.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Rysani on June 17, 2021, 07:30:16 pm

Title: [Closed]My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 17, 2021, 07:30:16 pm
Real Name: Zulfiqar Rysani

Nickname: Marine

Your Previous nicks: Baloch , Rysani , Jack_Sparrow , Fawad , uliam , Zulfiqar.

D.O.B/Age: 2005/16

Location/Country: Karachi/Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT + 5

Servers you usually play on: EC , RTV , CTF , TDW , EA.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Yes In Argonath For Reason Ban evading.
Reason I banned?
my first ban was Banned for Death Match
and the second banned was also same but not 3rd.
at third i banned for ban evasion but i didnt did any ban evasion . i dont know that if you windows your hard disk your banned will removed. i thought they unbanned me so i started playing from another name. after getting a unfair banned i abuse kessu by joining server name with abuse's. Fk_kessu etc. so they perma banned me .

VC-MP History: I started playing vcmp from since 2015. and i leave it around 5 or 6   months in 2017 and rejoined it in 2018 , 2018 and 2019 was so cool years for vcmp daily rtv party was so fun . so my interest in vcmp increased. /  RK , DmC , TkD.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: As i can say that 40% MK's r my nearby friends. and every one've a dream that he want to see his self at a good  clan.
Such That VU Clan also  have a good party. thats why they want to join it same to MK.
and i tried hard to join MK but many times i get failed but hope not this time.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: TkD Closed.
DmC Members became hacker or half was inactive.
RK it was my one of di best clan ever in vcmp , but the thing is that no one likes it and i m good skillfully player ... so you understand it.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yea.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I Tried Hard to improve my self but i did what i can.

Sorry for bad english any problem ask me in discord.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/my-application-marine/
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: AttackerX on June 18, 2021, 11:50:39 am
Hello Marine good to see your application.
Bro i have read your application and to be honnest your last statement regarding your previous clan didn't satisfied me at all specially about RK where i believe you represented a lame excuse to evict out the actual reason behind resignation of your previous clan so i urge you to please explain us a bit more about RK linked with your leaving so that we can easily judge you.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 18, 2021, 01:07:03 pm
Hello Marine good to see your application.
Bro i have read your application and to be honnest your last statement regarding your previous clan didn't satisfied me at all specially about RK where i believe you represented a lame excuse to evict out the actual reason behind resignation of your previous clan so i urge you to please explain us a bit more about RK linked with your leaving so that we can easily judge you.
when i leaved RK , my mod was so cool no tentions of clans etc and my focus was only gameplay. you know when i join server 90% i talks about clan abuse's etc. and i will be in a better clan with good players. i m also joining MK  for my frnd Halchter <3.

Actually My real reason for leaving is that: First it was clan of blitz which i re-opened it without asking permission i asked him but he didnt give him any answer so i re-opened it around 2017-18 i think. and every one says that it was blitz clan you re-opened it without permission. so my mod became's off after listening this kinds of answers. and my english was also weak where i cant lead the clan  with proper words. my friends also told me to leave RK clan and better to join another good clan cuz you're skillfully player so your not looking good at this point. i did many foolish/crazy things in my life that i leave RK for 1 month and after a month i rejoined it. it was so fking mindless thing i ever did it twice. when my app's get denied i join again RK it was so shame for me.... and i also leave vcmp for 2 3 months for that reason. so this time  i got improved thanks to ibee who improved me.

if any problem in reading call me on discord. you can ask ibee what questions you need i can understand ibee's tounge so quick/
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Oreocake on June 18, 2021, 02:42:49 pm
I would say NO, not because you lack skill, but you lack maturity ..
Let's see how it goes 'cause you need time.
Best of luck!
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 18, 2021, 02:45:47 pm
I would say NO, not because you lack skill, but you lack maturity ..
Let's see how it goes 'cause you need time.
Best of luck!

Im Agree with maturrity.

