.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Super_Sens on October 28, 2020, 02:10:41 pm

Title: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 28, 2020, 02:10:41 pm
Real Name: Jigger Ali

Nickname: SuPeR^SenS^

Your Previous nicks: Cool_Boy & Hipps

D.O.B/Age: 17 February 2007, 13 year now but soon 14

Location/Country: Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: (GMT+5)

Servers you usually play on: Littlewhiteys, European City, MK Capture The Flag,

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: I am not currently ban but I was banned in EC for stats Padding but Actually it was false ban I made 101 spree on normal skills players and my name was written in top 10 spree player but [F2]Killer_Frost report me for stats Padding because he jealous me because I left his clan chat so his clan name went out from top session Clan of month and I also define everything at EC forum but EC management remove my spree and warn me so I already get 2 warn but after stats Padding warn my warn limit finish so I automatically got ban in EC.

VC-MP History: I am aware from vcmp when I was nine year old but I started playing seriously when I become 10year old.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I wish to join MK Clan from 2018 but I was too little and immature in 2018 so I thought I will application in MK when I grow up and I think i am able now and my elder brother AttackerX is in this clan so I want to join this clan any how and I have a lot of my good friends in MK like Fizz Holder Danish Bhai Ibee_The_Ruler Aegon Combat Cool3 and my ex clan mate Riddler and others.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: - TZ Of Vatan Close: it was just tag or gang with 6 to 7 members but finally Close.
CF Of ZeeX Left: masteroz invite me in CF and my brother suggest me to join CF but everyone saying me Cafe Player I tired to hear Cafe Player and CF also Ally with F2 Killer Frost Clan and CF was little quantity Members and some Of them were inactive so Masteroz Me Dark Ghost Riddler and ZeeX himself were Active so I though to left and CF was Close After one week of my leaving.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes I will play.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: -  yes few days ago I kill tarko many time he said me super_sens you are most annoying player of this century but believe me I was saying tarko no fight but he didn't stop and was killing me so to defend my daystats I was also killing him but iamvery very sorry tarko pls no hate.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: - First time I hope for good announcement
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: RiDDlER on October 28, 2020, 02:15:57 pm
Your Previous nicks: Cool_Boy & Hipps
Cool_Boy Is Darvin's Prev Name are you Darvin?
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 28, 2020, 02:33:37 pm
Your Previous nicks: Cool_Boy & Hipps
Cool_Boy Is Darvin's Prev Name are you Darvin?
No bro I play with cool boy Nick just 2 month then change my Nick to Hipps because everyone was using cool boy Nick and iam not Darvin he play from Cafe and i play from home from starting. But some time I play with rough Nick "Dodgeo" Nick but now I give dodgeo Nick to my school friend so I only play with super sens Nick no any other Nick.
Request : kindly move my application in correct board I mistakenly made topic in accept application board.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: FaF on October 28, 2020, 02:47:45 pm
Hipps... Good nick... Hipps ( )( )
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Aegon on October 28, 2020, 04:04:15 pm
Gave your nick to your friend? as in gave him the account?
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 28, 2020, 04:11:53 pm
Hipps... Good nick... Hipps ( )( )
Thanks bro

