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Author Topic: Vice War 2  (Read 2610 times)

Offline NewK

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Vice War 2
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:58:59 pm »
[VU] is hosting Vice War once again, [MK] are going to participate, we chosed the Blue team and we are counting on all of you to participate and help the clan aswell. We will be allied with [DZ], they chosed to join the blue team aswell. There is no limit for the number of players per team so you can all join. This event will occur on the 13th August 2011 it will start at 04:00 GMT and it will last for 24 hours. More information below.

Vice War 2
Summer 2011

Vice War is a global VCMP Team Death Match event. The event is organized to increase the player activity around VCMP. It is anticipated to be very entertaining experience for those who participate.
All the VCMP Players are invited to participate in this event.

The Teams
The event will consist of two teams, Team Red and Team Blue.
The teams do not have a fixed amount of players. Both teams can get as many players as possible.
The teams will consist of clans and single members. All clans have choice to join any team they want. Clans have to sort out their alliances with other clans.
Each clan will select its diplomatic relations with other clans. Diplomacy can be - "Alliance" OR "At War".
According to their diplomacy, the clans have to choose their team, they will join their allies and be against their enemies.
Clan-less players can join any team they want.
Though, players of same clan can not be in different teams.

The Skins
Each team has 2 skins, an attacking skin and a defending skin. The defending skin spawns around the base, whilst the attacking skin spawns in an area seperate to the base, full of cars and helicopters. Neither skin has a set spawnwep configuration, instead you must choose your own spawnweps from a list of three choices. Do /c spawnweplist ingame to see the 3 groups.

The skins only relate to where they spawn, attackers can defend and defenders can attack if they wish.

The Venue
The match will run for the whole day (24 hours precisely).
Players can enter the server at any time they want and start earning points for their team.
Date: 13th August 2011
Start Time: 04:00 GMT
Server:  To be confirmed

The Match
The team with higher Points after 24 hours wins.
The Points can be gained by killing enemy members and 'attacking' the opponents base, by standing in their base pickup for 5 seconds. Players gain extra points for offensive and defensive kills (near yours or your opponents base centre) and gain a large bonus for successfully attacking the opponents base.
You can re-spawn any number of times you want.

There are several twists in the event:

Radar Disabled:
The radar will be disabled, you wont be able to see players on Radar! That means that teamwork, stealth, tactics will be very crucial.
this type of combat will be pretty new to all of us, the server would probably be very crowded....should be fun as we anticipated.

Team Base:
The team bases will be:
Film Studio area for Team Blue.
Trashyard for Team Red.
Blue colored vehicles will spawn at Team Blue base.
Red vehicles will spawn at Team Red base.

Points System:
Each kill gives your team points.
The closer you kill an opponent to his base, the more points you get.
If you kill an opponent close to your base, you get defending bonus.
If you successfully attack your opponents base you get 10 points.
At the end of 24 hours, the team with more points wins.

Players get $0 on registering.
Killing an opponent gives you $1000
Death reduces your cash by $500

Most weapons are free. These are the ones that aren't:
M60 - $2000, M4 - $2000, Spaz - $2500, Laser Sniper - $2500, Grenades - $2500, Molotovs - $2500, Flame Thrower - $1500, Rocket Launcher - $3000

Sign up in the diplomacy board now!!
Good Luck

We hope we can count on you to show up and help the clan ;)

Offline FaF

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Re: Vice War 2
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 10:04:25 pm »
m in like the last time :P

Offline antY_ARMY

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Re: Vice War 2
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2011, 02:09:54 am »
great another VC-MP marathon  8)

Offline Cypher

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Re: Vice War 2
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2011, 02:05:12 pm »
Yeah an other Vice War, i love this event, you can count on me for joining the event!
I think that the disabled radar will be an amazing thing, no one can see no one.  8)