.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: San on March 03, 2019, 02:37:48 pm

Title: <Accepted as Trainee>My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 03, 2019, 02:37:48 pm
Real Name: Khalika

Nickname: San*BL

Your Previous nicks: San_s, San, [FCr]CuteDevil

D.O.B/Age: 25/01/2003

Location/Country: Andhra Pradesh , India

GMT/TimeZone: +5:30 GMT

Servers you usually play on: VL (regular), CTF, LWs and RTV (sometimes)

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No

VC-MP History: I have started playing VC:MP since 2017 Sept.
VKs was first server I played, for about a month. And later i found Viceland which has changed my vcmp career. I was just a player who didn't know things
The very few players has taught me the game and I became a Trial mod in it on December 2017, Full moderator on January 2018 so on the very quick promotions due to the help which is when the server was almost dead and it's staff were inactive aswell excluding the developers so I worked hard on it and made it so alive and done my duty very strict and contributed alot to the server that it made me a Manager and most trust worthy person of Viceland and then due to some disasters made by one of our developer and many more change occured in the VL community i have became an owner of it and is still successfully running. and coming to the social stuff, Most of the players i met has became my friends. Some are Good and Some are Bad but i believe in one thing which is "Good stays forever while bad doesn't" so I believe that currently I have no bad/fake friends
And I would like to thank my dearest bro Faf for being there for me in my hard times and about clans. I was in FC clan founded by Gogeta who is an MD member now, I wanted to help and done my best but due to some unfair decision by the founder i had to leave it and later the clan has been removed so Thats all i guess. :)

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Ever since I met Faf bro, Fabbel sis, Enzo, Aegon, cool3 and Milko (idk him much but is Cool) Weldone, Rest and Sahil bro who was the developers of Viceland till 2018, I came to know more about MK that its members are friendly, matured, Full of Positivity and is an old clan of VC:MP and moreover The Unity...which i believe "Unity is Strength" So I'm very Impressed :) For further information I would like to be questioned so I can elaborate more and things will be clear :)

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: FC - Due to some internal issues and later the clan has been removed.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord: San#1638

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Not Really but if necessary I will

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Yes. I would like to share that I have applied on VU on January 11 2019 (I haven't met Faf bro by the time I applied)
Where i was recommended by PunkNoodle who is a very nice person. Here's The Link:


The application was denied because most of it's member don't know me well but I dropped due to 1 or 2 of It's members aren't good with me very lately and I'm not blaming VU for that because it is personal issues I had, VU would have been a suitable clan I admit but afterwards I faced alot of drama by one-two members which made me feel uncomfortable that even faf bro knows about it but I never blame VU for that it's a good clan and most of it's members are good aswell and I apologise to PunkNoodle for not going for it again.
Therefore I want to be clear on this with MK so there should not be anything unclear or misunderstood. Hoping for good response :)

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: null
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Enzo on March 03, 2019, 05:33:30 pm
In Vice Underdogs application, you wrote your age "I'm going to be 16 this year" and here you're writing 2003

Apart from that, good luck!
This really proves that your IQ is 1

Hello San, MKt
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Aegon on March 03, 2019, 05:40:12 pm
Trainee :D
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Ego on March 03, 2019, 05:47:38 pm
I saw that you play in your server only
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 03, 2019, 05:50:52 pm
I saw that you play in your server only
Yes i play regular in my server and sometimes CTF, LWs and Rtv  :)
In Vice Underdogs application, you wrote your age "I'm going to be 16 this year" and here you're writing 2003

Apart from that, good luck!
Lol, Thank u
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Ego on March 03, 2019, 06:55:59 pm
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Its.mlh96 on March 04, 2019, 07:33:39 am
Hey behnaw:D

Mkt from my side
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Fabbel on March 05, 2019, 07:11:35 pm
You need to interact more with other members & try to play more often in other servers.

MKt would be a great start ;)
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: cool3 on March 05, 2019, 07:36:09 pm
You need to interact more with other members & try to play more often in other servers.

MKt would be a great start ;)
MKt for sure.
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Midnight on March 05, 2019, 11:20:27 pm
How much do you play vcmp in a week? In which time?
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 06, 2019, 07:16:24 am
You need to interact more with other members & try to play more often in other servers.