Gave your nick to your friend? as in gave him the account?
yes bro I made rough account "Dodgeo" some days ago because when my enemy are more in server I used to play with Dodgeo Nick but now I give that account to my friend adatiya and we are neighbour friend also.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Killer frost^ on October 28, 2020, 04:40:07 pm
Actually it was false ban I made 101 spree on normal skills players and my name was written in top 10 spree player but [F2]Killer_Frost report me for stats Padding because he jealous me because I left his clan
Um since you're expressing your view about the ban & stats padding matter let me help you clear this situation more precisely.
Actually i made this( https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=10670.msg61679#msg61679 ) report against him with vaild proof, to be honest i would never let anyone get into the toplist by unfair means alas Ec admins didn't reset your stats but luckily his spree was removed.
The way you're narrating story seems kinda awkward and baseless although i was here to clarify the sitiation since he is mentioning me in this application. ;)
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: RisKY^ on October 28, 2020, 06:24:58 pm
These images are of Super sens where he is abusing on families/provoking players and if we are ignoring him he is joining with another pc for abuse the reason why he abuse because we killed him once he also abused @Riddler, As I am playing EC server since 2014 he was a quite good person but after the update of server (topsessionplayer) if someone killed him he will start abuse on families for 1 kill , Once i was doing stunts with my zebra cab wrongfully he came in front of my car and died then he re-spawned and start fighting with me i also started a fight i thought he is having fun with me and at the last he was saying to his cafe friends 'RisKY's mother's died cuz his dad murdered her the reason of murder is she was a prostitute and she loves dicks and i think his mother's lover's are still fucking her in grave' I  cant even type these words, I saved this screenshots to send his elder brother attacker but i deleted it because sometimes my dad use my pc i dont let my dad read these screenshots as these are the screenshots which i posted i saved them privately in my vice city directory , I told him to stop abuseing me but he is continuously making fun of my mother died reason he was laughing on her and saying other's cafe players to laugh on my mother.I was feeling very shame on him as he is 13 years old and abusing on families/provoking ...... ,I guess he dont even know the meaning of cancer..... very sad to read his messages i was leaving vcmp cuz he was abusing on my mother and laughing on her ,Then i discussed this matter with my friend haseeb and he told him to stop it but he is not stopping this shit , he abuse all the time whenever i use /unignore cmd.Well i am pretty sure he didn't wrote his application by him-self as he is my very old friend and i spoke with him many time he dont even know the difference between then -than. Thats all  :-X :-[
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Tarkan on October 28, 2020, 08:42:13 pm
I'll go with a no as I think you're not quite ready to join the clan now.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Aegon on October 28, 2020, 08:55:13 pm
As mentioned above, you're not ready.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: cool3 on October 28, 2020, 10:25:06 pm
These images are of Super sens where he is abusing on families/provoking players and if we are ignoring him he is joining with another pc for abuse the reason why he abuse because we killed him once he also abused @Riddler, As I am playing EC server since 2014 he was a quite good person but after the update of server (topsessionplayer) if someone killed him he will start abuse on families for 1 kill , Once i was doing stunts with my zebra cab wrongfully he came in front of my car and died then he re-spawned and start fighting with me i also started a fight i thought he is having fun with me and at the last he was saying to his cafe friends 'RisKY's mother's died cuz his dad murdered her the reason of murder is she was a prostitute and she loves dicks and i think his mother's lover's are still fucking her in grave' I  cant even type these words, I saved this screenshots to send his elder brother attacker but i deleted it because sometimes my dad use my pc i dont let my dad read these screenshots as these are the screenshots which i posted i saved them privately in my vice city directory , I told him to stop abuseing me but he is continuously making fun of my mother died reason he was laughing on her and saying other's cafe players to laugh on my mother.I was feeling very shame on him as he is 13 years old and abusing on families/provoking ...... ,I guess he dont even know the meaning of cancer..... very sad to read his messages i was leaving vcmp cuz he was abusing on my mother and laughing on her ,Then i discussed this matter with my friend haseeb and he told him to stop it but he is not stopping this shit , he abuse all the time whenever i use /unignore cmd.Well i am pretty sure he didn't wrote his application by him-self as he is my very old friend and i spoke with him many time he dont even know the difference between then -than. Thats all  :-X :-[
can anyone translate those images as they are written in the Urdu language
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: stubb34 on October 29, 2020, 03:11:53 am
can anyone translate those images as they are written in the Urdu language
Check your forum DMs  ;)
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 29, 2020, 08:38:50 am
Actually it was false ban I made 101 spree on normal skills players and my name was written in top 10 spree player but [F2]Killer_Frost report me for stats Padding because he jealous me because I left his clan
Um since you're expressing your view about the ban & stats padding matter let me help you clear this situation more precisely.
Actually i made this( https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=10670.msg61679#msg61679 ) report against him with vaild proof, to be honest i would never let anyone get into the toplist by unfair means alas Ec admins didn't reset your stats but luckily his spree was removed.
The way you're narrating story seems kinda awkward and baseless although i was here to clarify the sitiation since he is mentioning me in this application. ;)
I said that was false ban by my opinion and you are saying It was true ban with your opinion. You report me because i left your clan chat and your clan went out from top session clan of month bro because you and your clan mates was  fight me after i leave you clan chat and you always /spec me in game so that you can report me.

