.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Pumak47 on November 09, 2012, 02:51:09 am
Real Name: ivan Rivaz
Nickname: PuMa
Your Previous nicks: ShowX. / sH[Z]T.x
D.O.B/Age: 9/08/96 = 16 years old
Location/Country: Mexico
GMT/TimeZone: -[7 GTM]
Servers you usually play on: XE , LW
VC-MP History: I've been playing vc-mp since september 2010. Previous clan(s): TZ-EV
Why do you want to Join MK ?: because its a nice clan, i would like to be a great member. I know some members with cool attitude and amazing skills.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: TZ(I felt uncomfortable in that clan for some members) , EV (I left my own clan to improve myself )
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: puma_k47_@hotmail.com / mIRC:PuMa
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: sure!!!
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: none :D
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
Puma, a fucking good player, GL My friend. ;)
A great friend of mine, he has great skills and his attitude its awesome. GL my friend. :D
The addition of a security question would get rid of the freakin' spambots >:(
The addition of a security question would get rid of the freakin' spambots >:(
spambots are actually humans these days...they are paid to make accounts on forums and advertise...also termed as spam...
No.Not enough.
problem PUMA?
Puma, a fucking good player, GL My friend. ;)
No.Not enough.
puma buena suerte :)
He have a good skills and nice attitude, my vote is MKs, GL Puma :D
He have a good skills and nice attitude, my vote is MKs, GL Puma :D
He has good skills and nice attitude, my vote is MKs, GL Puma :D
He has good skills and nice attitude
He has
lmao. dila he is noobest of all. he doesn't deserve trainee tag. why scout?
Please stay on topic and no point bringing your personal accusations onto the application of others. Just post your views not your crap.
P.S -> Useless posts removed.
He have a good skills and nice attitude, my vote is MKs, GL Puma :D
tnks Dila :D and Rodri ;)
He have a good skills and nice attitude, my vote is MKs, GL Puma :D
*facepalm* he's inexpedient for the clan and he don't deserve scout/trainee tag.
Trainee according to skills.
The only concern I have is about his English speaking skills.
Thanks Wild
ok,Trainee. GL
hi puma, my vote is MKt. good attitude, all in all, it is understood ;)
I think that you lack of something to be part of our clan :-\
I think that you lack of something to be part of our clan :-\
And that is?no
I think that you lack of something to be part of our clan :-\
And that is?no
Attitude sucks, Skills are horrible, lagger commonly 400++ ping on all server's, can't speak english. a clan hopper.
I think that you lack of something to be part of our clan :-\
And that is?no
Attitude sucks, Skills are horrible, lagger commonly 400++ ping on all server's, can't speak english. a clan hopper.
Attitude - Is good.
Skills - Are nice.
Ping - Around 250-280 due to distance.
English - Pretty much talkable.
Clans - TZ-EV. Just 2? And you call it being a clan hopper?
I myself have been in old MK, DnA , KFJ, SF. That means I am a mega clan hopper? Isnt it?
I think that you lack of something to be part of our clan :-\
And that is?no
Attitude sucks, Skills are horrible, lagger commonly 400++ ping on all server's, can't speak english. a clan hopper.
Attitude - Is good.
Skills - Are nice.
Ping - Around 250-280 due to distance.
English - Pretty much talkable.
Clans - TZ-EV. Just 2? And you call it being a clan hopper?
I myself have been in old MK, DnA , KFJ, SF. That means I am a mega clan hopper? Isnt it?
well i have just voted in my point of view. its your decision that counts. i will not accept him as my MK fellow if he gets accepted. reason is that i cannot trust him. just like Pegasus i have learned a lesson voting ex tz is a venom to mk, ( nothing personal )
Numbers of clans you joined are not important.Important one is when you joined and when you left.
Numbers of clans you joined are not important.Important one is when you joined and when you left.
That's my point which I wanted to prove there.
what are you talking about thomas? Puma's attitude sucks? dafuq, i know him perfectly. His attitude are good, skills are nice, and he is not a lagger.
I know about his english, but he can improve that.
if it would be what thomas said it wouldn't applied here....
Any way. he may have improved it.but i am still negative.
wait for others aswell.
Never seen him. :)
Thomas, don't be rude with others if you don't want to receive the same shit from them...
Haven't met you in-game.. let me see. my vote is pending.
I'd rather have him on my side than the others, Trainee.
Okay, i saw him on Lw today, he was another Puma. not that one before. i think other one was chinese.
Changing to MKt Good luck
[These votes were quite messed up so i removed them]
Thanks thomas <3
Okay, i saw him on Lw today, he was another Puma. not that one before. i think other one was chinese.
Changing to MKt Good luck
9 Negtive Votes.
6 Positive votes ( trainee )
1 pending.
Your count fail you totally. :)
Okay, i saw him on Lw today, he was another Puma. not that one before. i think other one was chinese.
Changing to MKt Good luck
9 Negtive Votes.
6 Positive votes ( trainee )
1 pending.
Your count fail you totally. :)
damn! :<
k Good luck Puma47
changing my vote to trainee. :)
- Accepted as trainee.
Train harder. Improve your skills and English and you will be promoted sooner. :)
Good luck. Enjoy.
Thanks <3 :DD
Shit. >.>
good luck.
Congratz men
Shit. >.>
good luck.
Made my day
oh si Chikito:3, la hicistes
Congratulations my friend! :D
Estas en el lugar correcto, mi amigo Puma.
Esfuerzate y te deseo la mejor de la suerte.
Congratz and Good Luck Puma.
Muchas Gracias por tu apoyo Mr.Ethan
Thanks <3 Zatch <3
Congratulations dude. I like this guy because he talks when its necessary. I hope to work with you ingame.
Congratulations. ;)
Congratz!! Puma..