.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: RisKY^ on October 20, 2020, 12:46:41 pm
Real Name: Muhammad Hussain
Nickname: RisKY^
Your Previous nicks: Thakur^ and TeVaR^
D.O.B/Age: 15
Location/Country: Hyderabad Sindh / Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5
Servers you usually play on: European city server , EAD , AD , Vks and Littlewhiteys
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Nope
VC-MP History: I start playing VCMP in 2014 in december end days, when i was only 9 years old after 1 year of play i joined a clan TNC which was started by LOGAN, then this clan was closed for some various issues then after 1 year in 2017 i joined a clan DX which was started by LOGAN then this clan was also closed due to less member quantity then in 2018 i was looking for good clan and i found VU i applied in this clan 2 or 3 times but applications got deny i lost hope from this clan and i thought this clan is not for me, Then i decided to join DU but my both application got denied due to 'AIMLOCK SCANDAL' then one of DU member told me to don't waste you'r time to apply in DU he said 'DU is dramaless clan you should leave it', he was my friend that's why i didn't applied again after i started interact with MK members and i really love their behaviour and attitude and now after 2 months of hangout with MK members i decided to join MK.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Basically the MK is very good and old clan , whole members are mature and friendly , I will never leave this clan like pussycats in future i will wear MK tag till end of VCMP.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: [TNC]= Closed =DX= (Closed)
IRC or Any other contact info: Discord RisKY_jani#2315
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: I am always ready for it , YES!
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: yes , My English is weak but I am improving it.
Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: Nope
Can you explain what was that aimlock scandel
Can you explain what was that aimlock scandel
Nothing just player reported me for it i was just doing flicks with look behind + fire and he recorded and reported me then i cleared and proved that i didn't used aimlock and report got denied , Actually when i applied in DU some players saw my report of aimlock thats why my application got deny.
Can you explain what was that aimlock scandel
Nothing just player reported me for it i was just doing flicks with look behind + fire and he recorded and reported me then i cleared and proved that i didn't used aimlock and report got denied , Actually when i applied in DU some players saw my report of aimlock thats why my application got deny.
Can you send the link of that report?
No, for many reasons.
1.Your behavior and maturity issue
2.clan hopper
3.your bad past history issue as you were using hacks
how many players reported you for breaking rules lemme fix my word players are reporting you for continuously breaking rules for example EC server and pls don't lie as i am admin there
2 applications are already made there in DU and you want us to trust you, so pls go away clan hopper we don't accept problematic players.