Real Name: Sahaj
Nickname: Blurry
Your Previous nicks: TLK.Blurry, ULK.Blurry, The_Killer
D.O.B/Age: 18
Location/Country: India
GMT/TimeZone: +5:30
Servers you usually play on: XE European - I know it's not functional at this time but this is the only server that I played the most on VC:MP 0.3
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No
VC-MP History: Started playing VC:MP in 2012. Applied to MK once and got denied but that was a long time ago. Then joined ULK. Joined in as TLK and got promoted to ULK eventually, the split occurred and you all know the rest. ULK was pretty much dead in 2015, I was gone from vcmp for an year. Stopped using the tag and offered my resignation in private in April 2016.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Well, I don't know how to express myself properly regarding this. I just felt MK will be an ideal clan for me. I respect MK's leadership a lot. Would be honored to be a part of your gang.
Honestly speaking, I felt like applying and I did. I don't have anything extraordinary to offer you guys - just my loyalty. I will stay with the clan during its most difficult times and not show my back and run away from the problems or make up reasons out of nowhere for leaving the clan.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: ULK - I was forced to leave it because it died. I don't regret taking's side over bish's during the split. I'm just glad I am not/wasn't associated with those criminals in any way. But don't get me wrong on this. If ULK were to resurrect one day, I would never ditch MK or the clan that I would be a part of, for ULK.
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Add me on steam instead - In Playing Clan Wars: Yeah sure.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Yeah, just this - Started playing VC:MP 0.4 just a few weeks ago. Still trying to adapt myself to the new sync and gameplay.
Those who've played on XE 0.3 must know me well.
If you still have any questions, I would be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.