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Messages - NewK

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 [58] 59 60 61
Community General / Re: Message...
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:04:41 pm »
Ok, but he did invite me a few weeks ago over xfire so that's why i said he could have invited you.

Community General / Re: For the clan
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:01:47 pm »
oh lmao don't put that on your sig, that's way too big rofl.

Community General / Re: For the clan
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:14:25 pm »
now its goin out screen

Check this imajen

That's Guns'n Roses logo lol

Community General / Re: For the clan
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:09:50 am »
Very nice work,a little too big for a sig in my opinion though, but still nice work  :)

Community General / Re: Message...
« on: July 30, 2010, 04:36:03 am »
Stealing is disrespectful, yet it is the nature of clan competition and VC:MP, so if you're butthurt that your member decided to leave, use Karma.
Also, I know it's immoral but, if a clan steals a member from another clan, and the member decides to leave for the clan, then it's the member's choice anyways. It's the player's choice in the end. A truly good players would not have left their previous clan for MK if their previous clan provided more than MK. Get my point?

Anyways, if MK does stop stealing, I'm willing to support them :D
Totally get what you mean cola, and like i said the only tagged members to be invited were hall and sk8ter :P
But people assume that all the members that decided to trade MK for their previous clan were invited to join while they were in their clan, while this is not true :-X

Denied Applications / Re: cusu apply
« on: July 30, 2010, 12:11:16 am »
Never seen you. Has any other members fougth with him?

Community General / Re: Any Idea...
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:46:18 pm »
Ohhh this topic reminded me, i was supose to make " Miami killers" Text with transparent background to replace "actualism", forgot about that  :-\

Anyways, those look very good zooker :)

Accepted Applications / Re: Lucky_Killer's app
« on: July 29, 2010, 03:06:09 am »
Need to fight you before i vote.

Accepted Applications / Re: My App [Cuirassier] :P
« on: July 29, 2010, 02:58:21 am »
Click in "Official" tab and Connect to Littlewhitey's server

My Nick ingame will be [MK]NewK

Accepted Applications / Re: Mi app :)
« on: July 29, 2010, 02:49:51 am »
hmm, i fougth with you today, you have nice skills for MK or MKt, still don't know what to vote i'll wait for some more clan members to vote ;D

Denied Applications / Re: [MK] Apply , [RD]Edward
« on: July 29, 2010, 02:45:38 am »
Well i fought you once or twice but i would like to fight you a couple more times until i vote

PS: Removed all unrelevant posts to prevent "offtopicness"

Accepted Applications / Re: My App [Cuirassier] :P
« on: July 29, 2010, 02:36:31 am »
lmao +1 point for you.

Anyways never seen you around, maybe play a little more on Littlewhitey's or xe, i would like to fight you  ;)

Community General / Re: WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!?!?!?
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:37:21 pm »
Well like i said in my other post, MK didn't stole any members from dz, they applied because they wanted too. Also daren invited me to join dz and i was in MK already, so i wouldn't be suprised if he asked you to join dz too. Altough i don't make a big deal out of it like some people.....

Anyways if you are not comfortable in the clan good luck then mate ;)

Community General / Re: Message...
« on: July 28, 2010, 03:48:40 am »
What is this all about? you think we stole Adio or brian from DZ? Ask them yourself, they joined because they wanted to.
The only tagged members that were invited by ashay/faf were HaLL and Sk8ter. Every other single member applied because they wanted to.
And also you invited me over xfire to join DZ, and i was with MK already. So don't be an hypocrite.

I can do more than u guys imagine meh infact I went checking
today and found out somthing very interesting, funny too infact, all the approved members were in other clans
And obviously you don't know what you're talking about. There are members in this clan who were clanless before joining.

So your main point to do this topic was to threat us ?

News and Announcements / Re: Full Member Tag for SaM
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:03:34 am »
Congratz, i hope to see you more times in game ;)

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