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Author Topic: Forum Rules and Regulations  (Read 9056 times)

Offline WildRose

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Forum Rules and Regulations
« on: July 10, 2010, 03:41:58 pm »
Miami Killers Forum Rules and Regulations

This contains the following things that are not allowed on the forum. Failure to abide the rules will definitely cause you to be temporarily or permanently banned for breaching the terms and conditions of this forum.

Users are not to advertise in their posts or topics. Advertising in signatures is allowed.

Cracks and Warez
Users are not to post links to cracks, torrents and warez.

Users are not allowed to insult others based on their race, nationality and religion.

Multiple Accounts
Users are not allowed to create multiple accounts.

Users are not allowed to post pornographic-related content.

Real Life Pictures
Users are not allowed to post real life pictures of others as a means of attacking them.

Users are not allowed to spam in topics or create useless topics.

Taco Box Abuse
Users are not allowed to abuse the taco box as a means for spam, ban and bigotry.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
Users are not to use virtual private networks on the forum.

Bumping Topics
Users are not to post in a old topic which is already done with just to increase their number of posts.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 04:55:55 pm by SahiL »

- Crack's work ^_^