviour I admit.) We were defeated very badly, everybody made fun of it and it upset me a little bit. thats why I gave my account password to hunting, I know a very silly reason, I sold my family for a game, but as I said I regretted what I did, I didn't dare to apply back. I thought you all would be more angry with me if I told you that was the reason...
useless idiotic reason to give someone " piece of shit useless pathetic kid with no brain" your account and he is begging us for unban . you betrayed your family for this thing and you expect us to trust you again. So please give me one reason to trust you again

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 26, 2020, 11:00:17 pm »
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.

Well my vote is No

There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any  information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
Who wrote this for you?
i agree and what about this https://ibb.co/Sr9zP7z care to explain?! and please don't tell me this is not you i transferred your account today by approving it "i mean this nick Darkgost with two dots

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 26, 2020, 08:48:06 pm »
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.

Well my vote is No

There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any  information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
okay then that is all i need from you "trust and truth". My vote is No Neutral changed to no

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 26, 2020, 07:32:04 pm »
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.

Well my vote is No

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:49:18 am »
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward


care to explain pls

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 25, 2020, 04:32:40 am »
Any idea about positive votes. What is the main reason of voting with yes?. Pls follow this https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/applications/regarding-negative-voting-on-applications/

Denied Applications / Re: Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 24, 2020, 09:43:10 pm »
are you Edwa[R]d^? and can you pls tell us your real age as shown in your forum account 5/1/2004 how is your age 18
your real D.B.O pls

News and Announcements / Re: Quarantine April Promotions
« on: October 21, 2020, 08:51:28 pm »
Bump idc,  congratulations
idc also how are u bro hope you are doing well ;)

Accepted Applications / Re: My Application ElvenKing
« on: October 21, 2020, 06:18:44 pm »
after summing all votes, there are many negligible votes, so let me clear this thing as we have rules mentioned before about voting system voting with Yes should be coming with genuine reason and voting with No  should be followed with valid proof

To ELK sorry for late reply, so our votes are the following "10 Members voted MK for you" "7 members voted MKs for you" the rest of votes are invalid because as I mention We are neglecting votes that are not with a valid reason.

Well done ELK and congratulation you are accepted as MK member feel free to use MK tag what ever you go.

Accepted Applications / Re: My Application ElvenKing
« on: October 21, 2020, 02:00:09 pm »
OK I am going with MKs vote as there are old players have give many things to these community playing for many years and trying to make this game more Simplified for new comers "these members got accepted here as MKs" and they got full tag in no time because of their perfect history

To ELK I know you well and i trust you as you are one of them as I mentioned. you will do it in no time as you have good history, good communication skills, known as a good scripter, and etc...

Denied Applications / Re: My Application RisKY^   
« on: October 20, 2020, 01:40:18 pm »
No, for many reasons.

1.Your behavior and maturity issue
2.clan hopper
3.your bad past history issue as you were using hacks

how many players reported you for breaking rules lemme fix my word players are reporting you for continuously breaking rules for example EC server and pls don't lie as i am admin there

2 applications are already made there in DU and you want us to trust you, so pls go away clan hopper we don't accept problematic players.


Accepted Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: October 20, 2020, 10:04:55 am »
Hello There Logan Xmen,

Thank you for your patience.

Since member voted MKt for you "I will not let you lose your hope", so Welcome to our clan bro

Accepted as MKt, and please don't let us down

Congratulations !!!

feel free to use trainee tag whatever you go.

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