.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Inactivity => Departure => Topic started by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:05:27 pm

Title: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:05:27 pm
I'm leaving. Nothing against MKs, i had almost no troubles with you.
Forgive me, I'm not playing anymore VCMP from a lot and i'm stuck with a really limited internet connection.
Under your permissions, i would like to be able to keep my "MK" in many places OUTSIDE vcmp, like on my 2nd FB account. I miss the old funny days. Probably i will come back reading tomorrow and if i don't find any reply i will then check back next week, then maybe the week after.
Maybe, if i will get to have a decent internet connection (Hopefully i can get it on my Desktop pc) I will apply for MKs again. I noticed both Me and Cypher look like Inactive. Cypher is less inactive than me. Sometimes he goes on VCMP and some days we (both) got on SAMP too with our BlackJack Friends/Clanmates. (Yes, i used the MK Tag)

Thanks to every friend.
I hope i will be able to keep my friendship with everyone.
Special thanks to:
Faf Feef?
Ashay WildRose
NewK Silent Dude
John Terrorist
Chad Mike
Moric Hope you remember me
Dev Why the hell aren't you MK yet? lol
Metal Even if he left MKs
Oneill <3

I forgot many people, specially a spanish guy who i teached him how to create mIRC scripts - if he remembers me and likes to post back, i would really be grateful, as i cannot get on IRC.

Regards and Thanks, ex-'MK' SGH.

P.S. : I may still be alive sometimes on FaceBook. Feel Free to Contact Me.
P.P.S. : Last Gift: http://localhostr.com/file/ZX1W8D2/BattleTanks.rar (http://localhostr.com/file/ZX1W8D2/BattleTanks.rar) (First create a map, hold H in the editor for commands)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: NewK on March 19, 2012, 09:10:42 pm
Ah, long time no see SGH, sad to hear you're leaving. Best of luck wherever you go mate  ;)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:12:45 pm
Ah, long time no see SGH, sad to hear you're leaving. Best of luck wherever you go mate  ;)
Thank you :)
If you mean about clans, i don't think i will change it.
As on the first post, i felt really good here in MKs, and if i will choose a clan again i will choose MKs for sure.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Moric on March 19, 2012, 09:14:49 pm
Sad to hear that you are leaving  :'(
Good luck where ever you go mate
i still remember those days when you and me was fighting in svm that time i was in [MKt]
nice old days  ;)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: NewK on March 19, 2012, 09:17:49 pm
We should fix a date some day for a AOE2 battle for old times sake, it was good fun when we all played together, Cypher,you,Ashay,me,FaF,anty..... good times.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nilz on March 19, 2012, 09:18:52 pm
Good luck where ever you go mate
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:20:29 pm
Sad to hear that you are leaving  :'(
Good luck SGH where ever you go
i still remember those days when you and me was fighting in svm that time i was in [MKt]
nice old days  ;)
Yes, good old days.
I remember the fun we had on VCMP too. At least i was having fun, then IDK you, you was a bit less experienced than me (lol)
But now you are able to beat me even at 1st try, i bet.
We should fix a date some day for a AOE2 battle for old times sake, it was good fun when we all played together, Cypher,you,Ashay,me,FaF,anty..... good times.
AFAIK, as of some months ago, i was only able to contact Cypher from TeamSpeak or from mobile.
You will get some troubles finding him probably, but on osu! (One of our last games we use to play) his nick should be Cypher05, if you really do care about talking to him. About TeamSpeak, i don't remember the pass we have got.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: NewK on March 19, 2012, 09:22:09 pm
AFAIK, as of some months ago, i was only able to contact Cypher from TeamSpeak or from mobile.
You will get some troubles finding him probably, but on osu! (One of our last games we use to play) his nick should be Cypher05, if you really do care about talking to him. About TeamSpeak, i don't remember the pass we have got.
I still see him on xfire once in a while and he still visits the forums sometimes.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:23:57 pm
I still see him on xfire once in a while and he still visits the forums sometimes.
Cypher is less inactive than me. Sometimes he goes on VCMP...
Anyways, it's all right.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:41:50 pm
download: 0.90 mb
Upload: 0.10 Mb
dl: 0.30 mbps
up: 0.10 mbps
I cannot use P2P and UDP-ports, and only can use HTML (No secured sessions-so cannot read mail and cannot get on FB from my notebook, only from the java app for mobiles), using a Wap (Not a full Web) access point from a mobile phone.
i have the worst internet connection EVER!
Quote from: SGH
dl: 0.30 mbps
up: 0.10 mbps
I cannot use P2P and UDP-ports, and only can use HTML (No secured sessions-so cannot read mail and cannot get on FB from my notebook, only from the java app for mobiles), using a Wap (Not a full Web) access point from a mobile phone.

