.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: NekO on January 23, 2013, 03:27:40 am
Real Name: Ronaldo Castellanos
Nickname: Ingame Nickname NekO
Your Previous nicks: LilSwaqq23,RonaldOx3
D.O.B/Age: Your Date Of Birth/ Age : 15 (1/161998)
Location/Country:Where Do You Live? Dominican Republic
GMT/TimeZone:Your Time Zone or GMT? (-04:00 GMT)
Servers you usually play on: EA extreme addicts, XE European Server, LittleWhitey's Server
VC-MP History: How long have you been Playing VC-MP, Your Previous clans.
I have been playing since July 2011. i'm mod on EA and my previous clans was CT,SK,LBR
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I'm looking for a permanent clan and x94 suggested me to join this clan
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: CT (Personal Problems) SK (Closed) LBR (Problems with some members)
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:Provide us with your MSN ID, XFIRE ID, mIRC Nick NekO (LUnet)
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:sure
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I have some problems with my computer, but its ok, i can fix it
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
MKt. Miado!! :D
Trainee to start with. :)
Good luck
Nek0? is not in my dictionary.you may soon leave us too.i suggest tz. my vote is
[TZ_T]. Good luck
Nek0? is not in my dictionary.you may soon leave us too.i suggest tz. my vote is
no thx
Nek0? is not in my dictionary.you may soon leave us too.i suggest tz. my vote is
[TZ_T]. Good luck
Your attitude offends this clan reputation a bit. This is your final warning now Thomas. Mend it up or face the consequences.
P.S -> Stay on topic.
Before voting I have a question.Are you going to be/stay loyal to this clan or you will just hang out with MKt tag for a while and show off among your friends and then leaving?. Well let me say something to you pal, this is not teh right clan for that.
You should have a cool attitude and a humble spirit,I'm saying this to you because you tried to be the badass once a time you were raging and insulting in Spanish and doing whatever you want(sometimes) after getting accepted as a mod in EA.Am I right? YES.
GL Negro ;D
Before voting I have a question.Are you going to be/stay loyal to this clan or you will just hang out with MKt tag for a while and show off among your friends and then leaving?. Well let me say something to you pal, this is not teh right clan for that.
You should have a cool attitude and a humble spirit,I'm saying this to you because you tried to be the badass once a time you were raging and insulting in Spanish and doing whatever you want(sometimes) after getting accepted as a mod in EA.Am I right? YES.
permanent Member
Not everyone can be nice.i always like jokes
I will take into account your comment
I vote MKt rank for you, you're a nice guy and if i can trust you a place in the EA staff, ofc i'll do it in MK, sometimes the ppl takes somethings he says like offences, but those are jokes, just like i am :P
MK trainee to start. Good luck.
GLF :>
Before voting I have a question.Are you going to be/stay loyal to this clan or you will just hang out with MKt tag for a while and show off among your friends and then leaving?. Well let me say something to you pal, this is not teh right clan for that.
You should have a cool attitude and a humble spirit,I'm saying this to you because you tried to be the badass once a time you were raging and insulting in Spanish and doing whatever you want(sometimes) after getting accepted as a mod in EA.Am I right? YES.
He also can not go to another clan, I hope you remember what we talked about this, and it's not just skills, is something else.
I told you the reasons why this was going to ever get.
PS: Greetings to you my friend. :)
Edit: The best of Luck NekO.
You are in the right place to make an application. GL NekO-kun :D
Trainee seems fine. Just stick around for a while and don't go off running.
good luck
GL m8 :P
Yea... I think that he can join MK full member 8)
Best of luck, Neko ;)
Changing vote to MKs.
Accepted as trainee.
Good luck. Train harder :)
wow so fat, i mean fast xd. Congratz Meow, you got it :D
Congratz bitch, now you're in the biggest VCMP clan, enjoy it :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SQ1yg3D880 ;D
Congratz Miadote!!! :-*
I vote MKt rank for you, you're a nice guy and if i can trust you a place in the EA staff, ofc i'll do it in MK, sometimes the ppl takes somethings he says like offences, but those are jokes, just like i am :P
nop..you my son are a joke <3
Congratz men
lmao a warning for a joke?
i know Nek0.. he likes jokes thats why i voted him as trainee in a little funny way.
i play with him at EA officially.
Guys you can't take a joke :D
I vote MKt rank for you, you're a nice guy and if i can trust you a place in the EA staff, ofc i'll do it in MK, sometimes the ppl takes somethings he says like offences, but those are jokes, just like i am :P
nop..you my son are a joke <3
your brain is a joke <3
Congratulations :)
Congratulations :)
Congratz nekito. I knew that you had something in mind :) Anyways improve your english, and I never see you in Littlewhiteys try to be more active you are now in a good clan.
Congratz nekito. I knew that you had something in mind :) Anyways improve your english, and I never see you in Littlewhiteys try to be more active you are now in a good clan.
Gongratulations.Don't dissapoint us.
Congratz nekito. I knew that you had something in mind :) Anyways improve your english, and I never see you in Littlewhiteys try to be more active you are now in a good clan.
oh god...
Edit: Congratulations.
congratz ..