.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Inactivity => Topic started by: Rocky on February 02, 2014, 03:15:15 pm
Guess what? Its my turn to go away from keyboard for a month. I have exams coming up and i have to work hard. Bye guys i'll see ya later. :)
take care :D
Good Luck :)
Good luck Rocky :)
Take care and good luck :)
My exams are over. Time for some serious vc-mp! <3
I have exams one week more :'( :'( :'(
and Welcome back!
Welcome back :)
Welcome Back Though. :o
Welcome back :)
Welcome back.
I finished my exams, I approved and ascended to fifth year , Now I'm happy ;D and I will play more ingame 8) 8)