.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Cerberus on May 12, 2012, 12:46:25 pm
Real Name: Abdullah
Nickname: Pascal/Archimedes
Your Previous nicks: Excalibur, [DH]Excalibur, Lancelot, [DH]Lancelot, (TR)ApoOw(TR)
D.O.B/Age: 04/07/96
Location/Country: Turkey
GMT/TimeZone: Greenwhich maintime plus one
Servers you usually play on: Sharks versus Marioes, XE European
VC-MP History: I have been playing since 21st of April , 2011
I know I got banned from Ka for cheating, but then I was like 1 week old. I actually didn't know what I was doing. For the ban evading, yea... I do not even cheat/abuse anymore. I have changed my attitude completely. do not even flame if I die (=
Why you want to Join Clan MK: It is the perfect clan I was looking for if I may get a second chance in the VC:MP history. I have fellow friends from MK. MidioX said I could get a second chance
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: [DH], owner terminated
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: abdullahboy@hotmail.com
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I just want a second chance... I'm not the old one anymore. There are some members who have seen me. If I would completely start with a new nick, no-one would recognize me
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
Your Previous nicks: Excalibur, [DH]Excalibur, Lancelot, [DH]Lancelot, (TR)ApoOw(TR)
-You don't have enough experience in clans ,so you are totally new in vc:mp .You seems to have changed, but U are back to apply here and don't know the clan well so I vote Trainee(TRIAL) .You've always been pretty cool with me, but I have seen you lose your temper occasionally >:- especially today when I played with you .
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I just want a second chance... I'm not the old one anymore. There are some members who have seen me. If I would completely start with a new nick, no-one would recognize me
Bad line to be used.
Anyway, according to what I saw in game today your skills and attitude. I would sorta slide towards voting trainee for you to start with. Bcz I dont really believe you have completly changed or not. So trainee.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I just want a second chance... I'm not the old one anymore. There are some members who have seen me. If I would completely start with a new nick, no-one would recognize me
Bad line to be used.
Anyway, according to what I saw in game today your skills and attitude. I would sorta slide towards voting trainee for you to start with. Bcz I dont really believe you have completly changed or not. So trainee.
It's normal you don't believe because almost no-one has seen the new 'Excalibur'
you're a cool player, MKt/MKs
Played with him today, seems a good boy Trainee
nope, reason: i don't trust him, btw this vote can change :P
nope, reason: i don't trust him, btw this vote can change :P
I respect every person's opinion. No problem bro
I think he changed and he deserves a second opportunity, he is a good player, my vote is MKt GL
Played with him today, seems a good boy Trainee
I am in a good mood
I am in a good mood
typical QQ'ing application. No vote.
typical QQ'ing application. No vote.
what do you mean?
good luck
MKt dude gl :D
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I just want a second chance... I'm not the old one anymore. There are some members who have seen me. If I would completely start with a new nick, no-one would recognize me
you know that everytime you join a server theres a thing called IP that bounds to you?
anyways, MKt still dont really think you have changed
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I just want a second chance... I'm not the old one anymore. There are some members who have seen me. If I would completely start with a new nick, no-one would recognize me
you know that everytime you join a server theres a thing called IP that bounds to you?
anyways, MKt still dont really think you have changed
I am
+ I can use a VPN and my IP is dynamic.
Anyways I don't use them though ;)
a dynamic IP has always the same subnet for what i remmenber
a dynamic IP has always the same subnet for what i remmenber
Stop talking about fraudelent things man...
a dynamic IP has always the same subnet for what i remmenber
Stop talking about fraudelent things man...
Lolz chill it....
Anyways as per the votes and the discussion, we have decided to give you a chance and therefore we accept you as Trainee in Clan Miami Killers
I hope you play well and behave decently with everyone around ( A tip: just ignore the trouble makers, so that you dont end up raging and abusing on them)
In all just dont ruin this chance of yours.
If we receive any report regarding you, a discussion will be held and if the report it proved legit, consider yourself out of the clan.
Good luck! Have Fun! ;)
a dynamic IP has always the same subnet for what i remmenber
Stop talking about fraudelent things man...
Tazz is just a drunk troller! :D
But a great mate :>
My LoL mate totally xD
Though anty is my true LoL addict partner! xP
Danks every1 <3
am i wrong? i didnt really read what i wrote back then lol
a dynamic IP has always the same subnet for what i remmenber
he said a vpn bitchass, :P
you can even change country with it :D
congratulations! :)
congratulations! :)
he said a vpn bitchass, :P
you can even change country with it :D
so its an ilegal act? oh god i hate pirates
he said a vpn bitchass, :P
you can even change country with it :D
so its an ilegal act? oh god i hate pirates
i guess no :D
Congratz and welcome to the clan :D
he said a vpn bitchass, :P
you can even change country with it :D
so its an ilegal act? oh god i hate pirates
No it's not illegal.
It's allowed everywhere.