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Denied Applications / Re: DeathB's app
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:48:05 pm »
i can join a server two times in the same pc (i have virtual pcs and vpns :P)

Community General / Re: A pro owning nubs
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:20:21 am »
<PatoY> 14-> 12[MK]X_94 killed [VU]Castagna with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: hhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoY> 15-> 14<0> 711[VU]Castagna: !we m4
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: omfg
<PatoY> 14-> 12[VU]Castagna killed [MK]X_94 with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 711[VU]Castagna: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: y no te di D:
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: !wep m4
<PatoY> 14-> 12[MK]X_94 killed [VU]Castagna with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: hhhhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoY> 15-> 14<0> 711[VU]Castagna: hace spawnwep de m4
<PatoX> 14 >> The clans with most territories in the server:
<PatoX> 14 >> 1. VU: 2, 18%, 2. VU: 2, 18%, 3. ?: 0, 0%
<PatoY> 14 >> The teams with most territories in the server:
<PatoY> 14 >> 1. Out of: 5, 45%, 2. ?: 0, 0%, 3. ?: 0, 0%
<PatoY> 14-> 12[MK]X_94 killed [VU]Castagna with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 711[VU]Castagna: nooooooo
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 711[VU]Castagna: so close
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: i kno
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: know*
<PatoX> 14-> 12[MK]X_94 killed [VU]Castagna with M4 <Left Arm>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: has tocado el drunk?
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: no
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: no se ve el drunk mode en los 10- hp
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: cast
<PatoY> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: qe
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: estas warping
<PatoY> 14-> 12[VU]Castagna killed [MK]X_94 with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: lol fuck
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D:
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: estabas warping
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: <
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D:
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: sigues
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: ._.
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: y el spawnwep
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: no funciona
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D:
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: si funciona
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: no
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: no tengo mi m4 D:
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: !wep m4
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: es /c spawnwep we1 we2 we3 we4
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: ya lo hice
<PatoY> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: dunno
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: abra que revisarlo
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D:
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: matame
<PatoY> 14-> 12[MK]X_94 killed [VU]Castagna with M4 <Head>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: ironi
<PatoY> 14-> 12[VU]Castagna killed [MK]X_94 with M4 <Body>
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: ahora si vi el drunk
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D
<PatoX> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: D
<PatoX> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: k
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: no me da las armas D:
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: !wep m4
<PatoY> 14-> 12[VU]Castagna killed [MK]X_94 with M4 <Head>
<PatoY> 15-> 14<1> 77[MK]X_94: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<PatoY> 15-> 14<0> 710[VU]Castagna: ;:p

Castagna was hard and he made me 4 kills in a row but i killed him more times, also he was warping a "bit", i want to rape deviL now! :DDD

Community General / Re: A pro owning nubs
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:44:35 pm »
Stats padding bitch

you prick :D

Clan Chat / Re: Nick change-Post here
« on: June 02, 2012, 07:36:45 am »
Nicks in game: [MK]PornKid, [MK]PornMan, [MK]X_94, [MK]AngusDeluxe


Community General / A pro owning nubs
« on: June 02, 2012, 07:29:59 am »
hey nubs, i want to share how pro i am with m4 in some logs,