These images are of Super sens where he is abusing on families/provoking players and if we are ignoring him he is joining with another pc for abuse the reason why he abuse because we killed him once he also abused @Riddler, As I am playing EC server since 2014 he was a quite good person but after the update of server (topsessionplayer) if someone killed him he will start abuse on families for 1 kill , Once i was doing stunts with my zebra cab wrongfully he came in front of my car and died then he re-spawned and start fighting with me i also started a fight i thought he is having fun with me and at the last he was saying to his cafe friends 'RisKY's mother's died cuz his dad murdered her the reason of murder is she was a prostitute and she loves dicks and i think his mother's lover's are still fucking her in grave' I  cant even type these words, I saved this screenshots to send his elder brother attacker but i deleted it because sometimes my dad use my pc i dont let my dad read these screenshots as these are the screenshots which i posted i saved them privately in my vice city directory , I told him to stop abuseing me but he is continuously making fun of my mother died reason he was laughing on her and saying other's cafe players to laugh on my mother.I was feeling very shame on him as he is 13 years old and abusing on families/provoking ...... ,I guess he dont even know the meaning of cancer..... very sad to read his messages i was leaving vcmp cuz he was abusing on my mother and laughing on her ,Then i discussed this matter with my friend haseeb and he told him to stop it but he is not stopping this shit , he abuse all the time whenever i use /unignore cmd.Well i am pretty sure he didn't wrote his application by him-self as he is my very old friend and i spoke with him many time he dont even know the difference between then -than. Thats all  :-X :-[
Welcome my big fan most welcome
First of all you are lying in your complete post and now I will prove it wrong first of all you are the one who abuse everyone in game to parents and you abused me some days ago on my mom and Cool3 see your abusive massage and he said you to say sorry me but you start debating with Cool3 and also you was not admiting your mistake and I by God never said Toba Astaghfirullah I never abuse you mom you yourself is saying this but I never said these words to your mom by God. And Iam abusing Darvin in last 2 logs because he cross his limit but after we say sorry to one another and we are now friend.
@riddler did I abuse you? no never I didn't abuse Riddler
Risky I know you don't want me in MK because you was denied but we can be friend again and about my English I take admission in English grammar coaching class's 2month before and also my hobby is to learn English.

Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: 7/\zZ on October 29, 2020, 09:10:31 am
wow so much drama in one single application already.

I don't think you are ready to be part of the family. You need more time to improve your behavior.

It's a no.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: lOGAN. on October 29, 2020, 10:18:12 am
Hello super_sens i know u closely since your earlier days of vcmp and  i rememb the days when i use to teach u skills and aware you from rules of vcmp but here i wanna tell u need some more time to to be part of our community so for now my vote is NO to little super nonsense.
Suggestion try to maintain ur behaviour and stay away from those pathetic things which will make the source of your denied in future applications.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: RiDDlER on October 29, 2020, 01:28:06 pm
Its a No As Mentioned Above You're Not Ready! Better Luck Next Time  ;)
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 29, 2020, 02:02:18 pm
Tarko- no problem bro I will apply when I will be ready.

Aegon- no problem bro  ;D

7/\zZ- no problem bro I will try my best to improve my behaviour but risky make drama.

LOGAN- hey Logan Bhai yes I also remember it's okay no problem and thanks for your suggestion. ;)

Riddler- no problem dude.  ;D
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: stubb34 on October 29, 2020, 07:09:38 pm
I'll go with majority. Better luck next time...
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 29, 2020, 10:27:30 pm
I'll go with majority. Better luck next time...
Ok no problem bro and thanks for your vote
I also want to say if I said anything wrong to mk member in past Iam very sorry for it because now I will change myself and improvement in behaviour and hangout with mk members. once again sorry if I said anything wrong to mk member Thanks
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Spiller on October 30, 2020, 07:16:47 am
Nope, You need to work on your behavior. You show zero to little friendliness.
Although I wont want to complain about your playstyle, you need to have some sort of sportsmanship while playing.

I hope you'll understand.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 30, 2020, 02:49:29 pm
Nope, You need to work on your behavior. You show zero to little friendliness.
Although I wont want to complain about your playstyle, you need to have some sort of sportsmanship while playing.

I hope you'll understand.
Yes bro you are right but I will change myself and thank you for your vote.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: UsmanShiekh on October 31, 2020, 06:28:34 am
You're struggling to be a better player which I do appreciate. I would suggest keep up the good efforts for example, focus on attitude, learn to treat others nicely and if you really want to be part of the clan interact with more of the members too. You're not ready to be part of the family yet, good luck.
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Super_Sens on October 31, 2020, 02:12:41 pm
You're struggling to be a better player which I do appreciate. I would suggest keep up the good efforts for example, focus on attitude, learn to treat others nicely and if you really want to be part of the clan interact with more of the members too. You're not ready to be part of the family yet, good luck.
Thank you usman bhai for guidance and appreciated I will do my best to change and again thank you  ;D
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: Its.mlh96 on November 01, 2020, 07:31:03 am
I'll go with majority. Better luck next time...
Title: Re: Super_Sens Application
Post by: cool3 on November 01, 2020, 11:45:58 am