.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Inactivity => Departure => Topic started by: deviL on January 18, 2012, 10:31:31 pm
I'm leaving to the clan. I have no reason. so
you the MK Clan are a very good clan ...
then I'm leaving Good luck to all bye!
zomg :(
Lol what o.O?
Lol what o.O?
yes sure
bye & Good luck where ever u go
Goodbye :p
Every MK members will miss you, they just can't express what they feel for you with words, so they write a simple "bye"...
LOL, just kidding, k bye.
/\ LOL HD /\
Every MK members will miss you, they just can't express what they feel for you with words, so they write a simple "bye"...
LOL, just kidding, k bye.
/\ LOL HD /\
can you tell me who are you bro?what is your old name.
can you tell me who are you bro?what is your old name.
My name is Xsw98X, I never was MK, I'm way more time than you on VCMP, then I quitted it.
I was known as [DZ]Xsw98X or [DZ]ElBicho
I hope that clears your mind, and if it doesn't, investigate a little bit more about me :D
(Try in the DZ Forum, I spent most of my time there.)
oh ok.
lol when i open this topic some kind of music also starts playing when i closed this topic then music as well closed.
it will also happen with u guys? :-\
Every MK members will miss you, they just can't express what they feel for you with words, so they write a simple "bye"...
LOL, just kidding, k bye.
/\ LOL HD /\
Don't post music in this topics, if you want to post music go to the offtopic board or the music topic
lol when i open this topic some kind of music also starts playing when i closed this topic then music as well closed.
it will also happen with u guys? :-\
ye...its because he is using flash script in his replies...
Don't post music in this topics, if you want to post music go to the offtopic board or the music topic
I just wanted to cheer a "bye" D: It wasn't me intention to mk troll forum in all persons forum, flash fun is. and have fun good can be :D
lulz crappy ENGRISH
Lol.what you want man?