.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: UsmanShiekh on June 14, 2020, 07:30:43 pm

Title: <Accepted as trainee>Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 14, 2020, 07:30:43 pm
Real Name: Sheikh Muhammad Usman Shakir

Nickname: UsmanSheikh007

Your Previous nicks: (PRO)uSmAn , (PRO)uSmAnShEikH , Apex_Predator (for a very short time period)

D.O.B/Age: 16th April, 1996.

Location/Country: Lahore, Pakistan.

GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5, PKT.

Servers you usually play on: LW's, RTV, EA, CTF; are the servers I mostly play on these days and less on others.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No, I am not banned in any server.

VC-MP History: I started playing vc:mp in roughly 2012 or a bit early and the first nick I used was with the tag (PRO) I just put it there cause it looked good but afterwards I Introduced it as a vcmp official clan which did well, lots of friends joined.

As far as the previous clans are concerned I have just been in PRO clan from the start 2012 - 2014 period and tried my best to make it good as a leader, later on I left vcmp because of studies.. didn't had much time to play. I haven't even applied in any other clan in the tenure, recently because of the quarantine I came to join vcmp again and it is as fun as it was back then even more to be honest especially meeting the players who've been playing since then.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: MK is one of the oldest clans in vcmp, it was as reputable back in the days as it is now and it has always made a benchmark among other clans.

In the past I had my own clan so I never came up with an idea to join any other clan but now I am not in any clan. I believe being in a clan who has good members and who are friendly and skillful too is a very good experience overall. MK as a community has very good members which are mature and fun to play with I really respect that It would be an honor for me to be part of such clan.

I have discussed about joining MK with my fellow MK member [MKs]OreoCake, I was waiting for the right time to join MK even though I don't consider myself as very ready but still I couldn't wait no more, I want to be part of MK and stay loyal to it.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: After I left vcmp there was no one to run the clan so it got closed. I don't plan to re-open it.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord; usmansheikh007 #7519

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: As a person I am a straight forward, fun loving optimistic guy who does not entertain BS in anyway, I believe life teaches you on every single step its just about becoming a better person every single day, all we can do is effort to be good rest is our fate. I do agree many of the new members don't know me some of them I've come a crossed in some servers though but I hope some old members might remember me, my application here would be a surprise to some members but I really adore this clan and would love to get to know members. I was hesitating to apply that it will get denied for not knowing much members, I still applied. men I won't let you down. :>

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: None.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 14, 2020, 07:50:33 pm
Your application is quite elegant, informative and convincing. Plus You are an old player and hence you probably are quite familiar with VC:MP and its community. Plus I recently got to interact with you both in voice chat and in game too, and you have proven yourself to be worthy of a chance. MKs For you bro, don’t disappoint us. Good luck with other votes. ;)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Oreocake on June 14, 2020, 08:18:13 pm
My mentor here but I'm PRO NOW. :D
You always motivate me and everyone around you, I feel so good when I'm with you, always positive.

MKs for you bro :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 14, 2020, 08:59:27 pm
Thank you so much Ibee and Oreo, your votes means alot to me. Much appreciated. <3
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: TX Moskvish on June 15, 2020, 11:57:37 am
i know you from a way long time tho my vote will go with the majority since currently i'm inactive in vcmp and i have no clue about you right now good luck.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: cool3 on June 15, 2020, 03:07:08 pm
ohh [PRO]Usman xe server guy hell yea.................MKs for you, let's rock
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: FaF on June 15, 2020, 03:59:40 pm
were you ever a cheater?

i have seen players with (pro) tag being cheaters and frauds in rpg
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 15, 2020, 04:33:51 pm
i know you from a way long time tho my vote will go with the majority since currently i'm inactive in vcmp and i have no clue about you right now good luck.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Aspire.

ohh [PRO]Usman xe server guy hell yea.................MKs for you, let's rock

Thank you for your vote bro, I'm glad you remember me. <3

were you ever a cheater?

i have seen players with (pro) tag being cheaters and frauds in rpg

Good question, I have never used any sort of hack or cheat in fact never tried it lol, but as far as I was the leader before becoming inactive, there was none player accused of hacking or anything like this. After I got inactive that I cannot say people might just use that tag without any permission or something, I am not aware of that if you're saying you must have seen someone.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Aegon on June 15, 2020, 05:46:32 pm
Hello Usman, I believe we haven't really been acquainted very well with each other but you seem like a nice guy to me and seemed friendly when you joined voice channel and talked with us and a calm guy. I don't know what else to say so i will go with majority votes, Good luck with the other votes  :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Tarkan on June 15, 2020, 07:28:25 pm
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 15, 2020, 08:15:44 pm
Hello Usman, I believe we haven't really been acquainted very well with each other but you seem like a nice guy to me and seemed friendly when you joined voice channel and talked with us and a calm guy. I don't know what else to say so i will go with majority votes, Good luck with the other votes  :)

