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Author Topic: <Accepted as trainee>My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg  (Read 20545 times)

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<Accepted as trainee>My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« on: January 19, 2021, 03:55:22 pm »
Real Name: Not comfortable to say.

Nickname: Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg

Your Previous nicks: same as above

D.O.B/Age: 24

Location/Country: Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: +5:00 GMT

Servers you usually play on: LW, EAD, MKCTF, DW Argo

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: nope

VC-MP History: since 2009, i've been in multiple clans throughout my vc-mp career.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: MK was one of the first official clan where i applied and got accepted after FS died, its been more than 7 years since i left MK and i learned my lesson the hard way after what happen, the rest is history.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I got accepted in VU in 2018, everything was going well but there were unfortunate circumstances in internal matters of clan where i lacked behind in some aspects, some members weren't happy and there were others stuff i won't disclose here ( related to internal policies of VU ).
i took a 1 year break and thought of having a fresh start from MK where i have my mates, I think i have the potential to work as a team again and make vc-mp a better place for newbies.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord: Tom4S@7074

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yes

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Hit me up in discord if you want to ask me anything, im open.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: the link from 2013 i suppose?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 08:17:18 pm by Tobi »
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 10:40:56 pm »
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I got accepted in VU in 2018, everything was going well but there were unfortunate circumstances in internal matters of clan where i lacked behind in some aspects, some members weren't happy and there were others stuff i won't disclose here ( related to internal policies of VU ).
i took a 1 year break and thought of having a fresh start from MK where i have my mates, I think i have the potential to work as a team again and make vc-mp a better place for newbies.

For a fresh start, explain what happened during your time in VU. You had dozens of applications there, eventually you got accepted and finished your story by being kicked. Give a detailed explanation of what happened.

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2021, 05:28:37 am »

Hope you are doing good man.
As you can tell with tarkan's reply, some of us are kind of unaware of the events happened in VU that had to do with your removal from the crew. It would help the case if you write something about it, obvio the things other than the clan's internal policies. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you open up on the reasons behind your suspension/ kick from the crew.

Offline Tom4S

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2021, 12:57:01 pm »
I'm sure they wouldn't mind you open up on the reasons behind your suspension/ kick from the crew.

There were number of unfortunate events, that some of us know (internally). Some member(s) had beef with me due to personal reasons / history that i will not state here.
VW8 was a success, so i worked in VW9 portal but the staff was not cooperative, so i started doubting my self and withdrew my name from the event as i was not interested in playing due to miscommunication with staff, exams and other real life job responsibilities. I was tired of apologies and discussions i stopped wearing tag so before i could resign, the next day i was shot with the topic of being kicked.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 12:58:54 pm by Thomas | HeisenBerg »
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2021, 02:24:01 pm »
Hey bro,
I hope you're doing good.
I'm gonna take some time stating my decision because you have a lot of ego, I mean everyone does but it's just right off the bat (no offense), I guess if you can work on that I might reconsider, expecting that you catch my drift ..

Neutral for now ..
cooltext410186585731151" border="0

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2021, 09:11:29 pm »
Hey bro,
I hope you're doing good.
I'm gonna take some time stating my decision because you have a lot of ego, I mean everyone does but it's just right off the bat (no offense), I guess if you can work on that I might reconsider, expecting that you catch my drift ..

Neutral for now ..
I understand, thanks.
Vice War 8 Developer
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2021, 09:22:09 am »
His age clearly shows that he must be mature enough but maybe unluckily I never saw such sign of maturity in this person I don't want him as a team. NO..
I have seen your toxic attitude at most of the times I'm judging you on that.

Offline Tom4S

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2021, 02:15:24 pm »
His age clearly shows that he must be mature enough but maybe unluckily I never saw such sign of maturity in this person I don't want him as a team. NO..
I have seen your toxic attitude at most of the times I'm judging you on that.
I understand, thanks.
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2021, 03:22:46 pm »
Hey there dude.
I do recall you were in UF too but you didn't mention anything about UF in your whole application that either you left it or remain with it till the end.
i do recommend you to please keep your ego a bit side and tell something more about yourself in breif so that we can easily judge you.
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2021, 05:19:45 pm »
Hey there dude.
I do recall you were in UF too but you didn't mention anything about UF in your whole application that either you left it or remain with it till the end.
i do recommend you to please keep your ego a bit side and tell something more about yourself in brief so that we can easily judge you.
Thanks man, 10 years is a long time and that's why i was not much active in vc-mp as I'm now a job person and working in software/hardware engineering side.
I do play vc-mp sometimes on weekends, and last year was hectic thats why i took a long break and started off with fresh ideas and attitude.
I believe that I'll work as a team because I'm already engaged in teamwork ( in real life ). I learned a lot from this experience.

and yes i was in UF as co-leader with you.
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2021, 05:47:11 pm »
MKt from me  ;)

Offline AttackerX

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2021, 06:36:48 pm »
Hey there dude.
I do recall you were in UF too but you didn't mention anything about UF in your whole application that either you left it or remain with it till the end.
i do recommend you to please keep your ego a bit side and tell something more about yourself in brief so that we can easily judge you.
Thanks man, 10 years is a long time and that's why i was not much active in vc-mp as I'm now a job person and working in software/hardware engineering side.
I do play vc-mp sometimes on weekends, and last year was hectic thats why i took a long break and started off with fresh ideas and attitude.
I believe that I'll work as a team because I'm already engaged in teamwork ( in real life ). I learned a lot from this experience.

and yes i was in UF as co-leader with you.
I got you and good to heard so its a Traine from my side.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 06:38:57 pm by AttackerX »
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2021, 03:22:56 am »
I've not seen any issues for all the time I've known you. I probably wasn't active in the period where all the attitude issues were to be witnessed.

