.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Princyyy on July 24, 2021, 01:25:57 pm
Real Name: Usama
Nickname: Princyyy
Your Previous nicks: Prince , PrinceUsama , USAMAQASIM .
D.O.B/Age: 17
Location/Country: Haripur/Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: GMT 5+
Servers you usually play on: VCCNR , , RTV , CTB , KotH , Gboyz , EC , and many others
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: NO
VC-MP History: Hello everyone! i started playing VCMP in 2017 oct. I started playing some servers like LW and VKs with JeFFy .
after some time i joined FF . but into 2019 FF closed then i joined R2x aswell .
Why do you want to Join MK ?: MK is respectful clan in VCMP. members are very friendly.
also jeffy applied too so it increased my interest towards for MK.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: ( 1 ) FF - Closed
( 2 ) R2x - Closed
( 3 ) RK - Dead
IRC or Any other contact info: Facebook : Muhammed UsamaQasim , Discord : Princyyy..#6408
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Hello i dont have any other info to share.
Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: None
I don't know you. No.
I don't know you. No.
I don't know you. No.
No for now i told you princy its too early :( many of our members dont know you
Ive seen you a few times i don't know you much. Neutral.
I think you're not ready as of yet, most of the members don't know you. Work on that first.
No for now.
Now i remember who are u when u told me in discord pm but u didn't mention that nickname "[SV]Usama" the 1 u used to play in lw and i dont remember u that i ever saw u playing in other servers so im still gonna say No becuz u need more time and u need to play with us more so my clan mates would get to know u better..
Good luck for further!!
I don't know you. No.
i vote king for you gl
I am going with No also because I don't know you (Most of us don't know you)
Most of our members dont know you and are voting negative , your application has been Denied.