Hello, Thank you for appreciating! Don't worry we will surely hangout sometime.  :)


Thank you for your vote bro.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: AttackerX on June 15, 2020, 09:15:21 pm
Hello Sheikh Sahab, majority is authority MKs for you hope you never disappointed us.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: ĐɐήƗรĤ on June 16, 2020, 06:45:37 am
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Blurry on June 16, 2020, 06:55:28 am
MK or MKs. Have known him for many years.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Its.mlh96 on June 16, 2020, 07:49:39 am
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 16, 2020, 01:45:33 pm
Hello Sheikh Sahab, majority is authority MKs for you hope you never disappointed us.

Janaab! Shukriya boht boht and I will try my best not to disappoint.


Thank you Danish, Though we haven't interacted but we will soon, I hope.

MK or MKs. Have known him for many years.

I really do appreciate your vote bro, you were a great buddy in the past and now too.


Thank you mlh96, we have played in LW's as I initially started playing there after becoming active again. I would like to add you guys are trusting me and giving me votes this itself is provoking a sense of responsibility in me, definitely I will not ever want to disappoint anyone of you.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Combot on June 16, 2020, 02:47:21 pm
MKt For you mate, You were my clan mate in (PRO) and i feel good to see you back in here, DO NOT DISAPPOINT. (PRO)AliJaffer here. Idk if you remember me or no but anyways check the link  ;D

Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 16, 2020, 03:11:26 pm
MKt For you mate, You were my clan mate in (PRO) and i feel good to see you back in here, DO NOT DISAPPOINT. (PRO)AliJaffer here. Idk if you remember me or no but anyways check the link  ;D


Really? nice bro but I don't remember (PRO)AliJaffer in my clan, You might have joined later on or idk you might be in it..  long time men. I respect your vote bro, Shukran. :>
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Ego on June 16, 2020, 10:44:30 pm
my vote will go with the majority since currently i'm inactive in vcmp and i have no clue about you right now good luck.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: DeViL_JiN on June 18, 2020, 03:41:59 am
As we spoke already and by looking at your application here you seem like a good adition for the family.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Milko on June 18, 2020, 12:31:30 pm
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 18, 2020, 12:43:46 pm
my vote will go with the majority since currently i'm inactive in vcmp and i have no clue about you right now good luck.

Thank you.

As we spoke already and by looking at your application here you seem like a good adition for the family.

Thank you.


And Thank you, guys for your votes. Stay happy. <3

Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: stubb34 on June 19, 2020, 07:45:28 pm
nice to meet you, MKt
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 21, 2020, 06:01:58 am
Likewise bro, Thank you for the vote.
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: cool3 on June 21, 2020, 01:36:10 pm
Accepted as trainee, let's have warm welcome to our new member usman....
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Drakola on June 21, 2020, 01:37:54 pm
Congratulations buddy!!!
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 21, 2020, 02:09:25 pm
GG welcome to the family homeboy! ❤️
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 21, 2020, 02:26:18 pm
Accepted as trainee, let's have warm welcome to our new member usman....

Thank you cool3, Have a good day. <3

GG welcome to the family homeboy! ❤️

Thanks boy. <3
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: VipeX on June 21, 2020, 02:49:57 pm
Congrats dude  ;)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Ego on June 21, 2020, 03:10:23 pm
Congratz  ;)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Aegon on June 21, 2020, 03:19:13 pm
Welcome to the family, good to have you here :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: AttackerX on June 21, 2020, 03:28:04 pm
Congrat's Sheikh Sahab Party Hard ❣
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: DarKGh0sT. on June 21, 2020, 08:48:37 pm
congrtss bhai <3
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Chocolate on June 22, 2020, 03:49:00 am
Congratulations Brother <3
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: VipeX on June 22, 2020, 05:22:08 am
Congrat's Sheikh Sahab Party Hard  ;)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: UsmanShiekh on June 22, 2020, 10:58:59 am
Thank youu Bhaio, Feels good to be part of MK family.

P.S; I have a question! Why my application hasn't been moved yet? slow admins.  :-X
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: Its.mlh96 on June 22, 2020, 12:01:02 pm
Congratz... nd wlcm
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: stubb34 on June 22, 2020, 01:01:15 pm
congratulations  :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: ĐɐήƗรĤ on June 22, 2020, 01:25:25 pm
Congrats :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: MarshM on June 22, 2020, 08:14:19 pm
Congrats :)
Title: Re: Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: DarKGh0sT. on June 23, 2020, 09:23:51 pm
Congratulations buddy!!!
Title: Re: <Accepted as trainee>Application - UsmanSheikh007
Post by: VipeX on June 25, 2020, 07:01:52 am
Congratulations dude  ;)