Thx for your vote.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: DarkSlayer on June 18, 2021, 02:46:42 pm
Your friends gave u suggestion about joining a good clan, but there are also other good clans to join so then why choose MK?
Im expecting an honest answer for that.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 18, 2021, 03:14:06 pm
Why do you want to Join MK ?: As i can say that 40% MK's r my nearby friends. a

i already told you that 40% MK's r my nearby friends . and MK is also one of my fav clan this is not my first time that i tried. i did many times before. but get failed.
and MK is also in the top clans of vcmps. and i m skilled player so i should be in a top clan.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: DarkSlayer on June 18, 2021, 03:27:51 pm
Fair enough!! Right now im staying on Neutral grounds for u cuz my vote will go according to my clan mates.

Good luck bro!!
Why do you want to Join MK ?: As i can say that 40% MK's r my nearby friends. a

i already told you that 40% MK's r my nearby friends . and MK is also one of my fav clan this is not my first time that i tried. i did many times before. but get failed.
and MK is also in the top clans of vcmps. and i m skilled player so i should be in a top clan.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: AttackerX on June 18, 2021, 04:17:16 pm
Hello Marine good to see your application.
Bro i have read your application and to be honnest your last statement regarding your previous clan didn't satisfied me at all specially about RK where i believe you represented a lame excuse to evict out the actual reason behind resignation of your previous clan so i urge you to please explain us a bit more about RK linked with your leaving so that we can easily judge you.
when i leaved RK , my mod was so cool no tentions of clans etc and my focus was only gameplay. you know when i join server 90% i talks about clan abuse's etc. and i will be in a better clan with good players. i m also joining MK  for my frnd Halchter <3.

Actually My real reason for leaving is that: First it was clan of blitz which i re-opened it without asking permission i asked him but he didnt give him any answer so i re-opened it around 2017-18 i think. and every one says that it was blitz clan you re-opened it without permission. so my mod became's off after listening this kinds of answers. and my english was also weak where i cant lead the clan  with proper words. my friends also told me to leave RK clan and better to join another good clan cuz you're skillfully player so your not looking good at this point. i did many foolish/crazy things in my life that i leave RK for 1 month and after a month i rejoined it. it was so fking mindless thing i ever did it twice. when my app's get denied i join again RK it was so shame for me.... and i also leave vcmp for 2 3 months for that reason. so this time  i got improved thanks to ibee who improved me.

if any problem in reading call me on discord. you can ask ibee what questions you need i can understand ibee's tounge so quick/
Brother there is not even a single statement in your entire post where you briefly mention us about the reason behind depaturing from your previous clan you just form a narrative story about your clan journey rather than coming to the straight point so now to sum up all you doesn't sound a mature enough atleast to me but still i will strive to find a positive feedback from you to cast my vote in your favour. Neutral till the moment.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 18, 2021, 05:00:18 pm
a clan named TkD  Created by me in 2016 know as The Killer Dead for LW.
reason its closeD? . A guy named Patrick aka brother of fullfilled and puriya the guy patrick  joined in my name and asked puriya his password. puriya give him his password then after 2 days patrick took the all of money of puriya from bank and sold his cars. when i joined the server that puriya has left the clan and he reported on me for stealer. and Forever all of my members leave the clan and called me stealer. then i know that some one told me a admin that it was not my ip it was patrick ip where he joined and took money when he caught he also left the clan. and only me amir and zbb was left into clan after a week i closed the clan and Accepted in DmC then the leader of DmC Kameena_KinG use wall hacks in lw. whole DmC gone afk so i leave it.

Then i Re-opened RK Clan.
Reason for leaving: i already told you half story . and i was also getting problems with RK members bcz of inactive no listening to leader and only GOD was good in whole RK . all was traitor's.  Nassim Sheep Bninin Black_Knight etc. many kids i trained in RK server then they became traitor and leave RK after 1 week this kids called me Paki lagger who got trained by me . i hate this kind of traitor's. when i gather players for clan war but the next day some one joined another clan. always was my mod of in RK in war match tournaments they'were late in matchs every time i do 5v2 5v3. i thought i m training this kids will win the tournament but they're became traitors.
i made every kind of server for RK. waste my 6 months on servers but i got what nope.
 i know better now which ting is right or which is false.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: stubb34 on June 18, 2021, 05:39:12 pm
You still have a lot of room for improvement. Hopefully you will

As of now I am neutral.