<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz is going to M4 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 is going to M4 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (1.34895m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 o
<&Tezzy> 12[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhhhhhhhhhhh
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (1.41131m)
<&Tezzy> 9[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 time to spree
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 siempre he sido malo para la m4
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (6.41956m)
<&Tezzy> 5-NOTE- Do not try spawning without logging on into your account!
<&Tezzy> 15[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhht
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 solo kino
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hace glitch de todas las armas
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 slide de rocket
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 ;p
<&Tezzy> 9>> [MK]X_94 is on a killing spree of 5 kills in a row, Reward:[$1,250]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (12.2913m)
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (6.95046m)
<&Tezzy> 5[MK]Nilz's Stats - [Kills: 382] [Deaths: 460] [Joins: 112] [Ratio: 0.83]
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !stats
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 lol
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhhhhhhhhhh
<&Tezzy> 5[MK]X_94's Stats - [Kills: 88] [Deaths: 63] [Joins: 23] [Ratio: 1.4]
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !stats x_
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 1.4 de radio
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (3.99564m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 ratio*
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 o.o
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (1.88918m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 >
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 impossible to beat
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 you
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (15.1401m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 con este mouse
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 tengo presicion quirurgica
<&Tezzy> 15>> [MK]X_94 is on a killing spree of 10 kills in a row, Reward:[$2,500]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (11.4598m)
<&Tezzy> 8[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 _D
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 DDDD
<&Tezzy> 5Killing spree:( [MK]X_94 [10] )
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !spree
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (14.0463m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 siempre he sentido feo eso
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 sientelo ahora tu!!
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 ?
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 jaja
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 omfg
<&Tezzy> 4>> [MK]Nilz has ended [MK]X_94's killing spree of 11 kills in a row! Reward:[$9,900]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M4) (Head) (10.2818m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 lol
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 a miracle
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 P
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 que es miracle?
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 ah milagro
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 ya recorde
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Right Arm) (43.4271m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 llol
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (2.60372m)
<&Tezzy> 6[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhh
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (2.69597m)
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Right Arm) (22.9727m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 ahorita hasta devil me la pela D
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[2]3 MK.Kelvin has joined the server (Turkey)
<&Tezzy> 6MK.Kelvin auto-logged in as User
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 xD
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 hey kelvin
<&Tezzy> 2>> [MK]X_94 is on a killing spree of 5 kills in a row, Reward:[$1,250]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (1.11682m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 oi
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 .!arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 come to !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (2.69599m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 haber si te gana ese
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 xD
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5-NOTE- Typing /kill while fighting will not be tolerated at all.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhhhhhhhhhh
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (8.64127m)
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 hm
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 come on here bitch
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 omfg
<&Tezzy> 4>> [MK]Nilz has ended [MK]X_94's killing spree of 7 kills in a row! Reward:[$6,300]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M4) (Head) (4.79945m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 pro
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 one shoot
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 lol
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 kelvin come !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 i am pwning nilz with m4
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 jajajja
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 xD
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M4) (Head) (7.07605m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 joto
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 estaba bug?t
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 no
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 solo que use stubby
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M4) (Body) (2.98255m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 nag
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 lol
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 con eso me ganas...
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:P
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 xD
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (7.54634m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhhhhh
<&Tezzy> 5[2]4 MK.Kelvin has left the avengers city (Timeout)
<&Tezzy> 8[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (9.69545m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 hay mas arenas
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz has just left M4.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 has just left M4.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz is going to Shotgun arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena shotgun
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena minigun
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !l
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !l
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz has just left Shotgun.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 is going to Shotgun arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena shotgun
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 me haras shit
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena grenade
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena molo
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 has just left Shotgun.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena molo
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena granade
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 d:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena grenada
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena rocket
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena grenade
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz is going to M60 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena m60
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 is going to M60 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena m60
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M60) (Torso) (2.03249m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 omfg
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 nada que ver con m4
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 nop
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M60) (Torso) (3.92319m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 yo mas o menos se usar la m60
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 xD
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Undercover cop #3, Area: Washington Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[2]3 MK.Kelvin has joined the server (Turkey)
<&Tezzy> 6MK.Kelvin auto-logged in as User
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 siempre e usado stubby y m60
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M60) (Torso) (3.87593m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 thisshitcrashed
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 nope
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Construction worker #1, Area: Downtown
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 ur nubish internet is gay
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 sure
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M60) (Left Leg) (2.14698m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 DDDD
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 10 mbps
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 i guess
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 P
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5>> MK.Kelvin is going to M60 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 !arena m60
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 x94 has 15 mbps
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M60) (Body) (7.89198m)
<&Tezzy> 5-INFO- Need help? Write !admins to see if there is any admin in game.
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz has just left M60.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Construction worker #1, Area: Downtown
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]Nilz is going to M4 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 has just left M60.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 12-- Avengers City v2.0 --
<&Tezzy> 12>> By - [MK]Nilz, Ma[X]oR, NT5
<&Tezzy> 12>> Additional help: - [MK]X_94
<&Tezzy> 4MK.Kelvin killed [MK]X_94 (M60) (Torso) (585.77m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 come everyone!
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 arena m4
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5>> MK.Kelvin has just left M60.
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 !la
<&Tezzy> 5>> [MK]X_94 is going to M4 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 5>> MK.Kelvin is going to M4 arena currently.
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 !arena m4
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed [MK]X_94 (M4) (Head) (9.95893m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 O_O
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 that was pro
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 fucking pro
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]X_94 spawned as: Undercover cop #6, Area: Little Havana
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]Nilz killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (10.8818m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 m4 suxx
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed [MK]Nilz (M4) (Head) (0.637121m)
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 omg
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 +1 kelvin
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 p
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (9.02899m)
<&Tezzy> 5[1]7 [MK]Nilz:1 but x94 is pro at it
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (6.59657m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 bitsch )
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Ocean Beach
<&Tezzy> 14[MK]Nilz spawned as: Construction worker #1, Area: Vice Point
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (13.977m)
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Ocean Beach
<&Tezzy> 5[1]4 [MK]Nilz has left the avengers city (Timeout)
<~Nilz> lol
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 quirurgic accuracy
<&Tezzy> 15>> [MK]X_94 is on a killing spree of 5 kills in a row, Reward:[$1,250]
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (5.17993m)
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (5.78887m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 yo nabs
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 yo nabs
<&Tezzy> 10[MK]X_94 healed.
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 !heal
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 DDD
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 why cant i download the data packs of pes 12?
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 I DONT HAVE BROTHERS!!
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (3.55823m)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 hhh
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 idk
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
<&Tezzy> 14MK.Kelvin spawned as: Punk #3, Area: Vice Port
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 i mean unique sons are better than brothers D
<&Tezzy> 4[MK]X_94 killed MK.Kelvin (M4) (Head) (9.4763m)
<&Tezzy> 5[2]7 MK.Kelvin:1 HAXX
<&Tezzy> 10[MK]X_94 trolls
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D
<&Tezzy> 5[2]4 MK.Kelvin has left the avengers city (Quit)
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 ragequit!!!
<&Tezzy> 5[0]7 [MK]X_94:1 D:
<&Tezzy> 5[0]4 [MK]X_94 has left the avengers city (Quit)
<&Tezzy> 4>> [MK]X_94 has ended their own killing spree of 8 kills in a row!

