Hi, i know the best guy to ask this from. . Ye ye X-94..
const dbPort = 3306;
<-- this is the mysql's default portmysql_connect( Host(IP-string), User(String), Pass(String), Name(String), Port(integer) );
well, i have no idea how that script automatically locate the db. And if i use forum.liberty-unleashed.co.uk/index.php?topic=917.0 will that connect to a site like db4free.net easily?Epic man, PUTDM will be almost released, I'm proud of you :D
My db is hosted there too.
@ÊŦнąИ.s[3]xZ™ : ya ya.who else
well, i have no idea how that script automatically locate the db. And if i use forum.liberty-unleashed.co.uk/index.php?topic=917.0 will that connect to a site like db4free.net easily?Epic man, PUTDM will be almost released, I'm proud of you :D
My db is hosted there too.
@ÊŦнąИ.s[3]xZ™ : ya ya.who else
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