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Messages - D.E.[[V]].I.L

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: My Application DeZ
« on: May 12, 2017, 07:34:40 pm »
Bad behavior and attitude towards players. Good Luck.

Accepted Applications / Re: My Application KILLERX, KILL[E]RX
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:34:03 pm »
Good Luck, New.. Maybe old guy, and you failed to login into your acc in LW too, why so? :v

Denied Applications / Re: My Application D.E.[[V]].I.L
« on: April 28, 2017, 08:09:50 am »
in EAD, I was updating my csgo while playing ead, I killed wilson and he banned me for speed gear, for like nothing.
I was spectating you, you had 3 movement in less than 1 second, also your stubby triple fired in a single clip, you had 160 ping, i told you this when wilson asked for explanation too, you said it was spiking, it wasn't spiking, it's all lame now, your words not even worth it when you know you're guilty, for your information, you're in watchlist of almost all the official servers or wherever you play, admins are awaiting for evidence, they'll hit permanent ban asap something comes up, don't ask me for source, most of them usually have daily discussions about vcmp on our groups.

btw who are you to ask me what I did? MK members will ask for proofs, I will provide accordingly, how I do these movement without softwares

Denied Applications / Re: My Application D.E.[[V]].I.L
« on: April 28, 2017, 07:59:44 am »
I'm gonna have to intervene here and say no as well. Wallhack (U Key usage) was also detected by the CTF script. So it was detected by both EAD (in very specific scenarios) and CTF, so it was detected on 2 different servers. I find that to be too much of a coincidence. And to add to that, your "story" about how this happened changed around too much a bunch of times. So I don't really trust you right now Devil.

I didnt really know that U hacks exist in the game, my hotkey in csgo and ts3 is same, I dont talk frequently I cant speak English frequently, I just give calls.

and in LW, I have provided the proofs, and I am unbanned now.

in EAD, I was updating my csgo while playing ead, I killed wilson and he banned me for speed gear, for like nothing.

Denied Applications / My Application D.E.[[V]].I.L
« on: April 27, 2017, 06:51:21 pm »
Real Name: Muhammad Shees

Nickname: D.E.[[V]].I.L

Your Previous nicks: [VU_T]D.E.[[V]].I.L, =KF=D.E.[[V]].I.L & [UFt]D.E.[[V]].I.L

D.O.B/Age: 14

Location/Country: Pakistan, Sindh

GMT/TimeZone: +5 GTM

Servers you usually play on: LW, EC & VKs.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Nah.

VC-MP History: I have been playing vcmp from 2013, dropped out from it due to studies, joined back in late 2014, and still playing. Clans: UF, KF, VU.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Respectful, skillful, gentle and professional with experience unlike other clan members.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: My first official clan was UF, I left because my friend invited me to create a new clan, namely KF, He demoted me to member rank after gaining some members in his clan, and was not intended to return my Rank back, so I had to leave, afterwards I joined VU, they kicked me for using U hack which was my TeamSpeak 3 hotkey. (Now its H)

MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Dont use such stuff.

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, why not.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I wanted to join a highly experienced, respectful clan and I found 1, I would like to say, I will appreciate your vote, if I am weak at something, and tell me how to improve it.

Cheers up.

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