.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: DarKGh0sT. on October 24, 2020, 06:09:17 pm
Real Name: Ghulam Mustafa.
Nickname: DarKGh0sT[46]
Your Previous nicks: UFt.DarKGh0sT , CFr.DarKGh0sT.
D.O.B/Age: 18
Location/Country: Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: PK GMT+5
Servers you usually play on: Littlewhiteys , European City , MK Capture The Flag , Vice City Cops And Robbers.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: not banned in official server currently, but i was banned in LW one time for speed hack,
i was really feeling shame on that time because i got kick from the UF also then i realized that hacks can damage someone's reputation and also i worked hard again.
VC-MP History: Well i am playing vcmp since 2015,
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Well first of all MK is the most popular clan in vcmp and everybody know's that and its my wish to join MK and help them in everything, I have alot of friends in MK i will try hard to not disappoint you in anyway :)
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: UF - kicked because i was banned in LW for speed hacks also i explained it,
CF - Closed
IRC or Any other contact info: mostly active on discord DarKGh0sT#3421
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yea why not
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Well i started vcmp from a cafe and played 2 years from cafe then i bought my own pc and started playing from my sweet home,
Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: first app :)
Thank you for showing your interest in applying to Miami Killers clan, I was expecting your application for a long time since you told me you wanted to join, you are quite patient and you waited much before applying.. I have no issues with you or with your behavior to others, you're a good player overall. I will go for MKt Good luck.
This person have all the quality our traine should have, never saw him abuse or debating on unnecessary queries so iam going with a Big Yes!! Mkt good luck with others. ;D
Thank you for showing your interest in applying to Miami Killers clan, I was expecting your application for a long time since you told me you wanted to join, you are quite patient and you waited much before applying.. I have no issues with you or with your behavior with others, you're a good player overall. I will go for MKt Good luck.
Thank you so much for your kind words toward me,
This person have all the quality our traine should have, never saw him abuse or debating on unnecessary queries so iam going with a Big Yes!! Mkt good luck with others. ;D
Attacker Bhaiya, Thank you so much you are a great guy i really heared it alot of time i will never disappoint anyone of you :)
are you Edwa[R]d^? and can you pls tell us your real age as shown in your forum account 5/1/2004 how is your age 18
your real D.B.O pls
Mkt good luck
I give you MKt ;)
Best of luck more votes
Any idea about positive votes. What is the main reason of voting with yes?. Pls follow this https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/applications/regarding-negative-voting-on-applications/
are you Edwa[R]d^? and can you pls tell us your real age as shown in your forum account 5/1/2004 how is your age 18
your real D.B.O pls
Edward? No i am not he is a cafer and i have my own pc and you can check my alias and everything i will not lie with you guys :)
And about my birthday date i am 19 years old and my D.O.B is 05-09-2001 sorry i made mistake on forum bday date, i will correct it in a while,
Danish - Logan thank you so much guyss.
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward
care to explain pls
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward
care to explain pls
Well honestly some days ago we met in a hotel i asked him why you are not active in vcmp he said he left and he gave me his EC account as a gift also i didnt played woth his nick i just changed the pass, really sorry i forget this case,
If you still have questions ask me i am always here.
Well I have read both your application as well as the clarifications you have been giving to the claims and doubts being raised by my fellow mates regarding you and your past record. And if I talk about my personal opinion regarding you, I can't say much since we haven't interacted much either in-game or out of game on discord especially. Considering all of the momentary aspects, I shall remain Neutral for now...
Well I have read both your application as well as the clarifications you have been giving to the claims and doubts being raised by my fellow mates regarding you and your past record. And if I talk about my personal opinion regarding you, I can't say much since we haven't interacted much either in-game or out of game on discord especially. Considering all of the momentary aspects, I shall remain Neutral for now...
Well I have read both your application as well as the clarifications you have been giving to the claims and doubts being raised by my fellow mates regarding you and your past record. And if I talk about my personal opinion regarding you, I can't say much since we haven't interacted much either in-game or out of game on discord especially. Considering all of the momentary aspects, I shall remain Neutral for now...
Well I have read both your application as well as the clarifications you have been giving to the claims and doubts being raised by my fellow mates regarding you and your past record. And if I talk about my personal opinion regarding you, I can't say much since we haven't interacted much either in-game or out of game on discord especially. Considering all of the momentary aspects, I shall remain Neutral for now...
I will try to stay touch with you :)
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward
care to explain pls
darkghost can you explain this ?
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward
care to explain pls
darkghost can you explain this ?
i already explained it,
same mistake also in UF forums "16,17,18,19"lol bro, bro i don't trust you. ohh and you said that you are not edward
care to explain pls
Neutral Untill You Explain This.
I'm positive for you but would like to look into what my mates here are on about. If there's any invalid information you have provided on your application or something, correct it now and it shall be fine :thumbsup:
Edward and me both were daily meet up friends but its had almost past a few week as i didn't not meet with edward so i better thought to meet up with him and to ask him whats issue with him why isnt is coming to meet with me then i call him a couple of days ago for tea at tea point and during conversion i ask him why do he is not coming under vcmp he replied me he has left it due to some family issue and he had gave that particular account to me so i just join with his account to change the password nothing else.
I don't think you are ready, gl.
I don't think you are ready, gl.
Anyway thanks for your vote
I don't think you are ready,
So No
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
okay then that is all i need from you "trust and truth". My vote is No Neutral changed to no
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
Who wrote this for you?
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
Who wrote this for you?
i agree and what about this https://ibb.co/Sr9zP7z care to explain?! and please don't tell me this is not you i transferred your account today by approving it "i mean this nick Darkgost with two dots
cafe player , no
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
Who wrote this for you?
