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Messages - Green_Boy

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Community General / [VC-MP] [0.4]Top Down City Server
« on: May 25, 2018, 01:53:37 pm »

Hello Guys ! Today we are here with our server Top Down City. It contains new features and new commands. There are different fun commands in our server like /derby , /race , /sl (stunt land ) ... There are different worlds for every action like race , parkour ,derby etc. You can also change skin there by typing /changeskin <id> .. It is very unique server in VC-MP .. It also links to SA-MP and MTA, our derby track is similar to SA-MP server. You can also join duel zone by /duel ,dm or /fight. Must join our server and please start playing in it :)

Server IP :- 

Forum :-

Our Social Links :-
                                                                       Facebook -   https://www.facebook.com/TDCVSMP/   
                                                                       Website  -    https://tdcs.netlify.com/
                                                                       Discord -     https://discordapp.com/invite/WVjRMdj
                                                                       Youtube -   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFo3WJFb5rEbcsiVqABu2zUN9z2RbRnAp

Founder :-
                                                           Megamind & Khattaks.

P.S - We are currently recruiting admin! feel free to apply here when you are ready.

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