EDIT: I'm surprised for the speeds, the ping does not let me notice them.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Devastator10 on March 19, 2012, 09:48:39 pm
i have the worst internet connection EVER!
Quote from: SGH
dl: 0.30 mbps
up: 0.10 mbps
I cannot use P2P and UDP-ports, and only can use HTML (No secured sessions-so cannot read mail and cannot get on FB from my notebook, only from the java app for mobiles), using a Wap (Not a full Web) access point from a mobile phone.
EDIT: I'm surprised for the speeds, the ping does not let me notice them.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 09:49:43 pm
i have the worst internet connection EVER!
Quote from: SGH
dl: 0.30 mbps
up: 0.10 mbps
I cannot use P2P and UDP-ports, and only can use HTML (No secured sessions-so cannot read mail and cannot get on FB from my notebook, only from the java app for mobiles), using a Wap (Not a full Web) access point from a mobile phone.
EDIT: I'm surprised for the speeds, the ping does not let me notice them.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nexus on March 19, 2012, 10:22:23 pm
Thanks to every friend.
I hope i will be able to keep my friendship with everyone.
Special thanks to:
Faf Feef?
Ashay WildRose
NewK Silent Dude
John Terrorist
Chad Mike
Moric Hope you remember me
Dev Why the hell aren't you MK yet? lol
Metal Even if he left MKs
Oneill <3

WHERE THE FUCK I AM? xD, gl with ur fucking real life i hope u get a fucking 100 mbps conection and come back :D
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 19, 2012, 10:29:50 pm
Thanks to every friend.
I hope i will be able to keep my friendship with everyone.
Special thanks to:
Faf Feef?
Ashay WildRose
NewK Silent Dude
John Terrorist
Chad Mike
Moric Hope you remember me
Dev Why the hell aren't you MK yet? lol
Metal Even if he left MKs
Oneill <3

WHERE THE FUCK I AM? xD, gl with ur fucking real life i hope u get a fucking 100 mbps conection and come back :D
LOL Well, you're halfway right, i just didnt met you "Enough" to say you are a 'Real' friend, but you aren't an enemy and it makes you a friend.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nexus on March 19, 2012, 10:49:40 pm
omfg ur speedtest says 6 mbps, what a decrease D:

cya in another life  :'( with better luck :D

and this is even more shit, fuck at my isp (i have 2 mbps in the contract xD)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1844229636.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Perfect10n on March 20, 2012, 01:42:50 am
good luck man :'( hope you can back soon ;)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Devastator10 on March 20, 2012, 02:42:31 am
omfg ur speedtest says 6 mbps, what a decrease D:

cya in another life  :'( with better luck :D

and this is even more shit, fuck at my isp (i have 2 mbps in the contract xD)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1844229636.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
OMG! You win in upload but you lose at download! :P
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nexus on March 20, 2012, 03:08:46 am
mexican isps suxxx!!!, i'll stole john's one :DDD
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: FaF on March 20, 2012, 05:27:46 am
Rofl dude stfu.... u ain't leaving.... I mean you were inactive since long... but did we say anything?  No.... as ofc everyone has a real lifwe and its problems... there many more which are more inactive than you... I mean they haven't been around really.... and that if you are gonna apply again why leave? you can just be inactive as much as you want as its legit for it being your real life problems....

