.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Trex on May 27, 2016, 08:12:51 pm
Real Name: Ahmed
Nickname: Trex
Your Previous nicks: shoepie,king,DeadKiller,JOCK3R,HunTeRKinG,DeaDHunTeR,HAE6AJI,6EJIaH,RA27,PaulG,T4k0,M4^,MrPreMiuM,ProStyl3,ZeRo1,Mr.[D]uck and PerfectSt7le
D.O.B/Age: 15
Location/Country: Egypt
GMT/TimeZone: GMT +2:00
Servers you usually play on: Grand theft auto european city,littlewhiteys.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: nope
VC-MP History: I've started playing since 2010 and gone inactive then i was back in 2012,i've applied in many clans like VCL,ULK,ON,DK,MA,FZ,DxZ ana applied here too but got denied,i had left vcmp for 3 months and then i'm back and applied here.
previous clans..
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I like MK members attuide and skills also MK have good reputation.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: VCL-Closed
DxZ-left then clan closed
FZ-left then clan closed
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: nah
Sorry for this question: this app is joke or troll ? o.O
ain't joke or troll i've applied many times here and i am series
this is my last application from 3 months i guess
I think we should give him a chance. He seems interested to join us. Also his attitude has changed since his last application.
I think we should give him a chance. He seems interested to join us. Also his attitude has changed since his last application.
Thanks alot :D
Thanks alot :D
Neutral atm
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I like MK members attuide and skills also MK have good reputation.
What a random answer. Your application says how you really are. no
I am happy to see you back here.
Have you applied in any other clan in these past 3 months? please be honest.
I will cast my vote later.
I am happy to see you back here.
Have you applied in any other clan in these past 3 months? please be honest.
nope i didn't.
I'm willing to give you a chance but I change my mind.. you will ask why, It's simple I found something and now I don't trust you, you really seems an impersonator or a stupid boy without life. http://ulk-gang.com/index.php?topic=2634.msg34659#msg34659
What I'm sharing here? You're lying, how's you explain this.. you made an app in ulk at 2014 and in your age you put 15 years and here you doing the same
Obviously my vote is strong NO, let me give you an advice if you got denied this time don't come back anymore.
Have a good day
I catch you nob
D.O.B/Age: 15
I'm willing to give you a chance but I change my mind.. you will ask why, It's simple I found something and now I don't trust you, you really seems an impersonator or a stupid boy without life. http://ulk-gang.com/index.php?topic=2634.msg34659#msg34659
What I'm sharing here? You're lying, how's you explain this.. you made an app in ulk at 2014 and in your age you put 15 years and here you doing the same
Obviously my vote is strong NO, let me give you an advice if you got denied this time don't come back anymore.
Have a good day
I catch you nob
D.O.B/Age: 15
i have wrongly typed that and in ulk"s forum i can't edit the post i won't lie at you :/
p.s i was lying in the past but now i am telling the truth
I'm willing to give you a chance but I change my mind.. you will ask why, It's simple I found something and now I don't trust you, you really seems an impersonator or a stupid boy without life. http://ulk-gang.com/index.php?topic=2634.msg34659#msg34659
What I'm sharing here? You're lying, how's you explain this.. you made an app in ulk at 2014 and in your age you put 15 years and here you doing the same
Obviously my vote is strong NO, let me give you an advice if you got denied this time don't come back anymore.
Have a good day
I catch you nob
D.O.B/Age: 15
This is why I waited, thanks hermano :-*
I vote no.
I'm willing to give you a chance but I change my mind.. you will ask why, It's simple I found something and now I don't trust you, you really seems an impersonator or a stupid boy without life. http://ulk-gang.com/index.php?topic=2634.msg34659#msg34659
What I'm sharing here? You're lying, how's you explain this.. you made an app in ulk at 2014 and in your age you put 15 years and here you doing the same
Obviously my vote is strong NO, let me give you an advice if you got denied this time don't come back anymore.
