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Messages - lOGAN.

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12
Accepted Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: September 16, 2020, 10:34:48 am »
Good to see your application
MKt from my side
Thank you jani🙂
big nooooooo
nice to see u again bro MKt
Thankyou bro, I'll never disappoint you.  ;)
Mkt from my side  ;D
MKt  :)
Thankyou ego bhai😊
MKt mbrk ho kameene shadi lkn afosos ki bt h invite tak nhi kia😒😒
Hehehe jani bas jalde jalde mai hogyi bht se logo ko bta nhi sakha maaf kari🙂
I have seen you around in LW sometime ago, i would like to see you again.

Neutral for now.
Most of all i use to play Lw we can meet over there at any time.🙂
Thankyou man.

Accepted Applications / <Accepted as trainee>My Application LOGAN.
« on: September 15, 2020, 10:25:59 am »
Real Name: Haider Ali

Nickname: LOGAN.

Your Previous nicks: Tarzan

D.O.B/Age: 26

Location/Country: Pakistan Sindh

GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5

Servers you usually play on: EC LW CTF

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No Not Now

VC-MP History: Actually i start playing vcmp since when i was too young approximately 18year with tarzan nick and then i left it for 2years due to some several matters of my personal life and after getting rid out them i again start delivering my part in vcmp till now.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Basically MK is one of the popular and top clan as compare to rest of clans under vcmp, regards MK members are too appreciatable, responsable as well as comnunicative to all us in my point of view as iam in contact with most of among them. As far as i have only plan to join MK since my inception because its too hard to survive alone in vcmp so for that i had put my best efforts to improve my lacking point which were made the reason of my denied in my previous applications and iam very sure i have workout against them so kindly give me an apportunity to establish my vcmp career and co-operate with MK in every critical suituation while being a part of this Golden Family.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I closed my own clan DX due to less member quantity.

IRC or Any other contact info: Logan

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes it will be proud moment for me!

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Guys iam a loyal & strightfarwad player and almost it past   
 2 year and still getting denied kindly give me a chance this time iam here with my full intention, I Hope u all are save from Covid-19.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any





Birthdays / Re: Happy birthday Fizz holder
« on: December 21, 2019, 02:43:30 pm »
Happy birthday
Fizz holder 8) 8)

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: December 10, 2019, 07:11:38 pm »
I think he deserves a chance to prove himself...T
thank you Dear 8)

Inactivity / Re: Inactivity
« on: December 07, 2019, 01:12:42 pm »
Good luck Dilbar :-*

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: December 03, 2019, 04:47:51 pm »
go party, mkt  :D

Thank you 😊
Though not necessary logical Logan u cant judge a book by its cover i value ur app because of ur affection toward MK otherall it less loyalty more immaturaty
Still positive
My mistake Dilbar😘

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: December 02, 2019, 02:35:02 pm »

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:  I apologize for my privious mistakes that I made and now I'm much communicated so fat to answer all of your question with a great way.And I'm not gonna let you embarrassed and I will prove my self clean.

You just embarrased your own self with that false report of [MK]Tobi.
Its so funny
Hey cool3,FAF bro i know all the members ok Mk even i know Tobi but when i join the game i saw him playing i thought he's an clan hopper i already report three of clan hoppers at that point i thought hes also a clan hopper so i reported him.
Then weldone my bestie tell me that he is real not a clan hopper i apologize for my mistake.
man don't worry xd just check our member list instead of trust your bestie xd
Actually iam well aware from member list of MK before of my last denied but iam guilty for what i just check out the active member instead of whole list and tobi was not under the list of active member ATM and sorry to say his nick dispute me a bit to create such suitation and i just show a postive gusture of my loyalty but again sorry to Tobi i feel all Mk member as my mates thats why iam prefering to be the part of mk Inffect there are lots of mk member which are so franky with me around the vcmp
Thank you

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: December 01, 2019, 09:19:57 pm »
MKt  ;)
Thank you very much Tobi 😊❤️

