.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Wars and Matches => Topic started by: Zegro on July 18, 2010, 07:47:48 am

Title: VCCT: Vice City Clan Tournament!
Post by: Zegro on July 18, 2010, 07:47:48 am
Vice City Clan Tournament

With clan activity at an all time high in VC:MP, myself and charley thought it was about time we had a clan tournament. The tournament will be hosted on VU forums (www.viceunderdogs.co.nr) and games will be played on TLN's server. (TLN's Bunker). Here is some basic info, if you want to sign up or want more info, then go to our forums.

How matches are fought
Matches will be in an attack/defend style. 1 team attacks, 1 team defends. Each team picks their own base.

First stage
Each team plays each other team twice (2 rounds). The rounds consist of 4 matches, 2 defending and 2 attacking. Teams get 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and a bonus point if they win 4-0. Once all teams have played each other, the top 4 teams, in terms of points, go through to the semi-final.

The remaining 4 teams are split into pairs who fight each other in a knockout fashion. They play 3 rounds of 4 matches. If there is a tie, a tie-breaker round is played. The 2 winners from the semi-finals go through to the final and fight in the same way.

Clans may enter up to 2 teams into VCCT (Eg VU1 team and VU2 team). Each team must consist of 4 players and 2 or more designated substitutes. If a player cannot make their clan war, a substitute from their team can be used. Both players and substitutes may only belong to 1 team. Substitutes must be agreed upon when the clans sign up. Teams must designate team leaders, these will coordinate their team and represent them.

Teams have the choice of a few classes to fight with:


To sign your team up go Here (http://vu.vrocker-hosting.eu/index.php?board=73.0)

There is also 1 or 2 management positions open, so apply at the same address if you are interested.

Also join #VCCT in LUnet or GTAnet for discussion.