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Messages - Punketo

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: App
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:33:06 am »
only for those who speak Spanish
a chat with "Castagna"
[17:21] <Stallin_> bueno
[17:21] <Stallin_> yo solo iva a esperar el desban
[17:22] <Stallin_> pero como tengo problemas 'mentales' mis acciones se manipulan soals
[17:22] <Stallin_> ah hoy aprendi que tu nombre es franco.
[17:22] <Castagna> estoy acostumbrado a hablar con gente de sentido comun y algo de logica
[17:22] <Castagna> que al parecer vos no tenes
[17:22] <Stallin_> ...
[17:22] <Stallin_> wilson me dijo que me odiabas
[17:23] <Castagna> si dos IPs pertenecen al mismo rango
[17:23] <Stallin_> pero al final mi oportunidad se acabo?
[17:23] <Castagna> a la misma localidad
[17:23] <Castagna> dejame hablar
[17:23] <Stallin_> ..
[17:23] <Castagna> 190.*.*.*
[17:23] <Castagna> ese es tu rango
[17:23] <Stallin_> si
[17:23] <Stallin_> ese es.
[17:23] <Castagna> entonces, cual es la conclusion?
[17:23] <Stallin_> Pues si tu lo dices yo lo hice
[17:23] <Castagna> la persona x1 = x2
[17:23] <Stallin_> porque tu eres Un veteran.
[17:23] <Stallin_> porque te admiro
[17:24] <Castagna> lol
[17:24] <Stallin_> no veo la gracia
[17:24] <Castagna> es estupido
[17:24] <Castagna> todo esto
[17:24] <Stallin_> ah ok.
[17:24] <Stallin_> esa ap
[17:24] <Stallin_> me dio risa
[17:24] <Stallin_> siempre me cage de risa con eso
[17:24] <Castagna> la cual la has hecho vos
[17:24] <Stallin_> Si.
[17:24] <Stallin_> ya no lo voy a negar
[17:24] <Stallin_> al final, ¿cual es la penalizacion?
[17:25] <Castagna> en que cabeza puede caber? no comprendo porque
[17:25] <Stallin_> en la de sfitz, trollcake
[17:25] <Stallin_> dame la penalizacion de 2 meses
[17:25] <Stallin_> o 3
[17:25] <Stallin_> pero solo quiero jugar.
[17:26] <Stallin_> no entiendes que EA es el mejor server en el que he jugado en toda mi vida?
[17:26] <Stallin_> XE es pure bullshit.
[17:26] <Castagna> no intento entender porque haces la aplicacion
[17:26] <Stallin_> te voy a explicar
[17:26] <Stallin_> pero te vas a reir por mis problemas mentales
[17:26] <Stallin_> bueno pues
[17:26] <Stallin_> El sistema de reputacion me volvio loco
[17:27] <Stallin_> tanto que hice una multicuenta para darme a mi mismo
[17:27] <Stallin_> y se necesitaba 1 post almenos y lo hice con la app.
[17:27] <Stallin_> realmente no necesitaba hacerla.
[17:27] <Castagna> muy muy retardado
[17:28] <Stallin_> si, lo es.
[17:28] <Stallin_> solo por un sistema de reputacion me dieron ban permanente
[17:28] <Castagna> no
[17:28] <Stallin_> no?
[17:28] <Castagna> no des vuelta las cosas :)
[17:28] <Stallin_> ._.
[17:28] <Stallin_> solo por una app me dieron ban permanente*
[17:28] <Castagna> te buerlaste de nada mas y nada menos que el dueño del EA
[17:29] <Stallin_> pues
[17:29] <Castagna> ademas, soy parte del team de VC:MP
[17:29] <Stallin_> lo siento amigo, lo hice sin pensar
[17:29] <Stallin_> no hice las cosas bien
[17:29] <Stallin_> te prometo no volvera a pasar
[17:29] <Castagna> hablo con los developers de VC:MP la mayoria de los dias, y jugadores como vos pueden estar eliminados de la masterlist
[17:29] <Stallin_> banearme de vc:mp?
[17:30] <Castagna> nunca nadie llego a eso
[17:30] <Castagna> pero es posible
[17:30] <Stallin_> ya solo dime cuando se acabara todo
[17:30] <Castagna> no se
[17:30] <Stallin_> no quiero tener mas problemas
[17:30] <Castagna> lol 'no quiero tener mas problemas'
[17:30] <Stallin_> solo quiero dejar de ser un retardado y para eso necesito TU ayuda y la de todos.
[17:30] <Castagna> pero mientras tanto haces estupideces
[17:31] <Castagna> no estoy para ayudar a nadie menos a vos lamentablemente
[17:31] <Stallin_> las estupideces son una adiccion tanto como la de cambiar nicks
[17:31] <Castagna> no puedo ayudar al EA
[17:31] <Stallin_> permanente?
[17:31] <Stallin_> es enserio? a punto de ser desbaneado y me ponen una prohibicion asi
[17:32] <Castagna> yo no eh puseto nada
[17:32] <Stallin_> lo pondra kelvin o metalord?
[17:32] <Castagna> puesto*
[17:32] <Castagna> no se
[17:32] <Castagna> no me interesa
[17:32] <Stallin_> y entonces
[17:32] <Stallin_> porque dices que es permanente..
[17:32] <Castagna> estoy haciendo conjeturas
[17:32] <Stallin_> que mierda es eso.
[17:33] <Castagna> busca en el diccionario
[17:33] <Stallin_> ah ya
[17:33] <Stallin_> osea que estas haciendo 'juicios'
[17:33] <Castagna> en fin
[17:33] <Castagna> si
[17:33] <Stallin_> excelente, algun dia ya trabajaras de juez :D
[17:33] <Castagna> con pruebas
[17:34] <Castagna> no es lo mio
[17:34] <Stallin_> ok.
[17:34] <Castagna> tengo bastante trabajo como para ocuparme de estas estupideces la verdad
[17:34] <Castagna> no entiendo que hago hablandote
[17:34] <Stallin_> pero
[17:34] <Castagna> solo me dio impotencia ver lo que haces
[17:34] <Stallin_> le diras a metalord
[17:34] <Castagna> tienendo que estar AGRADECIDO de la oportunidad que te damos
[17:34] <Stallin_> le diras a metalord y ahi acabara todo con mi ban permanente y mi ban del foro
[17:34] <Stallin_> estoy agradecido con todos
[17:35] <Stallin_> pero no puedo negar que sigo siendo un retardado
[17:35] <Stallin_> le agradezco a VC:MP por esa oportunidad que me dieron
[17:35] <Castagna> ok desaparece ahora
[17:35] <Stallin_> pero no me has dicho
[17:35] <Castagna> quedate callado sin hacer nada
[17:35] <Stallin_> ok..
[17:36] <Stallin_> y el ban expira cuando iva a expirar?
[17:36] <Castagna> el staff te desbaneara en dicha fecha
[17:36] <Stallin_> ok
[17:36] <Stallin_> gracias
[17:36] <Castagna> idiota
[17:36] <Stallin_> si lo soy
[17:36] <Stallin_> gracias :D y voy a ir a un psicologo

