.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Rift_Walk3R on June 02, 2020, 08:33:09 pm

Title: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 02, 2020, 08:33:09 pm
Real Name: Muhammad Ibrahim

Nickname: IBEE_tH3_RuL3R

Your Previous nicks: ibee_19 , ibee, IBEE_786

D.O.B/Age: 17-05-2000 / 20

Location/Country: Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT + 05:00

Servers you usually play on: [0.4]Extreme-Addicts, [0.4]Rob The Vehicle, [PTP]Legends-Protect the President, [MK]Capture The Flag, [0.4]Littlewhitey's vc:mp server

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Nope, Not at all.

VC-MP History: Frankly speaking, I started VC:MP in the early 2018, 2 years have passed.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Well there's not only one reason which made MK appealing to me. The day when my interest first developed was the day when my buddy aegon became a part of MK (i was in iNs that time). It was from that time onwards that i got to interact with many respectable members of the MK family such as faf and Tazz. That interaction actually increased my interest in MK because of how polite, friendly, and equally motivational MK members proved themselves to be. And yes, during the course of my VC:MP journey, I got inducted into the staff of many reputed servers and since many MK members are already serving there, it just made my bond of friendship more stronger with them as working along with them actually proved to be a great learning experience for me. It was another reason which further increased my interest in Miami Killers family. Talking about now, many of my close buddies or the ones whom i can personally call brothers such as Tim, combot, oreocake, ego, Devil_jin alongside tarkan, haltcher, cool3, tazz are here and being in same family with them is actually a matter of honor for me. So yep, I wish to join Clan MK.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: There's only one clan in which i had been till this date and it was iNs - Team iNsomniacs.
It got officially closed recently due to some reasons. Full story regarding that can be found here:

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord id: iBEE_tH3_RuL3R#0421

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, Of course!

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Well i would like to share some more information regarding myself as a person. First of all let's lay some emphasis on the most common factor concerning clans and families: LOYALTY.
I am my own example in this regard as I remained loyal to a clan till end which was almost dead from the past couple of months. I actually demonstrated my best for my previous clan in the time it needed those efforts and yes, they really proved to be worth it. I did my best both as a beginner member in the past and as a leader to this date. The thing which makes me incredibly proud of myself is the fact that I never thought of leaving my previous clan for some other reputed or a better one, an act normally not done by the newbies of VC:MP, and I sticked to it till the end. So yeah, I think that my level of loyalty can be judged from here. When i am committed to something, I actually demonstrate that commitment rather than changing my mind again and again. Right now, i am committed in joining MK, and yes, that's it. ;)
Speaking of other things as well, I think of myself to be quite of a mature and a sensible person. When a situation surrounds me where my judgmental and decision making skills are required, then i actually show my best in those situations and the eventual  outcomes prove to be almost exactly as my expectations: POSITIVE
As far as VC:MP is concerned, these traits actually became stronger in me when i started contributing as a staff member in various servers of vc:mp, and started leading my former clan, giving me loads of helpful experience which shaped my skeptical, analytical, and judgmental skills. Many respectable members of MK family who work with me as staff members are quite familiar with these traits of mine (that's what I think).
So yeah it's pretty much I have to say right now, if anyone of you has any sort of questions or queries, you are more than welcome to go ahead and ask.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: This is my first application here in MK.
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Tarkan on June 02, 2020, 08:46:54 pm
Hello, nice to see u. I vote MKs.  :) gl
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Oreocake on June 02, 2020, 08:55:50 pm

Ibee, the devotion towards your own clan iNs has to be something which I haven't seen in any of the leaders of clans (which got closed before) tbh for crying out loud, you only had that burden on your shoulders you were still leading it like a champ *no offense to anyone else but that's the bitter truth*, alas it got closed and I understand the reasons 'why', but your patience and your friendly behaviour so as to approach everyone; as far as I'm concerned, is the best.

I've known you for a quite long time and I can say, I haven't seen such a nerdy mature boy who likes to give so much for this community, may it be your time and dedication towards events or being on admin duties etc etc. I will say that it was a hasty decision but this might be a new beginning after an end.
It's good to see you here applying bro! <3

My sixth sense is pretty good, and I actually get a strong vibe of someone of how he is and how he's not *iykwim and of whom I'm talking about*, and for you I can say I trust you, undoubtedly.

MKs for a fresh start jaani! :-*
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 02, 2020, 08:58:57 pm
Hello, nice to see u. I vote MKs.  :) gl


Ibee, the devotion towards your own clan iNs has to be something which I haven't seen in any of the leaders of clans (which got closed before) tbh for crying out loud, you only had that burden on your shoulders you were still leading it like a champ *no offense to anyone else but that's the bitter truth*, alas it got closed and I understand the reasons 'why', but your patience and your friendly behaviour so as to approach everyone; as far as I'm concerned, is the best.

I've known you for a quite long time and I can say, I haven't seen such a nerdy mature boy who likes to give so much for this community, may it be your time and dedication towards events or being on admin duties etc etc. I will say that it was a hasty decision but this might be a new beginning after an end.
It's good to see you here applying bro! <3

My sixth sense is pretty good, and I actually get a strong vibe of someone of how he is and how he's not *iykwim and of whom I'm talking about*, and for you I can say I trust you, undoubtedly.

