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Topics - Spectacular

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Spectacular App..
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:54:40 pm »
Real Name: Zain
Nickname:  =Spectacular=

Your Previous nicks: G3cko^^..=JIN=

D.O.B/Age:  1 jan 1997/ 17

Location/Country: PAKISTAN

GMT/TimeZone: (UTC+05:00)

Servers you usually play on: LIttlewhiteys [sometimes Xe]

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers:  No

VC-MP History: 1 Year 6 months.....

Why do you want to Join MK : MK clan have all the qualities which i think every player want in clans and the reason why i am joining this is because of players team work ,Fighting skills , Attiuide and the most importing thing is that they are honest.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:
 CO= inactive members + some CO member left=
 OSK = Well u can say both leave or kick ..Reason {becoz i was inactive on there forum reason is that i dnt understand there languages so there also conversation problem}


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yeah.,

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:  Every person have some mistakes becoz nobody is perfect but if someone try to fix that mistake so he can.

Denied Applications / MY APP.....
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:32:17 am »
Real Name: Zain
Nickname:  =JIN=

Your Previous nicks: G3cko^^

D.O.B/Age:  1 jan 1997/ 17

Location/Country: PAKISTAN

GMT/TimeZone: (UTC+05:00)

Servers you usually play on: LIttlewhiteys [sometimes Xe]

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers:  yes i was 1 time wrongfully ban in lw..[ u can check lw forums]

VC-MP History: 1.5 years ago.....

Why do you want to Join MK : honestly! i like clan players attiuide + fighting style+skills and one of the best thing about mk members is their behaviour.:D

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: CO [inactive members + some CO member left]


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yeah.,

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: well guys i completely change my attiuide behaviour or improve my skills alot to become apart of mk family as this clan is 1 of my fav clan so i only request that give me a chance to prove myself ..

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