.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Night_Mare on November 02, 2013, 07:35:04 am
Real Name: hamza
Nickname: [MKT]Night_Mare
Your Previous nicks:(MLK)Dark_Knight
D.O.B/Age: 1999 14 april 14 years old
Location/Country: Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone:Full day i play
Servers you usually play on:VCCNR & XE EUORPEAN
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No ban in offical server
VC-MP History: 1 years to playing vcmp and my previous clan is MLK
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Because there is my Friend is [MKT]Detonator
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: In previous clan guys is disturb me in game alot
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: I have no MSN/XFIRE/mIRC id i have facebook and yahoo id
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: N/A
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
I play in vccnr and xe euorpean also and iam also play this time in vccnr then i will play xe euorpean
I play regular in game Ask from [MKT]Detonator
Nickname: [MKt]Night_Mare
No, bad english
plz i wanna join this clan i lke very much
You need to improve your English Dude :)
Lawl Ne
He is PLK.Criminal.
My Eyes. Please No! :3
Fuck no!
He is PLK.Criminal.
Nah,he's [nyb]mamu
I are friends [MKT]R. my is best friend in vcmp i is gud playier.
WTF*ck no.
No, bad english
No .
Your Dialled number is busy at the moment please try later.
good luck amiga!
Reasons are mentioned by the other members itself.