But even if there were, I am convinced that you're not an egoist anymore, mature enough perhaps from all the time I've spent with you. So I'd go ahead and vote Trainee.

I'm not sure what happened in VU but I'm pretty sure there must have been some reasons as you had left the krew discord and had to be brought back in.

All the best.

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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2021, 02:36:14 pm »
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Re: My Application Thomas, Tom4S, HeisenBerg
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2021, 04:58:51 pm »
Hello there, I hope you are fine. Yeah, I know it took me a while to post something on your application, though I visit the forum almost 3-4 times per day, because that something which I am gonna post is actually not only 'something', but it's more than just that. So yeah, starting off with the time when you used to be in VU a couple of months (or maybe 1-2 years) back, perhaps the time when I personally started witnessing you in this community as it was around the mid of the year 2018 when I personally became a part of VC:MP and its community, the very first impression you gave me of yours was that of you being a very egoistic, unnecessarily expressive, and a drama-encouraging personality, and your enthusiasm in a particular drama was seen to climb great heights if that particular drama used to had any particular community, or in short: PL Community, involved in it. So why the hell I brought PL (a community which has disregarded its affiliation as a gang with VC:MP and hence now exists as a multi-game, and a multi-platform community) on an application posted on a forum which belongs to a VC:MP Clan (MK)?? The answer is, just like a very few guys (including you) used to bring it outta nowhere either on some other Pakistani Player's clan joining application on your forum(s) OR in any other ongoing shit show where you and the exact same guys used to participate and get activity on your forum(s). Before I proceed any further, I would like to give a disclaimer that whatever I said above and whatever I will say next shall NOT AT ALL be due to an intention of either taunting you, insulting you in any way, or even showing any sort of hostility towards you, but it's rather due to my intention of clearing things up (especially my unresolved queries regarding you) because I respect you, and I am glad you showed your interest in our clan. Below are some visuals which lay a very strong emphasis on the 3 qualities I listed above that I observed in you.

These posts of yours clearly show how much you either hated OR felt insecure of a community in which majority of the guys (including me) didn't even know you at the first place. And today, many of us PLs have found a home/family in the form of MK and if I talk about my particular self, joining MK has so far proven to be the best action/decision I made after joining PL (I joined PL way before than that, that time i was a completely new face in VC:MP) just because of the fact that here in MK, guys just don't rant in public of them being a family and stuff, they actually prove to be a family and make you feel that you are non other but actually a part of them and also they are always there for you no matter what shit goes down. Additionally and hence most importantly, in MK I personally feel and think of myself as more of an MK member than a PL member, why? Because MK and especially its management never made me(us) feel any different from them, never raised doubts and questions regarding our loyalty and never doubted our intentions or actions just because we are proud PL members as well. And I actually admire and appreciate the thoughts and actions of some of the MK management members just because they took a stand for us and gave out the necessary clarifications when, just like the scenarios you might have frequently seen, their need arose. Want to see a clear picture of what I am talking about? Here you go:

This is the type of mindset that everyone who wills to join a glorious family like MK is required to have, not only because it's way more professional, broad, and splendid, but also because it doesn't lays the foundation of any sort of unwanted insecurity in the heart of any individual either in the clan or out of the clan and promotes a feeling/gesture of unity and solidarity. I hope I cleared out everything in the best way possible. So are you willing to change yourself and your previous mindset for the sake of being a part of us and have an even brighter future in this community? Are you ready to clear out any hostility and doubts you have regarding any particular individual in our clan and even anyone else in this community and present a greater & better picture of yourself??

Moving on, as I mentioned regarding you being in VU above, I also witnessed your actions during your last days in VU and also the instant when you got demoted from rookie to trainee and lastly, your eventual dismissal from the clan. Considering the fact that VU clan is also a very reputed, respectable, and a huge network in VC:MP comprising of many different minded yet great individuals (some of them are the ones whom I actually refer to as my closest buddies or even brothers), it appears to me that what got you kicked from VU was mainly due to your own actions which you had starting doing lately, like not wearing the clan tag with your nick (which, in my opinion, is the clear picture of the fact that you no longer feel proud/comfortable for being in the clan and hence, it's one of the biggest shortcomings you can show as a clan member/representative) and behaving inappropriately with your clan members just because they didn't did certain things the way you wanted them to do. And also, after seeing the lack of seriousness and unwillingness to share a full version of the actual story of your dismissal from the clan which you demonstrated in your replies above when you were questioned about it by a few of my clan-mates adds to my suspicion that you might not be a worthy addition to our family after all. So is it really like this or you can prove me wrong? I will cast my vote after you give a convincing and an explanatory answer. Regards! :) :)