Original post

sincerely, not accept any idiot like ...
stallin again?

Denied Applications / Re: JoacO Application
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:05:38 pm »

Accepted Applications / Re: Puma's App
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:45:33 pm »
puma buena suerte :)

Denied Applications / Re: My app
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:44:45 pm »
GL men  ;D

Denied Applications / Re: MY Application Punketo
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:55:59 pm »
this is humiliating to me asking "an opportunity" and never asked for this so I leave this clan sorry for taking away their time

PD I loved this clan

Denied Applications / Re: MY Application Punketo
« on: October 31, 2012, 01:03:17 am »
I do not want problems with anybody  am very good player honest I just want a chance

News and Announcements / Re: Promotions
« on: October 30, 2012, 04:13:33 pm »

te lo mereces :)

Denied Applications / Re: My application
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:30:25 am »
GL dude  :)

Denied Applications / Re: My Application
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:28:55 am »
Good Player GL dude

Denied Applications / Re: MY Application Punketo
« on: October 28, 2012, 06:56:14 pm »
I just want to help with the clan stats in my opinion is one of the top guilds, I'm never banned on any server I have a good reputation if some clan ever offended I apologize my attitude is sincere.

I think It doesn't matter to be MK member.I can tell you many players speaking bad english from this clan.
Example:You know _ZeuS_.He is a MK member too.But he doesn't even comes and plays with others . He can't speak english very well,but we accepted him for his skills and behaviours to others.Also please dont look at past behaviours of him.

We already have a lot of skilled players and we've got a good reputation in VC:MP also we are one of the top 3 clans in vc:mp community.Koray is wrong on what he said English is an important thing who said ,it doesn't matter?! How we supposed to communicate with you? we are interest on players behaviors and English. ¿comprendes?

ok I think it's fine if you do not need my help
If your question is how I can contact believe me I will always be the forum and I can communicate very well
give me just one chance to prove

Denied Applications / Re: MY Application Punketo
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:42:07 pm »
Sorry but your English is bad It's a no from me.Follow the regular format please.

I would like to make you change your thought

I just want to help with the clan stats in my opinion is one of the top guilds, I'm never banned on any server I have a good reputation if some clan ever offended I apologize my attitude is sincere

something that benefits me:

oh no Franklin, u should improve ur english more.

I think It doesn't matter to be MK member.I can tell you many players speaking bad english from this clan.
Example:You know _ZeuS_.He is a MK member too.But he doesn't even comes and plays with others . He can't speak english very well,but we accepted him for his skills and behaviours to others.Also please dont look at past behaviours of him.

The matter is that you are not ready for join us.A NO from me just for now.

Denied Applications / MY Application Punketo
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:23:34 am »
**Real Name:
*Luis Castilo

*Punketo / PanchoBigotes

**Your Previous nicks:
* ~[Galaxy]~, Punketo P_u_u_f and PanchoBigotes



*+5 GMT

**Servers you usually play on:
*Xe, CTF (sometimes)

**VC-MP History:
*I started playing December 03, 2011
My first clan was HSK, KB Finally LK
and greatly improved my game

**Why do you want to Join MK ?:
*I enter the clan by Dev that was my companion since started to play and I think I will be more support for the clan

**Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:
*HSK (separation of the clan)
*KB (separation of the clan)
*LK (members left the clan)


**Interested In Playing Clan Wars:

**Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:

*Clarify do not understand much English but understand some things and I'm learning

Video Of My

Another video of my old friends Bardok450, ex-[KB]Rodrigo, el_Dani, Neji[LK] and I ex-[KB]Punketo

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