MKt would be a great start ;)
Sure thing sis, I love to interact with people :)

How much do you play vcmp in a week? In which time?
I play daily and mostly at evening or night :)
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Ego on March 06, 2019, 07:44:29 am
Changing to MKT
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: AttackerX on March 06, 2019, 12:44:39 pm
I think he/she is mad a bit
I remind a few months backs i went in vice land he kick me with the rationality thats im not a MK member he didnt even listen my once and kicked me again and again and i try to make him understand but he/she  banned me wtffff!!
No Go to Hell
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 06, 2019, 01:02:41 pm
I think he/she is mad a bit
I remind a few months backs i went in vice land he kick me with the rationality thats im not a MK member he didnt even listen my once and kicked me again and again and i try to make him understand but he/she  banned me wtffff!!
No Go to Hell
Excuse me? i feel this is some odd misunderstanding. as long as i remember you were administrator i guess but i dont remembering kicking anyone like that and for your information We dont kick players for using tags and not being in clan. We have our command to change their nicknames so we do /achangenick. Yet I would like to be confirmed by chatlogs (HTML ones) I will be glad if you can provide them.

Edit:I would like to know the date aswell. Thank you
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: AttackerX on March 06, 2019, 01:06:33 pm
I think he/she is mad a bit
I remind a few months backs i went in vice land he kick me with the rationality thats im not a MK member he didnt even listen my once and kicked me again and again and i try to make him understand but he/she  banned me wtffff!!
No Go to Hell
Excuse me? i feel this is some odd misunderstanding. as long as i remember you were administrator i guess but i dont remembering kicking anyone like that and for your information We dont kick players for using tags and not being in clan. We have our command to change their nicknames so we do /achangenick. Yet I would like to be confirmed by chatlogs (HTML ones) I will be glad if you can provide them
Misunderstanding Roflmaoooo
Excuse Me U Made My Day 👌👌👌👌
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 06, 2019, 01:08:06 pm
I think he/she is mad a bit
I remind a few months backs i went in vice land he kick me with the rationality thats im not a MK member he didnt even listen my once and kicked me again and again and i try to make him understand but he/she  banned me wtffff!!
No Go to Hell
Excuse me? i feel this is some odd misunderstanding. as long as i remember you were administrator i guess but i dont remembering kicking anyone like that and for your information We dont kick players for using tags and not being in clan. We have our command to change their nicknames so we do /achangenick. Yet I would like to be confirmed by chatlogs (HTML ones) I will be glad if you can provide them
Misunderstanding Roflmaoooo
Excuse Me U Made My Day 👌👌👌👌
I dont feel comfy to post multiple times so listen, we can sort this in a matured way. You can post the logs here or u can talk to me on discord
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 06, 2019, 01:21:53 pm
I think he/she is mad a bit
I remind a few months backs i went in vice land he kick me with the rationality thats im not a MK member he didnt even listen my once and kicked me again and again and i try to make him understand but he/she  banned me wtffff!!
No Go to Hell
Excuse me? i feel this is some odd misunderstanding. as long as i remember you were administrator i guess but i dont remembering kicking anyone like that and for your information We dont kick players for using tags and not being in clan. We have our command to change their nicknames so we do /achangenick. Yet I would like to be confirmed by chatlogs (HTML ones) I will be glad if you can provide them
Misunderstanding Roflmaoooo
Excuse Me U Made My Day 👌👌👌👌
I dont feel comfy to post multiple times so listen, we can sort this in a matured way. You can post the logs here or u can talk to me on discord
and one more thing. i remember kicking you once for discriminating my gender only, you personally fought with me alot while i was in duty mode. i dont exactly remember if you were our admin because its been 1-2 years so i dont remember everything

Edit: Sorry for the multiple post
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: AttackerX on March 06, 2019, 02:21:59 pm
Always keep a ready approach
MKt ❤
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: ĐɐήƗรĤ on March 07, 2019, 10:34:39 am
Don't know you at all, neutral atm
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Midnight on March 07, 2019, 11:42:52 pm
I'm not playing the game frequently so I can't know your performance in-game but your application looks good and enough to convince me.

Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Milko on March 10, 2019, 12:32:36 am
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Enzo on March 10, 2019, 12:30:14 pm
Accepted as Trainee. Feel free to use [MKt]/MKt tag.

Welcome to the family!
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Hazard on March 10, 2019, 01:05:12 pm
Congratulations! @San
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: Ego on March 10, 2019, 02:02:34 pm
Title: Re: My Application San*BL
Post by: San on March 10, 2019, 03:09:38 pm
Thank you so much all of you :)
i really appreciate MK clan for accepting me and i will never let our clan down  :)