i am still loling at Kelvin's ragequit hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if you want a 1 vs 1 against me, post it here :P

i am a pro killer again :D

Inactivity / Re: Need to take a break
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:32:49 am »
pure cocaine roxxx  :o

Inactivity / Re: Need to take a break
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:26:57 am »
Alright Pascal good luck with your exams, hopefully you'll succeed  8)


Accepted Applications / Re: SpeedDemon's Apply
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:26:27 am »
don't be an exULK dickface like [MKt]Face and keep in the good way since this fucking moment, congratz :P

Denied Applications / Re: My App
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:04:49 am »
[offtopic]He is right Zatch, Men = hombres en PLURAL (¿Tú eres latino no?),[/offtopic]

w/e, No from my side (reasons stated above), Can somebody close this fuckin' topic?

Denied Applications / Re: Clan application
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:09:52 pm »
bla bla bla, dear son of hanney my vote is  >:( (means NEVER)

Denied Applications / Re: My App
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:05:33 pm »
in this case, +1 pascal, you can't attack a person using bad english as reason if yours is the same or worse...

(i guess that i have some grammar mistake there xDDD!)

Inactivity / Re: I'm back + Name change
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:52:54 pm »

(Fucked up Spanish was used in this post)

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Rocky
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:25:22 am »
Sure, MKs (as i know you are one of the most decent FS ex-members)

Denied Applications / Re: My App
« on: May 27, 2012, 03:46:06 am »
You should to be a kid around of 3-5 years to be American with that english level then i vote NO


Accepted Applications / Re: Again me
« on: May 25, 2012, 04:19:49 am »
Chinga su madre, intentenlo con acentos, óvulo, ovuló ovúlo <-- the same word with 3 diferent meanings


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