PS: you are currently banned in Argonath, so I think thats also one of your shortcomings, that cannot be ratified.

Goodluck with other votes
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 18, 2021, 06:03:33 pm
You still have a lot of room for improvement. Hopefully you will

As of now I am neutral.

PS: you are currently banned in Argonath, so I think thats also one of your shortcomings, that cannot be ratified.

Goodluck with other votes

thx for your vote.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Alpays on June 18, 2021, 08:30:31 pm
I only saw you in game a few times and i don't know you much but it seems that your english is not good enough and i think you have to work on your english to communicate with others before willing to join here, my vote is no for now good luck.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 19, 2021, 09:04:51 am
I only saw you in game a few times and i don't know you much but it seems that your english is not good enough and i think you have to work on your english to communicate with others before willing to join here, my vote is no for now good luck.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 19, 2021, 10:03:52 am
Hello there marine. Ok first of all, I was about to delay my response a bit more as I personally work according to the principle that is closely observing a particular applicant's behavior, attitude and actions before sharing an opinion regarding him/her or casting a vote for him/her, but seeing some misconceptions being stirred up here regarding the applicant (Marine) and also that his unfortunate inability (yet) to fully defend and explain himself kinda forced me to come here and write something. OK now, as for marine, I always have been positive for this guy since the day he expressed his interest in MK and the day since he started hanging out with us. His skills as a player and his mystique as a team mate are the particular qualities that though some guys among us won't notice quickly, but you still can't ignore them cuz they really exist in him and that's what I personally have realized after the incredible amount of time I have spent with him. Now coming to his english & communication skills, there's no such harm in not being able to read/write/speak english fluently here as I assume that many of us had that particular shortcoming which we improved with the passage of time, especially by the guidance of friends and seniors, and as for Marine, I am pretty confident hat he'll improve those too. Now coming towards his Argonath server ban scenario, idk what's the whole story behind it but according to my experiences and without intending to have any sort of offense towards any individual OR group, I believe that majority of the bans/punishments that the players receive in that particular server are solely based on their negative confrontations with the staff based on staff's personal reasons and ego issues, again I am repeating that I don't mean any sort of offense for either the server or its Staff, I just gave my judgement based on experience which you guys may believe if you want to. Though @Marine, I would still highly suggest you to somehow try to get unbanned there in case you're still banned. Apply for unban on their forums or contact any Argonath staff member to assist you in getting unbanned. Because though whatever the reasons are, I personally kinda don't want a particular person to represent MK who's banned in any of the official servers at least. Lastly, regarding my vote for you, I'll go with a Neutral for now, though I am looking forward to change my vote to Trainee in case you manage to get rid of your minor shortcomings in a short span of time. It's my request to the management that kindly keep this application open for a little longer period of time so that we may get to see the possible results which I personally want to see. Thank you, and all the very best @Marine! Don't lose hope, you can do it! :) :)
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: ELK on June 19, 2021, 10:20:04 am
Fuck all bullshit that happened in the past. I'm positive for you @Marine and I'm sure you will get better and more better by the time. I don't think trainee rank would be of any problematic.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 19, 2021, 12:59:53 pm
You can ask Spartain also cuz he's also Argonath player he know some things. you know i did many times unban app's but i got denied and also banned from forum. my ban expiry was on 2021. i didnt even checked it out. but i dont think i get unbanned anyway i was not playing argonath anymore after RTV came into vcmp. when i was unbanned my 24 hours was on argonath. and i forget that my first ban was also unfair  that when  i loot the bank my stairs was 6 and 6 cops was following me so i killed all of them in alone then i goto on yatch at light house there was Kiki  i dont know he was afk. so i aimming his head and my right click pressed so he died and i got reported and banned for 3 months. then i windows my pc and started playing in another name idk i m banned or unbanned after 2 days i also got banned for 4 years. then i make unban appeal then  they denied me and my ban expiry at 2021 then i joined server with name's of fk_kessu_randi.
etc... i did so mindless thing.

