.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Information => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Kelvin on June 02, 2014, 05:40:56 pm
We have just learned that you are fooling us. Revolver sent me a message and the message shows that you applied for trc under an alias. This doesnt suit with MK policy. If you fool us,you get the punishment harder.
Here is the full message sent by Revolver to me:
Hi, Kelvin i have some sad news regarding your newly appeared trainee Cato. Well, yesterday our clan got an applicant on forums (link: http://trc-gang.twomini.com/index.php?topic=188), saying that he's from canada and currently living in Germany, it took less than 10 minutes for me to realize he ain't a canadian at all but rather an idiot-spy, who wants to join us. I don't usually care about people like him, but this case made me look through it, i took his IP adress and tracked. IP related to Saudi Arabia, and here i started understanding all shit. A two weeks before it happened, I had a little disputes with Cato, I called him a lagger and he started raging at me, telling my clanmates to kick me out of the clan (he didn't clearly tell to kick me out, but the words he said were reffering to it).
Nothing more interesting happened except Cato crying over my IRC channel and being banned by morphine, we didn't take this case as a serious one and quickly forgot about it, but the yesterday's situation made me rethink about everything what cato recently did.
There are some evidences (I've screened everything from my tablet):
that's his yesterday's IP adress:
When i tracked it:
Now today's IP adress (when he logged in today):
Talking to lw admin:
<Revolver-away> hi are you here, i need your help
<---> i am
<Revolver-away> k, can you please give me cato's current ip, he's on lw now
<---> what for?
<Revolver-away> for personal check out.
<---> [IP] [MKt]Cato:
<Revolver-away> thank you
<---> you think he's someone else?
<Revolver-away> i think he's that guy james
<Revolver-away> if everything is true, i'll talk to kelvin
Now compare to the IP adress in that PIC, i can give you a pic of our chatting with an lw admin.
NOW I'm tracking his IP adress on our forums (You can do the same Kelvin on MK forums):
As you can see he has an alias account with Dhoom guy. Now look who's that Dhoom guy:
that's his yesterday's IP adress:
Now you decide what to do, Kelvin. That's not like I have a vendetta with Cato, these are the facts, he broke MK's policy, he fooled us and he fooled you, now he deserves a punishment, i hope you know which, i can give your more evidences (such as IP tracking from XE forums, if his ip is still saved there).
Regards, Jackdawz.
Here is the second part:
I want you to check for his last IPs. If possible,send me a long list.
George gave me this pic with all his IPs used during all the time on XE forums:
<Revolver> hi i need something
<Revolver> go to cato's account -> click on profile -> track user
<Revolver> and make a screen of the page
<Revolver> i need it
<Revolver> with all his ips
<George> for what?
<Revolver> well, cato applied to our clan from other alias
<Revolver> i just want to collect as many proof as i can
<Revolver> to get him kicked out of mk
<George> ok, but that's not xe business '-'
<Revolver> please, man, i need it.
<Revolver> i'll use this pic to compare all his ips
<George> wait
<George> https://i.imgur.com/xQLev9G.png
<Revolver> thanks
His the most recent IP is:
He used this ip to log in to his 'James' account on TRC forums.
No doubts it's cato.
Here are newk's words in the discussion between me and him.
Indeed, the IPs that Revolver shows us don't match the IPs of Cato on this forum. However, the subnets are the same, and since his IP is dynamic, it's only a matter of time until his IP changes and fully matches James' IPs. Is that last pic of XE IPs from the profile of Cato or James? Anyway, I can tell you for sure that it's him. Seems like Revolver is right. I've spotted something in the way he writes that completely gives him away.
First open James' app: http://trc-gang.twomini.com/index.php?topic=188
Now open Cato's app: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/approved-as-trainees/application-1571
Now take a look at how Cato places his commas(,) on his app:
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Honest , Experienced , Awesome players.I really loved this clan from the day i come back then after sometime i was going to apply here but i don't know much member but i did know that i m gonna get denied so i didn't then i applied to TZ without knowing much about them and got denied and after few months i applied again but someone told me about them. Then i find out how much community hated/hate nadeem , after this all i closed my app there and decided to apply here because i think i am much better than before.
He always puts one space before and one space after each comma(,)
He does it like this : text , text
instead of
this: text, text
Now look at James' app
Tell us a bit about yourself:I'm a guy who's from Canada but for some work i am here in Germany , My dream was to become an actor which was unfortunately broken , I'm living with my 2 sisters and 1 brother in a 5 room house colored brown made of bricks.
He does the exact same thing. He puts one space before and after each comma(,)
It's obvious they are both the same person. Also on that quote from James he tries to describe too much stuff to make it look like he's a different person from Cato, he's trying too hard, seriously who the hell describes what color their house is and what its made of in an application? lol
Anyway, nice work, You can kick him.
Every single person having normal IQ get that you applied to trc with James account. Nice try, but a big majority of the clans in vcmp dont accept that and let us know quickly(if its not TZ). Get out.
Nicely played cat0
But it never wotks
you can clan-hoop after joining NYB
Have a cup of vodka along with Vidal.
Badbye, and never return.
lol, good bye clan-hopper+F1 haxor
well, what I have to say is just good luck.
Well its shocking Just Good Luck :-X
lol. Good luck Cato
hahah Great, Nice MK, Good Job.
deserved cato. brain donor
Se los dije :v
Its really disappointing. Good Luck :-X
Hey theree! Good job Cato!
Told ya already guys! Never I trust on him.
Don't come back anymore ;)
Its really disappointing. Good Luck :-X
Told ya already guys! Never I trust on him.
Don't come back anymore ;)
Nice catch.
Its really disappointing.