Have a good day
I catch you nob
D.O.B/Age: 15
This is why I waited, thanks hermano :-*
I vote no.
you guys just wait for a simple mistake and vote no what the...
i've said that it was a mistake and i couldn't edit it anyway thanks for voting..
and niko i'll come and apply again if denied ;p
I play in VC:MP since 2009 and I was ONLY in [MK] 8) You play VC:MP since 2010 and you was in 6 clans :o For me, It's too much ::) But I'll get you chance... For this moment neutral 8) We will see 8)
We all know that he was lying, but now he grow up and I think he's telling us the truth. everybody should have an opportunity to prove himself. and it ain't a big mistake that he was lying about his age. most of players got this behavior before, but when they got a chance they knew what maturity and loyalty means. it's his third application here and he seems interested to join us, i hope you guys understand my point of view. :)
Who cares about his age? There's not problem
Well i need to test you (attitude, skills, etcetera). I keep my vote as neutral
I play in VC:MP since 2009 and I was ONLY in [MK] 8) You play VC:MP since 2010 and you was in 6 clans :o For me, It's too much ::) But I'll get you chance... For this moment neutral 8) We will see 8)
okayy 8)
We all know that he was lying, but now he grow up and I think he's telling us the truth. everybody should have an opportunity to prove himself. and it ain't a big mistake that he was lying about his age. most of players got this behavior before, but when they got a chance they knew what maturity and loyalty means. it's his third application here and he seems interested to join us, i hope you guys understand my point of view. :)
you're right floris thanks for saying this
Who cares about his age? There's not problem
Well i need to test you (attitude, skills, etcetera). I keep my vote as neutral
when do you want?
Thanks :D
A piece of info about his Attitude.
A piece of info about his Attitude.
haha saying fu*king is your problem??
i was joking with blitz anyway it's not your problem and i always be silent till someone talk to me.
my attuide ain't bad as you think it was just a simple joke dude :)
I'll give you an opportunity just because i trust that you'll improve yourself. Keep training and learn some other techniques.
I'll give you an opportunity just because i trust that you'll improve yourself. Keep training and learn some other techniques.
Thanks alot .:D
Don't worry,I won't disappoint you :D
A piece of info about his Attitude.
I am a big fucking noob too.
A piece of info about his Attitude.
I am a big fucking noob too.
rofl xDDD 8)
Trainee 8)
Trainee 8)
Thanks alot 8)
This time you deserve a chance, you're improving you attitude and keep it up. MKt
from ma side
This time you deserve a chance, you're improving you attitude and keep it up. MKt
from ma side
Thanks alot :D
Yes, you have improved from what you were before and I believe that giving you a chance won't go in vain.
Leaving out your past, you are now eligible to join us as Trainee.
Yes, you have improved from what you were before and I believe that giving you a chance won't go in vain.
Leaving out your past, you are now eligible to join us as Trainee.
Thanks alot :D
I'm staying neutral - for this application as well as the other remaining pending applications as on this date. Good luck though
I'm staying neutral - for this application as well as the other remaining pending applications as on this date. Good luck though
Okay 8)
Seeing your interest in us and that you have also tried to join us before, I will give you a chance, good luck with the application.
Seeing your interest in us and that you have also tried to join us before, I will give you a chance, good luck with the application.
Thanks alot :D
Your application has been accepted. You're free to wear the MKt tag. Congratulations and welcome!
Mabrok! :-*
Mabrok! :-*
:-* :-*
Congrats, well deserved ;)
Congrats, well deserved ;)
Thanks :D
Congratulation mate.
Thanks :D
Congratulation mate.
Thanks :D
congratulations mate!
congratulations mate!
Thanks :D
welcome ::)
welcome ::)
Thanks :D
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
Thanks :D
Thanks :D
OMG! Congratulations.!!!!
OMG! Congratulations.!!!!
Thanks alot dude :D