.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: KripTon on November 19, 2016, 10:42:13 pm

Title: My Application KripTon
Post by: KripTon on November 19, 2016, 10:42:13 pm
Real Name: Taylor

Nickname: KripTon

Your Previous nicks: BavaroTty, OvErsniper and U043

D.O.B/Age: 17

Location/Country: Dominican Republic

GMT/TimeZone: (-4:00GMT)

Servers you usually play on: EC, EAd, LW MK CTF

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No

VC-MP History: I've been around since 2014

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I want to be. Mk because in MK are good players, very good mates, and i have some friends in this clan. On EAD gerex conviced me that miami killers is my place. I think that i will be a good mate in this clan, and i know that you will be happy with my choice.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: NxR closed and SK i closed too because mark is not active member.


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Have a nice day
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Ferex on November 19, 2016, 10:52:08 pm
I seen you many times, on EAD, on MK CTF, on Littlewhiteys (?), and my vote is: strong MKt
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Raiden on November 19, 2016, 10:54:20 pm
i'll get heart-attack if i'll read your application again and again xD, first of all you have to improve your english, btw why your trying your luck here? actually we don't give a chance to clan hoppers who just want a tag to wear it around sorry it's a big NO from my side, have a nice day....
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Anton on November 19, 2016, 11:12:00 pm
Ok, I'd like to point out a couple of things before giving any vote;

1. Denied in SS almost 10 times because of the same reason: your attitude


2. You applied in VU once, and bashed a couple of guys as soon as they gave you a negative vote. Just another proof of how shitty your attitude is.


3. Got denied twice (and banned from forums) in TRC.

4. You entered on a clan called SK a couple of months ago, and you left after just one week.

5. Lack of english skills

6. And yes, just like Raiden said, you're just trying your luck not only here, but also in every clan you've applied in the past.

Do I really need to say which my vote is? go away please.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Raiden on November 19, 2016, 11:14:42 pm

Do I really need to say what which my vote is? go away please.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: KripTon on November 19, 2016, 11:20:07 pm
First about all  the player can change, i change all about me i'd like be MK Member and i made this apps in ss bcs i have some friend in ss, on VU bcs tzunam invited me and later he voted no and i get angry so trust on me i wanna be MK
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Coudy_ on November 20, 2016, 04:46:52 am
Sorry it's a NO from my side. Improve yourself. And try again.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Shawn on November 20, 2016, 11:41:54 am
i'll get heart-attack if i'll read your application again and again xD, first of all you have to improve your english, btw why your trying your luck here? actually we don't give a chance to clan hoppers who just want a tag to wear it around sorry it's a big NO from my side, have a nice day....
Does not make any sense calling him a clan Hooper since he was never accepted in a clan at the 1st place imo.

First about all  the player can change, i change all about me i'd like be MK Member and i made this apps in ss bcs i have some friend in ss, on VU bcs tzunam invited me and later he voted no and i get angry so trust on me i wanna be MK
Stop lying around, you applied to SS when TzUnam invited you and you fucked up, don't blame my clan mate for you shitpickle
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Blurry on November 20, 2016, 01:44:32 pm
Come on guys. His english is communicate-able.

Despite all the other negative things posted about you by my colleague darkMatter, I'm still willing to give you a chance.

Trainee. Good luck, please don't disappoint.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Hockz on November 20, 2016, 05:05:06 pm
Nope, I don't trust you
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: FaF on November 20, 2016, 05:46:02 pm
First about all  the player can change, i change all about me i'd like be MK Member and i made this apps in ss bcs i have some friend in ss, on VU bcs tzunam invited me and later he voted no and i get angry so trust on me i wanna be MK

It's the other way my friend,  first change then come here
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: KripTon on November 20, 2016, 05:48:48 pm
First about all  the player can change, i change all about me i'd like be MK Member and i made this apps in ss bcs i have some friend in ss, on VU bcs tzunam invited me and later he voted no and i get angry so trust on me i wanna be MK

It's the other way my friend,  first change then come here
I change all of me
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Crack on November 20, 2016, 10:13:40 pm
Is that a joke? I can't believe how or better said why you are applying here...

Your attitude is shit, with me, with everyone. You are just imitating those russians guys. I will never give you a positive vote, and for my clan mates. Think better about your vote.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: KripTon on November 20, 2016, 10:37:43 pm
Is that a joke? I can't believe how or better said why you are applying here...

Your attitude is shit, with me, with everyone. You are just imitating those russians guys. I will never give you a positive vote, and for my clan mates. Think better about your vote.
Its not a joke or by fun, this thing about my actittude i left on my past i'm a new player if you dont trust on me you can see later or ask to ferex.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Raiden on November 20, 2016, 10:58:17 pm
Is that a joke? I can't believe how or better said why you are applying here...

Its not a joke or by fun, this thing about my actittude i left on my past i'm a new player if you dont trust on me you can see later or ask to ferex.
¿Por qué debemos preguntar por otro qué tipo de persona es tu? Usted tiene que demostrar que ha sido mejorado o no? Acabo de escribir esto en su idioma para hacerle entender la esperanza que entiende por mi puesto y no decir nada más, se refiere.

p.s  hope you will understand.  :-X
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Anton on November 21, 2016, 01:50:59 am
lmao Raiden

Escribiré esto en nuestro idioma también, para que puedas entenderme bien. Puedes decir y jurar que has cambiado todo lo que te dé la gana, pero no, no es así como funciona. Las personas no 'cambian' de como eran antes en tan sólo un par de meses, y creo que eso ya te lo habían dicho anteriormente en una de tus apps a SS. Yo no te creo, y estoy totalmente seguro de que los demás tampoco. Nadie puede realmente asegurarnos que de hecho has cambiado, ni siquiera tú. Tú reputación ahora mismo en la comunidad no es buena, así que si quieres ser un jugador respetable y ser tomado en serio, abstente de aplicar en cualquier clan hasta que realmente hayas mejorado en todos los aspectos que te hemos mencionado arriba.

I'll write this in our lang so you can't understand me well. You can say and swear all you want that you have changed, but no, that's not how it works. People don't 'change' the way they are just in a couple of months, and I think that someone already told it to you in one of your SS apps. I don't believe you, annd I'm totally sure that nobody else here does. Nobody can really assure us that in fact you've actually changed, not even you. Right now your reputation in the community is not good at all, so, if you want to be a respectable player and be taken seriously, avoid applying in any clan until you've actually improved yourself in every aspect we mentioned above.
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Niko on November 22, 2016, 03:19:41 pm
You must be kidding
Title: Re: My Application KripTon
Post by: Halchter on November 23, 2016, 08:47:07 pm