then they banned me from forum etc.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Spartain on June 20, 2021, 09:02:25 am
My vote is No
Your attitude and behavior is the main issue here. There is no doubt in your combat skills, but skills are not the only thing that will make your way in. You indulge in fights when you are provoked, and I have told you Gazillion times not to respond. Regarding you Argonath ban I think you made some mistakes when you were young and It takes time to adjust to that server. I think its time you realize the issue and work on it.

You came back from inactivity and 3,4 days ago you made a clan named MW or something. You didn't mention it in your App. This shows your enthusiasm. If You want to join MK make a mind.

Don't get disheartened from the votes. Improve yourself and Keep Trying GOOD LUCK!!
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 20, 2021, 09:52:28 am
MW. i used this tag only once in one server but it was not clan .
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: AttackerX on June 20, 2021, 01:08:10 pm
Well I'm still confuse wheather you are really interested in joining MK or not because what i feel you are just pretending to be well behavior infront of us in order to addictive our votes but in actual fact you didn't went through the recommendation we told you to mobilize on before applying for the second time. you are just having the same attitude nothing changes as compare to your past but here i also support ibee's point where he said we should extend the period of his application to observe him intensely because there is no doubt you are proficient & capable player apart of you displeasing attitude so kindly try to fix it with in the application still  Neutral.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 20, 2021, 05:39:11 pm
its clear that if am not interested in mk why i would apply and waste my time in applying.
i've interest thats why i am keep applying.

some times i do brainless things so plz ignore it.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: ĐɐήƗรĤ on June 21, 2021, 06:08:16 am
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 21, 2021, 07:25:36 am

thx mate for your vote.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 21, 2021, 07:27:09 am
you are just pretending to be well behavior infront of us in order to addictive our votes .

thats true and not much i m also getting my self to be improved.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Tom4S on June 21, 2021, 07:34:31 am
there's a huge room for improvement waiting for you.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 21, 2021, 07:35:46 am
there's a huge room for improvement waiting for you.


Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: RiDDlER on June 21, 2021, 11:26:44 am
Trainee :)
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Spartain on June 21, 2021, 01:52:48 pm
some times i do brainless things so plz ignore it.
Try not to do brainless things.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 21, 2021, 05:34:25 pm
Trainee :)

Thanksss riddler janii <3
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Spiller on June 23, 2021, 06:31:41 am
Well, this application is better than your last one. Not much impressed but atleast I am convinced you weren't applying for trolls.

No one can improve in English drastically in a short period. But one thing you can do is not use short forms and slangs when you're writing a formal application.

Your ban in Argonath doesn't bother me. I know you'll be loyal to the clan if you make it.
I'll vote trainee for you, my friend. I have no doubt on your skills and loyalty.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 23, 2021, 08:24:18 am
Well, this application is better than your last one. Not much impressed but atleast I am convinced you weren't applying for trolls.

No one can improve in English drastically in a short period. But one thing you can do is not use short forms and slangs when you're writing a formal application.

Your ban in Argonath doesn't bother me. I know you'll be loyal to the clan if you make it.
I'll vote trainee for you, my friend. I have no doubt on your skills and loyalty.