Ego- Ego bro iam 2nd year student u can at least except this english from me though i dont have much gripe on my vocabulary but still try my best to clear you what i want to say.
It is okay that you admit your mistake about your past " i really don't have problem about it", but the real problem is hiding information about you and telling us your wrong age" like this i am 16 then 17 and bla bla bla". if you don't want to tell us about you real age it is okay we don't have any problem about it may be later, but being like this from the beginning by telling us wrong information about you then why you are wasting your time on applying if you don't trust us from the beginning.
Well my vote is No
There is some misunderstanding but its all my fault because my actual birth is in 05-09-2001 but here in my school certificate it is written 2004 so i use to write both in most of the formates but here iam telling you my real age not certificate one that i have turned 19 iam not hiding any information related to me to be dead honest and what kind of benefit would i get by hiding my age from all of you simply there will be my loss if i hide a common question about my age as well as i want to clear all i dont have any command on edward account as i have re-back him his account as it was raising some problems in my reputation by the way thanks for your vote i can understand bro :)
Who wrote this for you?
i agree and what about this https://ibb.co/Sr9zP7z care to explain?! and please don't tell me this is not you i transferred your account today by approving it "i mean this nick Darkgost with two dots
Believe me i myself is confuse regards this case how it could be possible if i didn't operate haseeb account how it can attach his account on my IP there might be my iP issue as far as haseeb is too far away from me, we have around 4 to 5 hour distance from one another city i humble request u cool3 bro check it once again it might be fix now further i just wanna say my previous nick was DarkGh0sT.. and right now i have transfer my whole stats in DarkGhOsT[46] so i dont know how this F2.Haseeb came in between my iP
cafe player , no
GRX96- (https://m.imgur.com/RyYIkzq.png)
In the beginning days of my vcmp i use to play from cafe but on the very second year i left playing from cafe due to some personal problems with owner as well as their players and bought my personal system at my home it has passed around 3 year iam playing from my home. This is all the truth iam telling you people and now its up to you either you guys are going to believe me or not i will be happy on ur decision.
Don't know about you all guys but he's a patient and fast-learner guy, he's done mistakes but now he has improved a lot.
Good luck ;)
Edward and me both were daily meet up friends but its had almost past a few week as i didn't not meet with edward so i better thought to meet up with him and to ask him whats issue with him why isnt is coming to meet with me then i call him a couple of days ago for tea at tea point and during conversion i ask him why do he is not coming under vcmp he replied me he has left it due to some family issue and he had gave that particular account to me so i just join with his account to change the password nothing else.
So what about this? There is so much difference.
Edward and me both were daily meet up friends but its had almost past a few week as i didn't not meet with edward so i better thought to meet up with him and to ask him whats issue with him why isnt is coming to meet with me then i call him a couple of days ago for tea at tea point and during conversion i ask him why do he is not coming under vcmp he replied me he has left it due to some family issue and he had gave that particular account to me so i just join with his account to change the password nothing else.
So what about this? There is so much difference.
Bro i can't differentiate in between both of these statements.
Well I remember you when you were in UF and I seriously see no issues in you joining MK but the members have some doubts and you have to clear all of them and if you are willing enough, you will surely make it in! Don't lose hope.
All the best!
Hey cute kid.
I'm sorry but you need a bit time in gearing up for the best.
Because you have a friend named Edward, so my vote is no, maybe you have close ties with other cafe players that we don't know, but we can be friends
Well I remember you when you were in UF and I seriously see no issues in you joining MK but the members have some doubts and you have to clear all of them and if you are willing enough, you will surely make it in! Don't lose hope.
All the best!
Yea i am not gonna lose hope anyhow i will try my best to give you correct answers,
And thank you for your kind words brother,
Hey cute kid.
I'm sorry but you need a bit time in gearing up for the best.
Hello big kid,
sure bro and thanks for your vote,
Because you have a friend named Edward, so my vote is no, maybe you have close ties with other cafe players that we don't know, but we can be friends
Hello there,
okay edward and cafers are my friends thats no mean that i will leak any kinda privacy or something,
only because of privacy i owned a pc for my self i want you all to trust me i will never do that,
anyway thank you slight_smile
No,You Need More time.
I'd like to add a few things here DarKGh0sT[46]. You can tell with the member's reply above that they are unsure or don't see you fit in now because of the trust factor. MK had a few members who used to log-in from cafe or say they had friends over there which lead to some information leaking and stuff. None of us wants you to quit with your cafe friends, it's just that they are kind of not ready to trust you at the moment. Don't quit your will to join us, it takes time sometimes so in case if this doesn't go in your favor, don't give up on it.
Clearly answer all the questions my mate and you will have my vote. Neutral for now.
No,You Need More time.
Ummm alright thanks for your vote dude,
I'd like to add a few things here DarKGh0sT[46]. You can tell with the member's reply above that they are unsure or don't see you fit in now because of the trust factor. MK had a few members who used to log-in from cafe or say they had friends over there which lead to some information leaking and stuff. None of us wants you to quit with your cafe friends, it's just that they are kind of not ready to trust you at the moment. Don't quit your will to join us, it takes time sometimes so in case if this doesn't go in your favor, don't give up on it.
well i answered my every question honestly,yea i also heared about that leaked stuff,but if i have my own pc and my my own phone why will i use my personal accounts from cafe?
anyway thank you so much ELK i am not gonna disappoint anyone :)
Clearly answer all the questions my mate and you will have my vote. Neutral for now.
hey dear wassup?
i answered every question of your mates honestly,
Denied reason cafe player