And about cypher... he is in full contact with us... even plays league of legends with us...

Reply back with a line saying: ok I ain't leaving :D
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Perfect10n on March 20, 2012, 05:37:33 am
x if you did this you will regret it. my ISP sucks it lags when im playing european server lol although download speed are not bad xD
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Zer0K on March 20, 2012, 06:16:34 am
just go for inactive nab & be active soon  ;)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: DeViL_JiN on March 20, 2012, 06:40:47 am
you donno me i donno you.
but anyways Good luck where ever you Go
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: N.Nikolay on March 20, 2012, 06:42:20 am
same,Good Luck  :P
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: WildRose on March 20, 2012, 07:00:03 am

Dint know that was coming! :o
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Hockz on March 20, 2012, 05:17:03 pm
you donno me i donno you.
but anyways Good luck where ever you Go


(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1845696435.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)

Upload Speed sucks!
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 20, 2012, 08:44:01 pm
Rofl dude stfu.... u ain't leaving.... I mean you were inactive since long... but did we say anything?  No.... as ofc everyone has a real lifwe and its problems... there many more which are more inactive than you... I mean they haven't been around really.... and that if you are gonna apply again why leave? you can just be inactive as much as you want as its legit for it being your real life problems....

And about cypher... he is in full contact with us... even plays league of legends with us...

Reply back with a line saying: ok I ain't leaving :D
Hm hm... I don't know if replying with a "I ain't leaving" or what.
x if you did this you will regret it. my ISP sucks it lags when im playing european server lol although download speed are not bad xD
John <3
Ok, i ain't leaving. LOL-Just take it as a "I'm alive and waiting for a decent network connection, but i wanted to share my Battle Tanks simulator with you" Just to let you know, today i finished Walls' Shadows-But you will not see them as of now, i will wait until i finish the MP system.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 20, 2012, 08:49:21 pm
omfg ur speedtest says 6 mbps, what a decrease D:
I never got past 740 kbps, that was a complete bullshit.
And im talking about Torrents-Popular ones.
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: FaF on March 20, 2012, 09:05:34 pm
* SGH pwnd You (SPAM)
*SGH got pwnd ( No internet )

http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/096/044/trollface.jpg?1296494117 (http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/096/044/trollface.jpg?1296494117)
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nexus on March 21, 2012, 02:46:28 am
my internet is worst everyday


i got owned by a pakistani connection *hides from moric or zer0k (i can't remember who or them are from pakistan) xD*

EDIT: my internet is not that bad again
http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846581749.png xD
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Devastator10 on March 21, 2012, 02:56:31 am
my internet is worst everyday

http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846573210.png (http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846573210.png)

i got owned by a pakistani connection *hides from moric or zer0k (i can't remember who or them are from pakistan) xD*

EDIT: my internet is not that bad again
http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846581749.png (http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846581749.png) xD
:O you 1337 u83rh4x0r! haaaaaaaaaax!
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: SGH on March 21, 2012, 07:45:49 pm
my internet is worst everyday


i got owned by a pakistani connection *hides from moric or zer0k (i can't remember who or them are from pakistan) xD*

EDIT: my internet is not that bad again
http://www.speedtest.net/result/1846581749.png xD
Slower than 80-90% of mexico, LOL
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Nexus on March 22, 2012, 05:15:01 am
Mexican isps offers 1-3 mbps as standard, btw we need 10 mbps then they suxxx!
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: FaF on March 22, 2012, 06:54:52 am
Mexican isps offers 1-3 mbps as standard, btw we need 10 mbps then they suxxx!
same with indian ISP :P

they have different plans with all having a speed limit...like 2mbps till 10 gb and 256kbps speed after that
Title: Re: Time to do it.
Post by: Kelvin on March 22, 2012, 12:33:46 pm
I will sign a contract for fibernet when current one ends.