Thanks Spiller Brother , I always listen your speak's and mind it that you're speak truth and in behaviour so every one like's that comments.
Hope You will get successfuly in life.
You make me so much happy. :)

Bro I dont have any problem in playing argonath but it makes me shame that i m perma banned in a offical server but the time when i got banned i didnt even know how to write getcar and my english was so bad and i was kid so i dont understand any thing i just write fuck_kessu etc. cuz i was newbie in vcmp and i dont understand any word of english and the game play when i got improved a bite in 2018 i understand a bite  . idk how to get unbanned so my brother told me that make a appeal in forum to get unbanned but got denied and i abuse kessu in the names of fk_kessu_mom etc. idk what i m doing i just think it as a joke but he took it seriously and perma banned me for argonath. so i know now what is wrong wt is true. well.

from 2018 to 2021 i  m trying to get unbanned but guy kessu is not gonna unban me any more. i dont care about playing but it is VC:MP Offical server so it makes problem.

i m special thanks to this guys i improved me: Spiller , Ibee , Ken , Spartain , Berkay_KhaN aka Lord of Khans.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 24, 2021, 07:24:45 pm
Fuck all bullshit that happened in the past. I'm positive for you @Marine and I'm sure you will get better and more better by the time. I don't think trainee rank would be of any problematic.

Thanks Berkay KHANISH.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: TX Moskvish on June 25, 2021, 04:52:28 am
come join MK in Valorant  :D
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 25, 2021, 07:25:04 am
come join MK in Valorant  :D

i dont play with irons. jajaj noob xd
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: TX Moskvish on June 25, 2021, 07:29:50 pm
sorry NO not ready  ::)
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 26, 2021, 08:11:48 am
sorry NO not ready  ::)

i think i was ready in my last app thats why you voted me traniee.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Ego on June 26, 2021, 10:35:19 am
there's a huge room for improvement waiting for you.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Combot on June 26, 2021, 10:59:00 am
Fuck all bullshit that happened in the past. I'm positive for you @Marine and I'm sure you will get better and more better by the time. I don't think trainee rank would be of any problematic.
I hope you won't disappoint.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: DarkSlayer on June 26, 2021, 11:58:32 am
Well it seems that ur a gud guy so i guess i should give u 1 chance to prove urself so my vote will be MKt for u.
Don't dissapoint me bro.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 26, 2021, 01:39:53 pm
Fuck all bullshit that happened in the past. I'm positive for you @Marine and I'm sure you will get better and more better by the time. I don't think trainee rank would be of any problematic.
I hope you won't disappoint.

thx bro.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 26, 2021, 01:40:29 pm
Well it seems that ur a gud guy so i guess i should give u 1 chance to prove urself so my vote will be MKt for u.
Don't dissapoint me bro.

thx bro
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 26, 2021, 07:26:33 pm
Hello there marine. Ok first of all, I was about to delay my response a bit more as I personally work according to the principle that is closely observing a particular applicant's behavior, attitude and actions before sharing an opinion regarding him/her or casting a vote for him/her, but seeing some misconceptions being stirred up here regarding the applicant (Marine) and also that his unfortunate inability (yet) to fully defend and explain himself kinda forced me to come here and write something. OK now, as for marine, I always have been positive for this guy since the day he expressed his interest in MK and the day since he started hanging out with us. His skills as a player and his mystique as a team mate are the particular qualities that though some guys among us won't notice quickly, but you still can't ignore them cuz they really exist in him and that's what I personally have realized after the incredible amount of time I have spent with him. Now coming to his english & communication skills, there's no such harm in not being able to read/write/speak english fluently here as I assume that many of us had that particular shortcoming which we improved with the passage of time, especially by the guidance of friends and seniors, and as for Marine, I am pretty confident hat he'll improve those too. Now coming towards his Argonath server ban scenario, idk what's the whole story behind it but according to my experiences and without intending to have any sort of offense towards any individual OR group, I believe that majority of the bans/punishments that the players receive in that particular server are solely based on their negative confrontations with the staff based on staff's personal reasons and ego issues, again I am repeating that I don't mean any sort of offense for either the server or its Staff, I just gave my judgement based on experience which you guys may believe if you want to. Though @Marine, I would still highly suggest you to somehow try to get unbanned there in case you're still banned. Apply for unban on their forums or contact any Argonath staff member to assist you in getting unbanned. Because though whatever the reasons are, I personally kinda don't want a particular person to represent MK who's banned in any of the official servers at least. Lastly, regarding my vote for you, I'll go with a Neutral for now, though I am looking forward to change my vote to Trainee in case you manage to get rid of your minor shortcomings in a short span of time. It's my request to the management that kindly keep this application open for a little longer period of time so that we may get to see the possible results which I personally want to see. Thank you, and all the very best @Marine! Don't lose hope, you can do it! :) :)
Changing my vote to Trainee due to seeing apparent improvement and tons of inner potential. There's always a room for improvement and I think you can learn many things once you'll be a part of our family, hopefully. Good luck! :)
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 26, 2021, 08:39:08 pm
Changing my vote to Trainee due to seeing apparent improvement and tons of inner potential. There's always a room for improvement and I think you can learn many things once you'll be a part of our family, hopefully. Good luck! :)

