.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Eddy on February 06, 2012, 11:22:49 pm
Real Name:Eddy Carlos
Location/Country:Dominican republic
Servers you usually play on:XE-XA-SVM-CTF-Miami dades....
VC-MP History:2 years, *USA*--MK--FS--DU
Why you want to Join Clan MK:Well folks, I have a good attitude
I am very friendly with everyone, and much better ..
Well, as some of you MK
know that i was in the clan MK grab a few months ...
fuy good because I kicked banned in the HA
I say I'm honest
Wait 2 months to apply again if I have another chance on average, and has always been very good with everyone and I have a good attitude
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:*USA*:Colsed--MK:Kicked I put this answer up--FS:Left--DU:left
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Another opportunity please :'(
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
sure [MKt] From my side
[Friend I consider you a good player so I think you need a second chance but never had to happen what happened because I am your friend and I know you are not a hacker or anything of what you accused the former see why for me a lean pleasure to have you come back to the clan.....
[MKt] FRom My side men...
the best of LUCK .... u're great... :)
Your situation really confuses m eddy.
You are no doubt a good player...you have very good skills and very decent and friendly attitude but on the other hand you were auto banned by scripts on Hunting Arena Server for armour hacks...
I guess you would have to wait until we come up to a decision
Thanks Dark and Devil
FaF .. ok I respect that
but to clarify this more
I hope Hockz talk and say what happened that day
that he was playing with me ;)
did you left DU? Why?
ou know that DU died, by the inactivity of the players ..
and I went out because I was the only active :/
Hmm, you have some good qualities eddy, you're a good fighter and you have good attitudes, however that incident on HA concerns me, you were banned by the script for armour hacks, and I know you already said you didn't use cheats, however the script never fails and it detected you as an armour hacker.
[00:05] <@iHatez> 14**6 [1] 14[MKt]Eddy* has spawned.
[00:05] <@iRagez> 4** hkr.morph killed Hockz* (m60) (Right leg)
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 14**6 [0] 14Hockz* has spawned.
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2** 6[4]3 hector123 joined the server
[00:05] <@iHatez> 5** Auto-kicking hector123 Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:05] <@iRagez> 3**6 [4] 3hector123 left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 4** [MKt]Eddy* killed hkr.morph (Stubby) (Torso)
[00:05] <@iLovez> 5** Auto Admin Banning [ [MKt]Eddy* ] - Reason:[ Armour Hax ]
[00:05] <@iHatez> 3**6 [1] 3[MKt]Eddy* left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iRagez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: WTF?
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 14**6 [2] 14hkr.morph has spawned.
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: F
[00:05] <@iHatez> 2** 6[4]3 hector123 joined the server
[00:05] <@iRagez> 5** Auto-kicking hector123 Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 3**6 [4] 3hector123 left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: MIRA
[00:05] <@iHatez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: MIRA
[00:05] <@iRagez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: SI VISTE?>
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: BANEARON A EDDY
[00:06] <@iLovez> 2** 6[1]3 [MKt]Eddy* joined the server
[00:06] <@iHatez> 5** Auto-kicking [MKt]Eddy* Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:06] <@iRagez> 3**6 [1] 3[MKt]Eddy* left the server 3(Kicked)
Sorry Eddy but we just can't accept people who are banned in popular servers, if you manage to solve your issues with HA , I would be more then happy to accept you. But as long as you're banned we can't accept you because we wouldn't want members who are banned to represent the clan, it would affect the clan's reputation, I hope you understand and best of luck wherever you go.
-Denied for now, if you manage to solve your problems with HA feel free to apply again, I'd be more then happy to accept you.
Hmm, you have some good qualities eddy, you're a good fighter and you have good attitudes, however that incident on HA concerns me, you were banned by the script for armour hacks, and I know you already said you didn't use cheats, however the script never fails and it detected you as an armour hacker.
[00:05] <@iHatez> 14**6 [1] 14[MKt]Eddy* has spawned.
[00:05] <@iRagez> 4** hkr.morph killed Hockz* (m60) (Right leg)
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 14**6 [0] 14Hockz* has spawned.
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2** 6[4]3 hector123 joined the server
[00:05] <@iHatez> 5** Auto-kicking hector123 Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:05] <@iRagez> 3**6 [4] 3hector123 left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 4** [MKt]Eddy* killed hkr.morph (Stubby) (Torso)
[00:05] <@iLovez> 5** Auto Admin Banning [ [MKt]Eddy* ] - Reason:[ Armour Hax ]
[00:05] <@iHatez> 3**6 [1] 3[MKt]Eddy* left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iRagez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: WTF?
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 14**6 [2] 14hkr.morph has spawned.
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: F
[00:05] <@iHatez> 2** 6[4]3 hector123 joined the server
[00:05] <@iRagez> 5** Auto-kicking hector123 Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 3**6 [4] 3hector123 left the server 3(Kicked)
[00:05] <@iLovez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: MIRA
[00:05] <@iHatez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: MIRA
[00:05] <@iRagez> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: SI VISTE?>
[00:05] <@iPawnz> 2**6 [0] 10Hockz*: BANEARON A EDDY
[00:06] <@iLovez> 2** 6[1]3 [MKt]Eddy* joined the server
[00:06] <@iHatez> 5** Auto-kicking [MKt]Eddy* Reason:[ Banned ]
[00:06] <@iRagez> 3**6 [1] 3[MKt]Eddy* left the server 3(Kicked)
Sorry Eddy but we just can't accept people who are banned in popular servers, if you manage to solve your issues with HA , I would be more then happy to accept you. But as long as you're banned we can't accept you because we wouldn't want members who are banned to represent the clan, it would affect the clan's reputation, I hope you understand and best of luck wherever you go.
-Denied for now, if you manage to solve your problems with HA feel free to apply again, I'd be more then happy to accept you.
and put my ban appeal in HA Forum
Then with what you just said, say you shall refuse my application?
But I do not understand is ... I was playing very normal mind
Hockz was with me there you see
when I was surprised there banned Hockz see what they said
something strange happened ...
I was not wearing anything
Hockz is the only witness who is
I hope your answer
ok Newk
respect what you said
I manage
and put my ban appeal in HA Forum
Then with what you just said, say you shall refuse my application?
But I do not understand is ... I was playing very normal mind
Hockz was with me there you see
when I was surprised there banned Hockz see what they said
something strange happened ...
I was not wearing anything
Hockz is the only witness who is
I hope your answer
Eddy, I believe you don't use cheats anymore, but the main problem here is that you are banned in HA and we can't accept members who are banned because they're not good for the clan's reputation.
You would need to to fix your issues with HA first because you are still banned there.
ok NewK
I have no problem with that ;)
ok NewK
I have no problem with that ;)
get unbanned from hunting arena.
if I unbanned :D