MKs for a fresh start jaani! :-*

That really means a lot to me brothers. Can’t be more thankful. 💕💕
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: DeViL_JiN on June 02, 2020, 09:13:22 pm
For the following reasons.
Clear background
Communication Skills
Strong Player!
And besides this since you have this nostalgia of MK & VCMP you deserve votes.
P.S you must use a small nick name , the one you use right now blocks my vision whenever i you duo with me.
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Tobi on June 02, 2020, 09:42:45 pm
you didnt name me in your friendlist Roman reigns and for that i vote NO

MKs for you , im sure you'll get full tag in no time u got the right qualities for it good luck
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 02, 2020, 09:50:10 pm
For the following reasons.
Clear background
Communication Skills
Strong Player!
And besides this since you have this nostalgia of MK & VCMP you deserve votes.
P.S you must use a small nick name , the one you use right now blocks my vision whenever i you duo with me.

Thank you so much brother and yeah sure I will change my nick don’t worry. 😝

you didnt name in your friendlist Roman reigns and for that i vote NO

MKs for you , im sure you'll get full tag in no time u got the right qualities for it good luck

Oh hahaha thank u so much for your trust man, appreciated. 😉
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Combot on June 02, 2020, 09:55:17 pm
I still remember the day when I found you, Blackeagle and Aegon playing in EA as newbies, I teleport-ed to you and started having fun with three of you by making spree's on you people but after a moment, all three of you teamed up against me with no rage and gave me a very robust competition, I called you guys on discord and your real journey towards VC: MP started that day, You guys learned very swiftly, picked up every point told by the seniors and improved yourself day by day, Now you are one of the strong players and a contributor in this community. The loyalty you have shown as a friend, as a leader of iNs and as a member of PL community is more than my expectations, other than this you have been always there whenever I needed, You are very helpful, mature enough, and good at tackling tough situations, and seeing you at this stage makes me feel so proud of you. 
You deserve MKs. Good luck!
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: cool3 on June 02, 2020, 10:23:10 pm
you got my point...... great here we go MKs for you and yea i am so excited to see u here
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 02, 2020, 10:38:37 pm
I still remember the day when I found you, Blackeagle and Aegon playing in EA as newbies, I teleport-ed to you and started having fun with three of you by making spree's on you people but after a moment, all three of you teamed up against me with no rage and gave me a very robust competition, I called you guys on discord and your real journey towards VC: MP started that day, You guys learned very swiftly, picked up every point told by the seniors and improved yourself day by day, Now you are one of the strong players and a contributor in this community. The loyalty you have shown as a friend, as a leader of iNs and as a member of PL community is more than my expectations, other than this you have been always there whenever I needed, You are very helpful, mature enough, and good at tackling tough situations, and seeing you at this stage makes me feel so proud of you. 
You deserve MKs. Good luck!

Hey thank you so much brother for your vote, your kind words, and your views regarding me. Won't let ya down! <3

you got my point...... great here we go MKs for you and yea i am so excited to see u here

Thank you so much man, means a lot! ;)
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Halchter on June 02, 2020, 11:54:37 pm
Great to see you, ibee! I'm having good impressions of you since like vw8 prolly but I only got to know you a little better around RTV. I like everything about you, so I will go with MKs. :P
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: FaF on June 03, 2020, 12:25:35 am
Until Enzo sees this app
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 03, 2020, 12:28:08 am
Great to see you, ibee! I'm having good impressions of you since like vw8 prolly but I only got to know you a little better around RTV. I like everything about you, so I will go with MKs. :P

It’s my homie here, tysm man! ❤️❤️

Until Enzo sees this app

Nah I don’t think there will be any issues cuz times have changed. Umeed hai koi aitraaz ni krega wo.  ;D
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Its.mlh96 on June 03, 2020, 04:57:00 am
nice to see uh here ibee MKs
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: TX Moskvish on June 03, 2020, 08:24:06 am
great to see you growing so fast papi MKs  ;)
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 03, 2020, 09:30:51 am
nice to see uh here ibee MKs

great to see you growing so fast papi MKs  ;)

Thank you so much for your votes brothers. ;)
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: ĐɐήƗรĤ on June 03, 2020, 11:02:38 am
Mkt from my side good luck  :)
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: AttackerX on June 03, 2020, 12:04:31 pm
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 03, 2020, 03:03:38 pm
Mkt from my side good luck  :)


Ty for your votes. :)
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rogue on June 03, 2020, 08:02:57 pm
You're good person and also have good skills, MKs.
Title: Re: My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: 7/\zZ on June 06, 2020, 10:21:48 pm
Guess everyone agrees to have you within this family !

Let me welcome you into our hearts :)

Accepted as MKs.
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 06, 2020, 10:27:18 pm
Thank u so much. ❤️❤️
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Aegon on June 06, 2020, 10:30:26 pm
Congratulations my brother IbY ibee <3
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Darkel on June 06, 2020, 10:31:25 pm
Congratulations iBEE, very well deserved.. Best of luck for future Buddy! ;)
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Spartain on June 06, 2020, 11:27:39 pm
Congo mate
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: DarKGh0sT. on June 07, 2020, 04:01:03 am
Congratulations bhai
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Chocolate on June 07, 2020, 04:53:50 am
Congratulation Bro <3
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: VipeX on June 07, 2020, 06:23:07 am
Congratulations bro go and party
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Its.mlh96 on June 07, 2020, 07:16:23 am
CongratZ mate....
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: AttackerX on June 07, 2020, 10:47:55 am
Congratulations ❤
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 07, 2020, 11:26:35 am
Thank you so much everyone! <3
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Oreocake on June 07, 2020, 03:08:47 pm
IBEEE 18 19 20 786! CONGRATS LOVE <3
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 07, 2020, 04:25:15 pm
tysm <3 <3
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: JiNX on June 07, 2020, 06:10:19 pm
Congratulation  :)
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Brian O Conner on June 08, 2020, 06:19:51 am
Title: Re: <Accepted as Scout>My Application IBEE_tH3_RuL3R
Post by: Rift_Walk3R on June 08, 2020, 07:49:56 am
Thank you guys! ;)