Thanks Brother Ibee_the_ruler.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Milko on June 27, 2021, 12:30:16 am
I vote trainee.
But do me a favor. Take off all negativity and replace it with positivity. Live in peace with all players, even haters (as much as you can).

I will not complain about your english, but you do need to improve it. Be open to learn as you communicate with us.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 27, 2021, 03:32:48 pm
I vote trainee.
But do me a favor. Take off all negativity and replace it with positivity. Live in peace with all players, even haters (as much as you can).

I will not complain about your english, but you do need to improve it. Be open to learn as you communicate with us.
Thank You So Much Milko Brother , Ofc.

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: AttackerX on June 27, 2021, 10:34:24 pm
I observed you for a couple of time and what i just personally came to know about you that you keep a potential change yourself and off course you have all the qualities our trainee should have apart of you deficient attitude which i believe you will improve it with the flows of time so yeah I'm changing my vote to Trainee.
Good luck with others vote my friend.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 28, 2021, 03:59:53 am
I observed you for a couple of time and what i just personally came to know about you that you keep a potential change yourself and off course you have all the qualities our trainee should have apart of you deficient attitude which i believe you will improve it with the flows of time so yeah I'm changing my vote to Trainee.
Good luck with others vote my friend.

Thanks Brother AttackerX.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 28, 2021, 09:47:46 am
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: lOGAN. on June 29, 2021, 11:44:15 am
MKt  GL.
Don't dissapoint me bro.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on June 29, 2021, 12:39:10 pm
MKt  GL.
Don't dissapoint me bro.

Thanks bro i hope i will try my best for MK.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: cool3 on July 01, 2021, 07:41:25 pm
Ok, my vote is a trainee. Hope you don't disappoint us
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on July 01, 2021, 09:50:12 pm
Ok, my vote is a trainee. Hope you don't disappoint us

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Tom4S on July 02, 2021, 06:07:50 pm
i still have doubts, but for a chance i would like to welcome you here to improve with us.

Good Luck!
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on July 02, 2021, 06:29:37 pm
i still have doubts, but for a chance i would like to welcome you here to improve with us.

Good Luck!

Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Crack on July 06, 2021, 05:52:21 am
I'm not active in game, so I can't vote. Good luck
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on July 06, 2021, 09:34:36 am
I'm not active in game, so I can't vote. Good luck

Thx  ;D
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Milko on July 11, 2021, 02:34:18 pm
I'm changing my vote to NO. The reason for that is you have inflated ego. I know that's gonna take a long time for you to let go, since you think you're special not realising your lag is contributing 75% to your success. It's bad for your image alone and it would mess up the clan's reputation as well. I made a mistake voting after my inactivity.
I hate pride, and I've seen it in you.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Rysani on July 11, 2021, 04:50:18 pm
Close my application.
Title: Re: My Application Marine
Post by: Crack on July 11, 2021, 07:22:18 pm
Close my application.

Closed as requested.
