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Topics - Punketo

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / MY Application Punketo
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:23:34 am »
**Real Name:
*Luis Castilo

*Punketo / PanchoBigotes

**Your Previous nicks:
* ~[Galaxy]~, Punketo P_u_u_f and PanchoBigotes



*+5 GMT

**Servers you usually play on:
*Xe, CTF (sometimes)

**VC-MP History:
*I started playing December 03, 2011
My first clan was HSK, KB Finally LK
and greatly improved my game

**Why do you want to Join MK ?:
*I enter the clan by Dev that was my companion since started to play and I think I will be more support for the clan

**Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:
*HSK (separation of the clan)
*KB (separation of the clan)
*LK (members left the clan)


**Interested In Playing Clan Wars:

**Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:

*Clarify do not understand much English but understand some things and I'm learning

Video Of My

Another video of my old friends Bardok450, ex-[KB]Rodrigo, el_Dani, Neji[LK] and I ex-[KB]Punketo

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