.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Dyrus on May 06, 2012, 08:50:23 am
Real Name: Abdul Rehman / Maney
Nickname: 7itan / lazyy
Your Previous nicks: BlooD_OaTh
D.O.B/Age: 16
Location/Country: Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: +5
Servers you usually play on: XE, svm, VCHA, CTF
VC-MP History: I started playing vcmp 15 months ago
Why you want to Join Clan MK: bcz My all frnds are in this Clan Nilz,X_94,in5sanic,devil_jin and his bro Devil joking, sry if i forgot some one. i also like this clan....
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: :-\
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: Xfire=blood63
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Why not,
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Yup My bro is in this clan, and yeah i like to fight,
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
:o 7itan , I fight with you,,, you skills are good you attitude are good... I want to vote for you with MKt........ Good Luck 8)
:o 7itan , I fight with you,,, you skills are good you attitude are good... I want to vote for you with MKt........ Good Luck 8)
you are a complete fucktard, he has more skills than his fucking brother, MK FULL GIRLS!
MKs :D
Have played with him
I would say Scout according to his skills ingame.
MKt.You were acting like a dick to me.Be thankfull to your bro.
MKt i would say to start with...since you need to win our trust also
MKt.You were acting like a dick to me.Be thankfull to your bro.
what wrong i did with u dude,and i am not thankfull of my bro, why should i.
if you are voting me bcz Moric is my bro its better not to vote, bye the way you r the one who was interfering in duels.. 8)
Interfering duels arent a problem but if you insult thats a problem.
Interfering duels arent a problem but if you insult thats a problem.
telling a lie that's a problem dude, when i insulted you or any one else tell me ?
interfering in duels is also problem if you are mature enough you won't interfere in duels,
if some one is fighting 1vs1, bye the way i don't even chat ingame every one knows that.
i am friendly person.
MKt i would say to start with...since you need to win our trust also
interfering in duels is also problem if you are mature enough you won't interfere in duels,
if some one is fighting 1vs1, bye the way i don't even chat ingame every one knows that.
i am friendly person.
actually interfering in duels is just something very usual in vcmp these days so.. dont care about it
edit: mkt
I can interfare the duels if i want to lame,thats not about being mature or not.You insulted to only me.Then you shut up and never told.
Still you haven't told me when i insulted you and for what,
as i know i haven't insulted any one in vcmp i guess.. stop making stories dude
is this all about bcz i pawnd you or iam getting wrong ? so plz make me clear and to others...
MKs Bro!
T :P
MKt for starters since we need to get to know you first. And also people can interfere in duels if they want to, it's their choice, sure most people don't like it but that has nothing to do with being mature or not.
PS: X_94 you seem to forget this is not all about skills.
Still you haven't told me when i insulted you and for what,
as i know i haven't insulted any one in vcmp i guess.. stop making stories dude
is this all about bcz i pawnd you or iam getting wrong ? so plz make me clear and to others...
I backstabbed and you insulted.I dont need to make stories.Thats not about your pownage.You didnt even pwn me,you cant even.
i believe u guys MKt from my side ;)
from me [MKs].GL bro.
Need to know you have not seen you play.
now pending...
PS: X_94 you seem to forget this is not all about skills.
nevahh, since my own skills are -1 :P, but the guy is fucking awesome at skills and i think he can be a useful element to mk :P
Still you haven't told me when i insulted you and for what,
as i know i haven't insulted any one in vcmp i guess.. stop making stories dude
is this all about bcz i pawnd you or iam getting wrong ? so plz make me clear and to others...
I backstabbed and you insulted.I dont need to make stories.Thats not about your pownage.You didnt even pwn me,you cant even.
i know who was pawnd :p , and yea i also saw some one was abusing .. pakies
I know every thing which happened in Xe. so its better to be quite both of you,
and i am not going to vote bcz he is my bro
@Kelvin: BACKSTABBER LOLOLOLOLOL, i am a pro backstabber :D
@Moric: the abuse against pakis is not justified in anyway but the fucking 90% of them are ppl who don't deserve it.
btw, vote nabz0r, we know he is your brother but you have the right to vote whatever you want...
(even if you hate him :D)
I vote MKs
About interfering duels, i do not see problem, well can be annoying sometimes >:( >:( >:(
My nick in Xe is Lazyy not lazy
MKs i think its better for u dude ;)
your skills & attitude are good MKs
gud luck czn.......
As per the votes of the members, you have been accepted as MKt which is also because we wish to know you better and need to gain trust.
Good luck, sort out your problems with Kelvin, or just forget it both of you and have a new beginning.
Wear [MKt] tag from now on.
congratz and welcome :)
i always interfere in duels, just to troll the players :D
i always interfere in duels, just to troll the players :D
People seriously don't care about nabs
*Zer0K runs*
i always interfere in duels, just to troll the players :D
People seriously don't care about nabs
*Zer0K runs*
Congratulation ;)
i always interfere in duels, just to troll the players :D
People seriously don't care about nabs
*Zer0K runs*
Btw, i am not a nab :D, i think that is demonstrated :D, also your ping is 999999999999999 then i've to backstab you or i can't kill you :D
Even if i am a nab, what we can wait from you?, are you pwnt or you want more?
congrat :P