Don't come back anymore. NEVER FUCK NEVER!
lol Good Luck hhhhhhhhhh :P :P :P :P :P :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Well its shocking Just Good Luck :-X
Told ya already guys! Never I trust on him.
Don't come back anymore ;)
What the actual fuck, You're such a retard who just want himself as a trainee and no one other, stay away from me.
Between getting on the point, i would like to say something but i know you will just say it's an excuse from me to stay on the clan and you won't believe it so better i don't say anything at all although thank you for the chance, really appreciated, bye.
P.S ; Soldier can u meet me in irc? just wanted to tell you.
And here are some members who really don't like me and keep blaming me since i joined this clan calling me an ....... but i tolerated all this things and i really don't fight with anyone of you , if you believe me join IRC and i will tell u what actually happened.
OMG, you really disappointed and here appeared on your truth and your intentions, but I'll tell you good luck.
And here are some members who really don't like me and keep blaming me since i joined this clan calling me an ....... but i tolerated all this things and i really don't fight with anyone of you , if you believe me join IRC and i will tell u what actually happened.
You're worthless tbh, you just joined MK to make it shame, nothing else i can say but still it was a good decision by Kelvin and as you messed with TRC's and having issue, it's his job to take revenge on a retard like you.
Nobody wants to hear anything from you except your brain donor friends, and Niko was right when he dropped a no in your application because he knew that you're a useless and worthless person and a guy who takes advantage of his poor pc with that mod which makes gun animation disappeared.
So i am just out here to prove that i didn't applied to TRC, It was my brother who did it he did it before when i was in G4F ( Don't think i am making excuses to get back in ) and repeated it a week ago, deleted my acc on ny forum and made a new with the name Cato~blabla and then started to say "Ban me" so i did get banned when i came back from my relatives house, i did tell them what actually happened and who really did that so i got my level back and i was unbanned though that doesn't matter at all, someone suggested me to make a video of duel with my brother so i could prove that my brother actually exist sor he does, I'm not doing this to get back and i know i can't get back, anyways : -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be)
And if you don't believe me after this i can provide you a photo of him (I'm not bluint.) so please try to trust me and i don't want anything, just want you guys to forgive me for what i have done to the reputation and thank you very much again for the opportunity, really thank you.
I don't believe in you anymore.... really you disappointed me
I don't believe in you anymore.... really you disappointed me
Why the heck i will apply to other group since i am in an awesome clan? huh come on i really didn't applied.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be)
showed them this video to say I am not the doer and I'm sure you told one of your friends to enter as is it your brother, don't be stupid this is very clear.
So i am just out here to prove that i didn't applied to TRC, It was my brother who did it he did it before when i was in G4F ( Don't think i am making excuses to get back in ) and repeated it a week ago, deleted my acc on ny forum and made a new with the name Cato~blabla and then started to say "Ban me" so i did get banned when i came back from my relatives house, i did tell them what actually happened and who really did that so i got my level back and i was unbanned though that doesn't matter at all, someone suggested me to make a video of duel with my brother so i could prove that my brother actually exist sor he does, I'm not doing this to get back and i know i can't get back, anyways : -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be)
And if you don't believe me after this i can provide you a photo of him (I'm not bluint.) so please try to trust me and i don't want anything, just want you guys to forgive me for what i have done to the reputation and thank you very much again for the opportunity, really thank you.
Will you allow your brother to fuck your wife or girlfriend? If yes, then I surely respect about him destroying your name and you very well agree on that. If no, then why would you allow an asshole to fuck things for you?
The above statement is not to disgrace you or anything but it is to remind you that if you are cocky yourself or have a cocky brother then deal with it yourself, we don't want the shit of your family into this clan or the whole community itself. Noone would come and cry on your grave if you behave like this.
Piece of advice - Give respect. Take respect. Give shit. Take loads of shit back. :)
Piece of advice - Give respect. Take respect. Give shit. Take loads of shit back. :)
So i am just out here to prove that i didn't applied to TRC, It was my brother who did it he did it before when i was in G4F ( Don't think i am making excuses to get back in ) and repeated it a week ago, deleted my acc on ny forum and made a new with the name Cato~blabla and then started to say "Ban me" so i did get banned when i came back from my relatives house, i did tell them what actually happened and who really did that so i got my level back and i was unbanned though that doesn't matter at all, someone suggested me to make a video of duel with my brother so i could prove that my brother actually exist sor he does, I'm not doing this to get back and i know i can't get back, anyways : -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn6I3Eg_6HU&feature=youtu.be)
And if you don't believe me after this i can provide you a photo of him (I'm not bluint.) so please try to trust me and i don't want anything, just want you guys to forgive me for what i have done to the reputation and thank you very much again for the opportunity, really thank you.
Will you allow your brother to fuck your wife or girlfriend? If yes, then I surely respect about him destroying your name and you very well agree on that. If no, then why would you allow an asshole to fuck things for you?
The above statement is not to disgrace you or anything but it is to remind you that if you are cocky yourself or have a cocky brother then deal with it yourself, we don't want the shit of your family into this clan or the whole community itself. Noone would come and cry on your grave if you behave like this.
Piece of advice - Give respect. Take respect. Give shit. Take loads of shit back. :)
"Piece of advice - Give respect. Take respect. Give shit. Take loads of shit back. :) " Totally agree.
your brother huh? it looks like another drama started, nicely played Cato but , playing with MK's is difficult men. anyways good luck with that rampage clan . :)
There will be no drama İF yolu dont talk about it.
wow what a shame! Disapointing indeed!
i've been around here for too long and i can tell how many bro drama storys i've heard. this is just another one..
so if your "excuse" comes with a family drama,please take out the door.