News and Announcements / Re: 2019 Year End Promotions
« on: December 01, 2019, 09:18:15 pm »

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 30, 2019, 12:21:38 pm »
you wanted me banned from LW damn you...
No bro,
Why do i need you to get banned, You can check lw forum i already report a player who was using mk tag when i saw you playing i thought you are also the same person who's abusing the tag then i report you as well but suddenly weldone AKA mlh told me that who you reported he is real then i feel so bad that i made a big mistake don't mind I'm apologizing for my mistake i didn't know that you are real. :'(
Don't be sad, MKt.Try to represent yourself decent in-game.
Thank You bro 😘😘😊🤩

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 29, 2019, 09:02:02 pm »
you wanted me banned from LW damn you...
No bro,
Why do i need you to get banned, You can check lw forum i already report a player who was using mk tag when i saw you playing i thought you are also the same person who's abusing the tag then i report you as well but suddenly weldone AKA mlh told me that who you reported he is real then i feel so bad that i made a big mistake don't mind I'm apologizing for my mistake i didn't know that you are real. :'(

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 29, 2019, 03:24:01 pm »
MKt For You Good Luck With Other Votes
Thank you 😊🤩🤩😍

MKt Good Luck ❤️
Thank you 😊😊🥰

MKt good luck ;)
thank you 😊🥰🥰

MKt good luck bro :)
thank you 😊🤩🥰
Thank you 😊☺️🥰

MKt you are a big coolboy in my view, I've nothing against you, good luck withe other votes.  :)
Thank you Dear 🥰😍😍☺️

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 28, 2019, 09:08:15 pm »
Actually he deserve a chance for this time i personally know him from long he changed himself a lot and even he had showed a enough importance towards the MK from long time being, so i'm giving him a stong MKt This time
Thank you 😊
Denied again and again but didnt give up
Strong MKT For U
Thank you 😊
Mkt for u always 😘
Thank you 😊

Denied Applications / Re: My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 28, 2019, 09:05:08 pm »

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:  I apologize for my privious mistakes that I made and now I'm much communicated so fat to answer all of your question with a great way.And I'm not gonna let you embarrassed and I will prove my self clean.

You just embarrased your own self with that false report of [MK]Tobi.
Its so funny
Hey cool3,FAF bro i know all the members ok Mk even i know Tobi but when i join the game i saw him playing i thought he's an clan hopper i already report three of clan hoppers at that point i thought hes also a clan hopper so i reported him.
Then weldone my bestie tell me that he is real not a clan hopper i apologize for my mistake.

Denied Applications / My Application LOGAN.
« on: November 27, 2019, 08:04:08 am »
Real Name: Haider

Nickname: LOGAN.

Your Previous nicks: Logan. Tarzan.

D.O.B/Age: 11/7/1995

Location/Country: Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5

Servers you usually play on: EC LW CTF

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?:  No Not Now

VC-MP History: I start playing Vcmp since 2013 with the nick of Tarzan after playing for two years continuously then two years I left posting for some personal reason then I rejoin again after one year maybe with the nick of Logan I was playing solo that doesnt makes me to feel good then I decided to join any clan but no one accept me becouse of my low have experience after three months try I decided to create my own clan that was DX I rune it for one year then I leave it cuz of some players.
After DX I haven't joined any clan.

Why do you want to Join MK ?:  I have so many friends in Mk and I feel better to play with them they make me to feel good playing with them and also MK have lots of experienced players and old players to I also applied two time here cuz Mk is a good clan the members of Mk are very friendly I really want to join this family to get more experience I'll Do my best for the clan as much as I can do and I'm sure that im not gonna let the name of the clan down I'm not gonna do any mistake that's make the name of clan down.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:  I closed my own clan cuz of some members of DX.

IRC or Any other contact info: IRC= LOGAN

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yap

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:  I apologize for my privious mistakes that I made and now I'm much communicated so fat to answer all of your question with a great way.And I'm not gonna let you embarrassed and I will prove my self clean.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any

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