.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Inactivity => Departure => Topic started by: mehdi on May 18, 2012, 08:55:57 pm
What i can say to you guys...? bye
you are kidding me ryt ?!
you are kidding me ryt ?!
Whhat? Why are you leaving?
bye MidioX :(
Goodbye mehdi, best of luck wherever you decide to go.
WHy the fuck are you leaving...
post a reason
Goodbye mehdi, best of luck wherever you decide to go.
Goodbye mehdi, best of luck wherever you decide to go.
bye MiDioX ;) GL man :)
bye men u're a good guy the best of luck my friend...
GL MATE!!!!! :'( :'( :'(
Bye mehdi i will see u in the game
Are you fucktard? why the heck are you doing this?
btw, good luck dude D;
Are you fucktard? why the heck are you doing this?
btw, good luck dude D;
I mind the people who leaves his clan without any reason.Anyways,bye.
I mind the people who leaves his clan without any reason.Anyways,bye.
Hmm i told you to Join MK.And you were too eager for MK,anyways its your choice .
hmm so thats why you are leaving, Any ways Gud luck where ever you Go.
@By Mehd Previous clans: FS, no reason / mk, some personal problems with the members and there is no teamwork, Some of the insults from the leader...etc
And now he is saying we insulted him...
there is no teamwork
And i know why u said this line Mehdi i hope you will find gud frnds
@Want to know what is the real Reason Behind his leaving, Bcz Some of our members never respected this Guy
As clan member and as a player, well these types of things increasing in a clan day by day.
1 or 2 week ago he told me that he feels alone in this Clan, He also said me that every one hates me in MK, :-[
I mind the people who leaves his clan without any reason.Anyways,bye.
Well About Team work This clan teaches you team work on every weekend ,you can see your Clan team work in clan wars ,but you didn't played any clan war ,may be thats why . :o
>:( :o
i knew it..actually the reason why he left is because he feels that none of us cares about him , he told me once that some players came after him and got promoted quickly . to be honest midiox if you could speak a good english you wouldn't have to feel ignored..i mean how can we communicate with you ingame? how are we supposed to get to know you? faf tried more than once in training sessions to help you improve your skills but you didn't respond to him its because you can't speak english..thats why he said "you are stupid midiox" you see ? so mainly the problem was you not him or us..me and hans were the only ones who were able to have a long chat with you.
now you're saying that we have no team work.thats not true everyone is working good as a team in training sessions the reason why you fails at it is ENGLISH . however i wish you good luck in futur midiox i hope you will find that team work in VU . ;)
There must be more reasons to leave.I can count them:
- Promotion
- Not getting improve by this clan
- Dreaming to get in better clans
- As Tobi said 'Poverty english' makes him feel ignored
- Not getting a place in important Clan Wars
- Not getting any reputation.
- There is no one to teach VCMP basics
If there are not even one reason of mine types,then you are mad or you have to tell us the reason.Im really waiting for your VU Application result.Good luck
There must be more reasons to leave.I can count them:
- Promotion
- Not getting improve by this clan
- Dreaming to get in better clans
- As Tobi said 'Poverty english' makes him feel ignored
- Not getting a place in important Clan Wars
- Not getting any reputation.
- There is no one to teach VCMP basics
+1 ... (._.)
If anyone wishes to follow his foot steps and think that we lack "TEAMWORK" or we dont respect our clan members then they are free to do what Midiox did.
I would just smile and laugh at your decision totally.
To be honest.. I am happy with the clan members and with the new members too whom I have talked to lately..
If even everyone leaves then also trust me guys... I know few names who would always stay in MK may what happens or who so ever leaves.
Anyway, not here to give and emo speech or anything.
Enjoy your new clan ;)
Guys, don't worry all those things about him saying that we hate him is a lie, that's just an excuse because he wanted to be promoted, he's too impatient. A few weeks after he got accepted in this clan he was already saying he was probably going to leave because he wasn't promoted lol, he just got accepted and expected to be promoted only a few weeks later....
We don't want impatient members here, everyone gets promoted in its own time.
About him saying there's no teamwork, it's a lie too because when he plays a/d he doesn't listen to us and does whatever he wants, FaF tried to help him and told him some advices and not use the sniper in every single base, because some bases are not that good for a sniper, yet he ignored it and now he says there's no teamwork? pfft he was the one that didn't listen to us.
So in short, what he said are just excuses, the real reason he left is because he's impatient and wanted to be promoted.
GoodBye n' Good luck. :(
aha Midiox lied :o
GoodBye n' Good luck. :(
GoodBye n' Good luck. :(
GoodBye n' Good luck. :(
GooD luck Where ever u Go & hope u will be get accepted in VU ;)