.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Inactivity => Departure => Topic started by: Nilz on June 28, 2012, 04:03:58 am
As the topic title says, I'm unfortunately leaving the clan, I would like to stay without clan for a time or forever, this clan was really important to me that I even considered it as a friendly family, I'd not like to disappoint anyone for this leaving thread therefore I want you to understand my situation. According to my VC:MP history I haven't ever stayed clanless, however, this time I want to know how it feels and I don't want to join any clan for the moment, I wish you MK members the best luck for your progress as what you are currently; a strong clan. Many members will join this clan in the future and it'll keep growing up, I am sure of it. I always liked this clan's coexistence. I want to let you know I have nothing personal against you; this clan is one of the best ones in this multiplayer game named VC:MP, I would be glad if you keep it up. I'd like to see MK as what it is now, in the future. In this clan I used to make so many friends whose helped me in everything I needed and played with me making me have some nice time. I would like to meet them in game and keep team-working with them if possible. Furthermore, that CTF tournament I and some other mates organized in the past won't stop, I'd love to see you playing on it sooner or later as I know you have been busy these days and even training sessions haven't been done, we can still keep playing in CTF server; not in tournament, since I am not a MK member anymore. I hope I didn't disappoint any of you as a member because of this leaving thread. I had been thinking on it the last days and I finally chose a decision, I hope you understand it. The last word I'd say into this thread is bye, dear MK. Remove my rank please.
bai bitch, enjoy your clanless times :P
good luck :)
Thanks :)
Bye bro. Wherever you are, we will still be friends. I respect every decision you make. Some things you might need to know. You will be kinda free in your own world if you are a single player. I remember back in the days when i was alone. It was fun. Earning your own cash, cars, props, etc. But then i decided to see what being in a clan would feel like. So now i am here where i am today. In a clan. But i wont be leaving anytime soon. Or i will never leave this clan at all.
good luck man
Nilz , i am disappointed and shocked.
you meant alot to me in MK. you were also the reason i joined MK.
Welcome to the club nilz
GoodLuck Nab ;)
Best of luck Frejolito :D
Good luck nilz.
Bye Nilz GL
Good luck nilz.
GL in future nilzy ;)
joke... xd GL dude
bye bro nilz :D good luck!
YOU LEAVED BECAUSE YOU SMELLED dat you are going to be kicked Staying in 2 clans is out of rule.
YOU LEAVED BECAUSE YOU SMELLED dat you are going to be kicked Staying in 2 clans is out of rule.
cya ;)
Goodbye nilz good luck friend wherever you go :d
Welcome to the club nilz
YOU LEAVED BECAUSE YOU SMELLED dat you are going to be kicked Staying in 2 clans is out of rule.
Cya! :-X
GL Nilz , this guy is really a man
GL Nilz , this guy is really a man
GL bye.
GooD lUcK man ,You and sfitz joined to MK at the same time and you and stiftz leaving the same time .very funny
bye nilz .. good luck :)
GooD lUcK man ,You and sfitz joined to MK at the same time and you and stiftz leaving the same time .very funny
??? ??? really? WTF ._.
Good luck my friend :) :D